
  • 网络Phantom Stock
  1. 在研究虚拟股票期权计划的理论基础之上,分析了虚拟股票期权计划的现实功能,探讨了虚拟股票期权计划的技术设计并评价了适合确定虚拟股票价格的EVA指标。

    Based on the study of the theory of phantom Stock Options Plan , the authors analyze the actual function of PSOP , and design a set of detailed programs for PSOP , in which EVA is used to determine the price of phantom Stock .

  2. 创业板企业虚拟股票期权研究

    Research on Phantom Stock Option of the Second Board Market Enterprise

  3. 基于多Agent仿真技术的虚拟股票市场分析

    Analysis of Virtual Stock Market Based on Multi-agent Simulation

  4. 以EVA为基础的虚拟股票期权及其技术设计

    EVA-based virtual share option and its design

  5. EVA虚拟股票期权与高科技企业家人力资本收益权的实现

    EVA Virtual Stock Options and the Realization of Rights of Human Capital Gains in High-tech Entrepreneurs

  6. 通过原始方案与新方案的比较,结合上海贝岭公司的实际状况,得出基于EVA的虚拟股票期权方案更具有可行性的结论。

    Compared the initial plan with modified plan , according to the reality of shanghai Beiling company , we proved that the PSOP based on EVA is feasibility .

  7. 本文将EVA奖金计划与虚拟股票期权计划结合在一起进行设计,充分利用两种计划的优势,以达到最大限度激励经营者的目的。

    This article will EVA bonus plan with a virtual stock option plan design combined with full use of the advantages of the two programs to encourage operators to maximize the purpose .

  8. 结合ESO的应用缺陷,接着系统地研究了业绩计划、限制性股票、股票增值权、虚拟股票、延迟收入等西方长期激励工具。

    Then combining with the bugs of ESO in application , it systematically analyzes such western long-term incentive tools as performance planning , restricted stock , stock appreciation rights and deferred compensation plan .

  9. 三是充分考虑我国实际情况,提出基于EVA的虚拟股票期权的方案,能够避开一般股票期权的缺点,又能够其发挥长效激励的作用。

    In addition , taking the factual condition into account , it brings forward a stock option plan based on EVA , which not only can avoid the disadvantages of general stock option , but also can exert its long-term incentive effect .

  10. 在ESO的模式选择中,上市公司可选择标准的ESO模式,而非上市公司则可选择虚拟股票期权模式。

    There are two modes of ESO to select , the normative ESO mode and the phantom ESO mode . The listed companies can select the former , and the other companies can select the latter .

  11. 在激励方法的选择上,针对云南铜业集团的实际情况,本文选取了三种方法,即技术股权激励方法、虚拟股票期权激励方法和项目EVA分成率法以供企业选用。

    In the choice of incentive methods , for the actual situation of Yunnan Copper Group , this thesis selects three incentive methods for the selection of enterprises , which are technology equity , virtual stock options and the share approach based on EVA about project .

  12. 分红型虚拟股票期权研究

    Virtual Stock Option Based on Year - end Profit - sharing

  13. 虚拟股票期权计划的理论基础及其操作技术

    The Theoretical Base and Operation Technique of Phantom Stock Options Plan

  14. 商业银行构建虚拟股票期权激励模式初探

    New Search on Phantom Stock Option Incitement-model of Commercial Banks

  15. 虚拟股票期权可以有效解决我国目前商业银行在激励制度中存在的问题。

    We hope it can solve the existing problem in the incitement system .

  16. 考虑公平偏好的虚拟股票期权激励机制研究

    To Study on Incentive Mechanism of Phantom Stock Option with Thinking Fairness Preference

  17. 假如你对金融感兴趣,开始交易虚拟股票吧。

    If you have an interest in finance , start trading fake stocks .

  18. 虚拟股票期权计划的技术设计

    Technical Design for Phantom Stock Plan

  19. 第四部分是对以股票价格作为业绩衡量基础的激励方式的研究,即对股票期权、虚拟股票期权和员工持股计划进行了详细的分析研究。

    Part 4 Studies on long-term incentive methods based on stock market such as stock option , imagination stock option and ESOPs .

  20. 在薪酬激励研究中根据公司现状设计了关键绩效指标;管理人员持有公司的虚拟股票是对鑫远激励机制的创新。

    In the study on income incentive , it designs the key performance indicators based on the current situation of the company .

  21. 同时,作为具体的应用,本文对A科技股份有限公司实行虚拟股票期权计划进行了详细的方案设计。

    Besides , the paper designs and applies a practical phantom stock option plan for A technology limited company to be a practice .

  22. 另外,五家公司还共同组成一个虚拟股票市场,公司股票的表现主要取决于公司的经营情况。

    In addition , one simulation stock market is established by the five companies . The stocks ' performance is decided by operation of each company .

  23. 借鉴经济增加值这一概念和资本资产定价模型及布莱克-舒尔茨模型,设计了柳州材料总厂虚拟股票期权激励计划。

    Drawing lessons from economic Value-added concept , capital-asset-pricing model and Black-Scholes model , we have designed the phantom stock option plan of Liutie material company .

  24. 文章应用虚拟股票期权的相关理论、设计思路与方法,对A公司虚拟股票期权的方案选择、实施流程和技术要素设计等进行了深入的分析与研究,最后对方案进行了评价。

    Applying the phantom stock option theory and design ways , the project includes implement process , essential points design and finally , the appraisal of the whole project .

  25. 针对职务发明的股权激励机制建设,建立职务发明的虚拟股票期权激励模型及股份期权计划模型。

    3 , To stock right incentive mechanism construction that post invent , set up fictitious stock option that post invented encourage models and share option to plan models .

  26. 该公司主要运用虚拟股票期权形式,武汉科技大学硕士学位论文让人力资本所有者参与公司利润分配,以实现对公司经营管理人员和核心技术人员进行激励的目的;

    In order to give incentives to managers and chief technicians in the company , virtual stock options are designed to enable those human capital owners involved in the profit distribution .

  27. 在对经营者的激励上,笔者针对我国资本市场的现状,对股票期权作了一些改进,提出了虚拟股票期权的想法。

    In the aspect of inspiring operator , the writer puts forward the idea of Virtual Stock Option , improving the stock option on the basis of the status quo of China ' capital market .

  28. 第五章重点介绍期权激励在职务发明激励中的运用,并尝试建立虚拟股票期权的激励模型和股份期权计划模型。

    Chapter five , analysis the option and encourage inventing the application while encouraging in the post especially , encouragement model and share option of trying to set up the fictitious stock option plan models .

  29. 构造了技术创新人才激励基金、绩效考核指标体系模型,设计技术创新人才虚拟股票期权及股票期权计划。

    In the fourth part , the author designs how to inspire the technological innovation talents by virtual stock option and stock option , constructs the system model of incentive fund and performance evaluation index , and planning how to inspire by virtual stock option and stock option .

  30. 提供了一个虚拟的股票交易所和一个股票经纪公司以及多名股票交易员,每个人都会执行一些交易。

    There is a fictional stock exchange and a stock broker with multiple stock traders who each make a number of trades .