
  1. 坚持生态效益优先原则;

    Sticking to the principle of ecological benefit first ;

  2. 坚持市场导向、效益优先原则;

    Insist on the principle of the market - oriented and benefit priority ;

  3. 第三,论述了土地整理的原则,主要有经济效益优先原则、系统原则、远近效益结合原则和因地制宜原则;

    Third , the principles were discussed as follows : the top-priority economic benefit principle , the systematic principle , the far-and-near benefit principle and the principle according to local conditions .

  4. 国际商事非内国仲裁的法理依据有两个方面:作为仲裁本质属性的当事人意思自治原则和作为国际商事仲裁价值取向的效益优先原则。

    The jurisprudential source on international commercial nondomestic arbitration comes from the principle of the party autonomy , which is the essential attributes to arbitration , and the principle of benefit first which is the measure of value of international commercial arbitration .

  5. 一是经营权与管理权分开原则,二是社会环境效益优先兼顾经济效益原则,三是经营方式灵活多样、经营流程规范化原则。

    The first principle , the right to operate and manage should be separation . The second is the social cost-effective environmental benefits , taking into account the principle of priority . And the third principle is flexible and diversified mode of operation , business process standardization .

  6. 西部地区发展文化产业,应本着社会效益和经济效益并重、社会效益优先的原则。

    We should lay equal stress on social benefit and economic benefit but social benefit take precedence .

  7. 而商法以效益为最高价值取向,立法采效益优先原则。

    While the Commercial Law takes the benefit as the maximum value orientation and considers it as the first principle in the legislation .