
  1. 克莱曼。你知道,你在职还是失业,都无关紧要。

    You know it doesn 't matter whether you 're working or not .

  2. 凡属本办法规定范围内的单位,均应当向社会保险经办机构办理单位和在职职工失业保险登记手续。

    All the units that fall within These Procedures shall register unemployment insurance for the units and their employees in the social insurance administrative center .

  3. 中央主管机关得于就业保险年度应收保险费百分之十范围内提拨经费,办理被保险人之在职训练及失业后之职业训练暨奖助雇主雇用本国籍失业劳工。

    The central competent authority must allocate a budget of up to ten percent of the projected annual income from employment insurance premiums , to administer on-job training and vocational training for unemployed insured persons , and give incentives to employers to hire unemployed Taiwanese nationals .

  4. 单位及其在职职工缴纳的失业保险费;

    Unemployment insurance premium paid by the unit and the employees ;

  5. 目前,各地已普遍把在职、下岗、失业和退休人员中的贫困人口纳入城市居民最低生活保障范围。

    At this stage , almost all places concerned have expanded the coverage of urban subsistence security to include poverty-stricken population among the employed , unemployed , laid-off and retired workers .