
  • 网络the educated unemployment;educated-unemployment
  1. 人才流动效应:从知识失业到人才获取

    The Effect of Brain Circulation : from Educated Unemployment to Brain Gain

  2. 对知识失业的经济学思考

    On Causes of Educated Unemployment from the Economic Perspective

  3. 知识失业条件下的教育投资分析

    A Study of Education Investment under the Circumstance of Educated Unemployment

  4. 我国知识失业的成因与对策分析

    Analysis on the Causes and Treatment of Educated-Unemployment in China

  5. 浅论知识失业的成因与治理我国失业问题的影响、成因及对策

    On the Impacts of Unemployment , its Causes and Countermeasures in China

  6. 知识失业问题的总量性原因实证分析

    Card Of Knowledge Empirical Analysis on the Quantitative Reasons of Educated Unemployment

  7. 二元劳动力市场分割理论视野下的文科知识失业分析

    An analysis of Liberal Arts Educated Unemployment under Dual-labor Market Segmentation Theory

  8. 知识失业&一个不容忽视的现象

    Unemployment of Knowledge-A Phenomenon That Can 't Be Neglected

  9. 知识失业现象、原因和对策

    On the Reason and Strategy of Knowledge Unemployment

  10. 印度的高等教育扩展与知识失业

    Higher Education Inflation and Educated Unemployment in India

  11. 大学毕业等于失业吗?&人力资本理论与就业关系研究论正确处理高校扩招与知识失业的关系

    A Study of the Relationship between Human Capital Theory and Employment College Student-Expansion and Graduate-unemployment

  12. 本文以扩展的工作搜寻模型为框架,分析了当前知识失业产生的原因。

    This article explores the reason of educated unemployment on the basis of extended job-search model .

  13. 知识失业境遇下体育院系开展创业教育的思考

    On the Consideration for Enterprise Education of Physical Education Departments in the Situation of Intellectual Unemployment

  14. 技工荒和知识失业并存的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Coexist of " Mechanics Shortage " and " Knowledge Unemployment "

  15. 引发知识失业的原因主要是教育需求无限扩大所引发的教育深化。

    The main cause lies in the deepening of education resulted from the increasing education demands .

  16. 论解决我国教育浪费和知识失业问题的对策

    On the Countermeasures of Solving the Problems of Lavishness of Education and Unemployment of Knowledge in China

  17. 知识失业是知识劳动者没有工作或劳动者掌握的知识不得其用。

    Knowledge unemployment means that the intellectual workers lose their jobs or cannot make use of the acquired knowledge .

  18. 许多国家的经验表明,在教育快速发展的过程中往往伴随着知识失业。

    The experience of many countries shows that educated unemployment often emerges in the course of education 's fast development .

  19. 知识失业不仅造成人力资源浪费,而且对教育发展产生深刻影响。

    Knowledge unemployment not only gives rise to the waste of human resources , but also affects the education development profoundly .

  20. 知识失业是我国目前存在的较为严重的社会问题之一,对经济社会发展和个人生活产生了十分不利的影响。

    Educated-unemployment is one of the serious social problems , which has negative effect on social and people 's private life .

  21. 然而,当前我国日趋严重的知识失业却成为解决就业问题的主要阻力。

    However , the current increasingly serious educated unemployment of China has become the main resistance of solving the employment problem .

  22. 利用社会学三大流行理论功能主义、冲突论、互动论对知识失业在我国出现进行了原因分析。

    The paper attempting to explain the cause of the educated unemployment use three theories : functionalism , conflict theory and interactionism .

  23. 当前我国面临着较为严重的“知识失业”现象,“知识失业”与我国目前很多企事业单位存在着严重的内部人控制现象有很大的关系。

    Now we are facing the serious " educated unemployment ", which is closely related to the in-sider control in the enterprises and institutions .

  24. 随着我国高校扩招,知识失业现象在我国劳动力就业市场上正在浮现出来。

    With the increasing of the number of universities , the knowledge unemployment phenomenon is appearing out on workforces careers market in our country .

  25. 消除知识失业应从抑制教育深化、扩大就业机会和改革就业政策等方面着手。

    The ways of eliminating this phenomenon are to curb the education deepening steps and to reform the employment policies while creating more employment opportunities .

  26. 理论上,知识失业的主要原因是:(1)劳动力市场供求不平衡;

    Theoretically , the main reason of " educated unemployment " is : ( 1 ) the imbalance between supply and demand in the labor market ;

  27. 要珍视劳动,珍视人才,人才难得呀!人才流动效应:从知识失业到人才获取

    We should cherish able people and value their labour . They are indeed hard to come by ! The Effect of Brain Circulation : from Educated Unemployment to Brain Gain

  28. 但现实的中国,一方面存在着大量知识失业,一方面存在着技术工人收入随着外商直接投资的持续进入而不断上涨现象。

    Realistically there is large educated unemployment in China one hand , on the other hand , the incomes of technical workers increase continually with the sustaining inflow of FDI .

  29. 内部人控制不仅加剧了知识失业的严重程度,同时使教育丧失了应有的的信号功能,造成了效率的损失。

    The in-sider control not only enhances the degree of the " educated unemployment " but also leads to the losses of signal function of education and causes efficient losses .

  30. 知识失业的原因包括大学毕业生供给总量增加、市场需求减少、高等教育运行机制不适应市场变化以及劳动力市场不完善。

    The reasons for educated unemployment include the increase in supply of graduates , decrease in demand for graduates , inharmony with market of mechanism in higher education and imperfect labor market .