
  • 网络Dominant Unemployment;open unemployment
  1. 近20多年,中国的失业经历了由隐性失业向显性失业的转化,为此,中国承受了巨大的总量失业的压力。

    Over more than 20 years , the unemployment of China experienced the stage from the recessive to the dominant unemployment . Thus , China has sustained the strong pressure from the huge size of unemployment .

  2. 由于特殊的国情,目前我国的隐性失业问题比显性失业问题更为突出和严峻。

    Due to particular national conditions , the problem of indistinct unemployment is , at present , becoming more perplexing .

  3. 就业弹性、自然失业和宏观经济政策&为什么经济增长没有带来显性就业?失业的严峻性主要表现在:城镇失业率加快上升,大量农村剩余劳动力需要转移,每年新增劳动力数量庞大,就业弹性不断下降。

    The severity of unemployment is showed in the following aspects : the unemployment rate in cities and towns rises increasingly , the need of shifting considerable extra-labors in the countryside , the quantity of newly-increased labors are very large , and elasticity of employment continuously decreases per year .

  4. 主要表现为农村隐性失业日趋显性化,公开失业数量大增。

    These are mainly expressed by the facts that the covert unemployment in the countryside is getting increasingly overt , and that the amount of open unemployment rises greatly .