
  • 网络online transaction service
  1. 上周美洲银行可以宣布向帐户内存有大笔现金的本行客户提供免费在线交易服务。

    Last week Bank of America announced it would offer free online trades to customers with lots of cash in their bank accounts .

  2. 纵观全球,美国是最早创建在线网上交易服务的国家,而我国也于1993年开始了网上证券交易活动,并且颁布了一些相应的规章制度。

    The United States is the first country that created online trading service in the world . In 1993 , China began to develop online securities transaction and published some rules and regulations .

  3. 本章分析了我国在线交易中网络接入服务、隐私权保护、网上格式条款等突出问题,对我国现行法律在解决这些问题中面临的困难进行了阐述。

    This chapter makes an analysis of some outstanding problems , such as network service , protection of privacy and clauses of online patterns and put forward the difficulties in solving these problems .

  4. 增值税、营业税的课征范围需要重新界定,把在线交易提供的商品纳入到增值税的征税范围中;把在线交易提供的服务纳入到营业税的征税范围中。

    The scope of the tax item such as value added taxes and sales taxes needed to be re-defined , the goods of online transactions belong to the scope of value added tax , the service of online transactions belong to the scope of sales tax .