
  • 网络phantom stock
  1. 高科技企业,尤其是软件企业是实行虚拟股权激励的最佳温床。

    The risk enterprises & example the software enterprises and so on , is the warm bed that effect the ESO .

  2. 第二,对我国现行的多种经营者股权激励模式进行描述性统计,提出两大模式(现实股权激励模式和虚拟股权激励模式)的分类;

    Second , we describe the several patterns of executive ownership incentives , and sort them into real pattern and phantom pattern ;

  3. 然而该激励目标的有效实现会受到股票市场的条件、虚拟股权的数量和配套的约束机制等条件的限制。

    However , that purpose is restrained by the conditions of the stock market , the number of virtual stock options and supplementary bound mechanism .