- 网络explicit incentive

Putting forward explicit incentive mechanism and implicit incentive mechanism ;
Usually , explicit incentive is introduced by wage contracts , which connect the behavior of the manager with the performance of the firm .
We get the optimal PBF contract and analyze the property of the optimal contract . Thirdly , this paper study the affect of explicit and implicit incentive on risk taking behavior to the mutual fund with PBF contract though a game model which exits a unique mixed-strategy .
This incentive mechanism compose of explicit incentives and implicit incentives .
Study on the Effect of Explicit and Implicit Incentive on the Risk Taking Fund Behavior
Fourthly , it analyses the inspirit affection ofthe investors'observation about the variable factor and so on .
It studies the action of the linear contract on fund managers ' behavior in the view of theory .
Therefore , to establish such a mechanism of fund manager explicit incentive seems more important at this primary stage .
I mainly discusses the mechanism of dominant motivation on how to establish a rational system of remuneration and benefits system .
However , under the system constraints of dominant motivation in state-owned enterprises , the nominal salary income is quite limited .
On condition that the inner incentive restraint mechanism is unbalanced , the effectiveness of manager market is an effective complement .
In recent years , some scholars began to conduct research on the reputation incentives , but they did not combine explicit and implicit Incentives .
In the discussion of the venture investors ' incentive mechanism for venture capitalists , I point out explicit incentive and implicit incentives two patterns .
The paper analyses combinative incentive contract , including implicit incentive contract based on subjective performance and explicit contract based on objective performance to entrepreneur human capital .
The short-term monetary incentive acts as one of the explicit and dominant incentives . Second , the incentive effects of long-term equity ( stock ownership ) for executives .
The study about the relationship between the explicit and implicit incentives provides a new perspective for top managers ' motivation . Third , the study adopts some new research methods .
Reputation is an important factor that can influence people 's behavior of decision , especially to the entrepreneurs who are creative managers . Reputation may inspire the entrepreneur instead of the obvious factor .
On the basis of economic incentive theories , this dissertation grouped the incentive mechanism of the agent into two categories : explicit incentive mechanism and implicit incentive mechanism . The study then developed follow the two perspectives .
Based on Psychology and the theory of Principal-Agent , this paper analyzes the current situation of incentives of Chinese state-owned enterprises ' managers and finds the phenomena of lack of apparent incentives and absence of negative incentives .
Whether we can achieves Pareto optimality between venture investors and venture capitalists ? I analyse it through a mathematical model , and I get the answer that only though the explicit incentive mechanism , Pareto optimality can not be reached .
Such phenomena should not be explained with single theory such as explicit incentive manner based on property rights theory and implicit incentive manner based on market competition because of both theories ' failure in providing satisfactory answers to handler incentive problem .
So we propose three ways to inspirit TMT & annual salary design based on implicit value , performance-based bonus and stock ownership , and non-material incentive portfolio mode as well , which can overcome shortcomings of traditional single explicit material incentives system .
Accordingly , combining with the institutional environment that our SOE executives face , this study focuses on two dimensions ( namely explicit and implicit incentives ) by discussing issues from the following three aspects : First , the incentive effects of short-term monetary rewards for executives .
From above three sides the dissertation draw the conclusion that applying mutual replenished incentive combined with the manager market incentive with feature of implicit incentive and incentive of shared surplus claiming rights of enterprises with feature of explicit incentive is the effective incentive mechanism to manager .
Designs the optimum explicit incentive contract , which is formed by optimum performance wage rate , optimum gap among individual and the fixed salary ;
However , the insufficiency of institution supply and supervision feebleness inner and outer firms lead to such phenomena as China economic efficiency paradox , explicit pay incentive paradox , and handler behavior distortion .
Analysis of Explicit and Implicit Incentive Mechanism for Controlling the Credit Risk
Research on Explicit and Implicit Incentive Contract in Venture Capital
In the practice of bank , the existence of explicit and implicit incentive mechanism reduces the credit risk .
In addition of explicit recompense incentive , reputation effect to some degree can limit the agent 's opportunism tendency , institution limitation , contractual arrangement and governance structure also can restrain moral hazard resulted from the principal-agent relationship .