
  • 网络Efficiency Wage;efficiency-wage
  1. 效率工资、效率工资增长模型

    The Model of Efficiency Wage and the Efficiency Wage Growth

  2. 效率工资及其在农村钟点工问题中的应用&以武功县普集街乡永丰村打蒜时节的钟点工市场为例

    Efficiency Wage and its Application in Hour Labor in Countryside

  3. 劳动力市场、效率工资博弈模型及其经济效用分析

    Labor Market 、 Efficiency Wages Game Model and Its Economic Effects

  4. 员工效率工资与企业的管理效率分析

    Labor Efficiency , Wages and Corporate Management Efficiency Analysis

  5. 关于现代西方效率工资理论的评述

    A Review of Recent Development of Efficiency Wage Theory

  6. 效率工资与保险代理问题

    Issues Regarding " Efficiency-Related Wages " and Insurance Agent

  7. 基于博弈论视角的效率工资探析

    The analysis of efficiency - wage based on the angle of game theory

  8. 基于效率工资理论的大学生就业偏向研究

    Analysis of University Students Employment Preference on Present Based on Efficiency Wage Theory

  9. 效率工资理论的新发展:阿克洛夫的观点

    A New Development of Efficiency Wages Theory : the View of Akerlof 's

  10. 效率工资的必要条件与经济效应

    Essential Conditions and Economic Effects of Efficiency Wages

  11. 一种基于效率工资下的监督模型研究

    A Supervision Model Based on Efficiency Wage System

  12. 效率工资理论及其借鉴意义

    The Efficient Wage Theory and Its Significance

  13. 索洛模型显示效率工资理论对传统经济理论的突破。

    Solow Model shows advances of Efficiency Wages Theory as contrasted with traditional economic theory .

  14. 健康资本、效率工资与政府补贴&企业环境保护行为的微观分析

    Health Capital , Efficient Wage and Government Subsidies : A Micro-analysis on Environmental Investment of Enterprises

  15. 效率工资利与弊

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Efficiency Wage

  16. 非公有制企业的效率工资使另外的30%工人工资也具有较强粘性。

    The efficiency-related wage of non-public-owned enterprise makes the other 30 % worker 's wage also sticky .

  17. 效率工资理论是宏观经济学在近二十几年中取得的最新发展之一。

    Efficiency wage theory is one of the newest development of macroeconomics during the nearly 20 years .

  18. 效率工资理论在中国旅游企业的应用&以旅行社与饭店企业为例

    Application of Efficiency Wage Theory in Chinese Travel Enterprise & Take Travel Agency and Hotel as Example

  19. 本文采用比较分析方法,分析了西方主要流派的失业理论,从中选取结构性失业理论、效率工资理论、局内人&局外人理论建立本文分析问题的理论框架。

    We select structure unemployment theory efficiency-wage theory insider-outsider theory to build the theoretical frame of this paper .

  20. 文章后半部分又建立了一个考虑到工人职业操守和效率工资增长速度的模型。

    Half of the article establishes a model allowing for workers ' professional conduct and the efficiency wage growth rate .

  21. 效率工资理论认为,支付比市场工资更高的工资,劳动总成本可能更小,企业能获得更多的利润。

    Efficiency wage theory holds that higher-than-market-rate wage payment may imply less total costs and hence greater profit to the business firm .

  22. 劳动供给是否具有弹性以及工资的不同形式对效率工资机制发生作用没有影响。

    Differences in wage forms and whether labor supply has elasticity or not , have no influence on the actions of Efficiency Wages Mechanism .

  23. 通过逐步回归分析可知,在中国,人力资源、人均收入同外商直接投资成正相关,效率工资同外商直接投资成负相关,其中人力资源起着决定性的作用;

    Regression Analysis shows that in China human resources , per capita income and FDI are positively related . Efficient income and FDI are negatively related .

  24. 本文首先对工资理论与薪酬理论作了一个简单的回顾,并重点阐述了效率工资理论。

    First , a literature review is done about wage theory and compensation theory in this thesis and the efficiency wage theory is focused in details .

  25. 效率工资,就是企业或其他组织支付给员工的比市场出清水平高得多的工资以促使员工努力工作的一种激励薪酬制度。

    Efficiency wage is a kind of incentive compensation system which the enterprise or other organizations pay the employees much higher than the market clearing levels .

  26. 以作者有若干尝试性结论的效率工资理论为分析框架,文章分析了部分民营企业在薪酬管理方面存在的问题与化解的对策。

    The existing problems and corresponding resolution strategies are analyzed in the compensation management of some civilian companies using the efficiency wage theory as analysis frame .

  27. 此外,还分别分析了效率工资的最优增长率与贴现率、厂商生产技术和工人偏好之间的关系。

    Furthermore , the article analyzed the relationship between the optimal growth rate and the discount rate , the production technology , and worker 's preference respectively .

  28. 解决问题的方法是设计有效的机制,对可能出现的逆向选择可以运用信号传递和信息甄别机制,对道德风险可以运用效率工资和工龄工资机制并配合强有力的监督机制。

    Since there is asymmetric information between them , agency problems such as moral hazard and adverse selection will appear . The solution is to design an efficient mechanism .

  29. 这些因素通过影响企业为诱使职业经理守信而必须向其支付的效率工资,进而影响雇用职业经理的代理成本。

    These factors influence the efficiency wage paid for the professional manager to insure he keeps his word and further influence the agent costs of employing the professional manager .

  30. 效率工资机制是一种综合了交换机制和激励机制的厂商决策机制,劳动不可直接度量是效率工资机制发挥作用的必要前提条件之一。

    Efficiency Wages Mechanism is a kind of mechanism synthesizing exchange mechanism and stimulant mechanism , and one of its essential conditions is that labor cannot be calculated directly .