
zhuǎn tiē xiàn
  • rediscount;bills rediscounted
  1. 商业承兑汇票转贴现申请人的抗辩是否成立?

    Can the Applicant for Re-discount of the Trade Acceptance Defense ?

  2. 票据市场的不断发展和利率市场化的推进,使票据业务的转贴现利率风险日益突出。

    With the increasing development of bill market and the progress of interest rate market in our country , the risk about shift of discount interest-rate of bill business becomes serious .

  3. 近几年,票据转贴现业务在银行间市场兴起,并迅速壮大,但关于该业务的报价分析和深入研究几乎是空白。

    The bank acceptance has been risen in recent years , and is growing up rapidly , however , there was virtually nonexistent quotation analysis and further study about this field .