
  • 网络government management mechanisms
  1. 构建公共服务型地方政府管理机制创新研究

    Construction of public service-oriented local government management mechanism innovation research

  2. 通过运用现代行政管理理论来推动乡镇政府管理机制的创新;

    Advancing the innovation should be by means of modern administration theory ;

  3. 转变政府管理机制,营造良好的知识经济发展环境

    Changing Government 's Management Mechanism and Creating Favorable Environment of Knowledge Economics

  4. 加强政府管理机制。

    Fifth , To improve the government administration mechanism .

  5. 外部环境存在的问题,探讨了政府管理机制方面存在的资格准入和法律体系两方面的不足。

    Non-governmental organizations have problems in the field of qualification admittance and legal system .

  6. 上海:完善政府管理机制保护城市历史风貌

    Shanghai : Improving Government Management Mechanism to Protect the Historical Style of the city

  7. 期待为进一步理顺乡镇政府管理机制、转变乡镇政府服务职能提供借鉴。

    Look forward to further rationalize the township government management mechanism , change the service functions of township government to provide reference .

  8. 总体来说,研究基层绩效考核颇有裨益,注入政府管理机制新鲜活力的同时也存在着一些操作难度。

    Generally speaking , the research basic unit achievements inspection has the benefit , Pours into the government to manage the mechanism new vigor at the same time also to have some operation difficulty .

  9. 流域水资源的特点决定了单纯的市场机制和单纯的政府管理机制都不能做到水资源的有效配置,政府宏观调控下的水资源准市场配置是实现流域水资源效率配置的基础。

    Due to the failure of both the unitary market mechanism and the unitary governmental managerial mechanism in effective allocation of water resources , the quasi_market allocation of river basin water resources constitutes the base of effective water resources distribution .

  10. 试谈政府采购管理机制如何推进高校物资采购的运作与发展

    Promoting college materials procurement under the guidance of management mechanism of government procurement

  11. 完善市场经济条件下政府安全管理机制

    Perfecting Government Safety Administration Mechanism under Market Economy

  12. 提出了构建精益旅游服务系统中所需的政府管理支撑机制。

    It also lodges the supporting mechanism of government controls in order to facilitate the LTSS .

  13. 他表示这将为政府信息管理机制带来深刻的变革。

    This , he says , will bring about " profound change " in the way information is handled .

  14. 本文在汲取理论界相关研究成果的基础上,试图在政府危机管理机制上做一些深入的研究。

    This paper based on the related results of studying of the theoretical circles , tries to get some in-depth research about crisis management mechanism for the government .

  15. 然后,通过调研资料,分析了目前行政事业单位政府采购管理机制的现状,总结出管理机制方面存在的问题。

    Secondly , based on investigation , it analyzed the status quo about government procurement management mechanism of administrative institutions , and then summarized the problems about management mechanism .

  16. 电子政务的出现对传统办公方式和政务处理提出了新的思路,使政府管理决策机制发生了巨大的转变。

    The appearance of E-government affairs has put forward a new idea for traditional office business style and government affairs disposal which bring huge change on government management decision-making mechanism .

  17. 依据治理理论和全面风险管理理论,建构了旅游业中政府风险管理机制框架,体现的是一种相互联系、相互配合的一个系统的、全面的、整合的风险管理体系。

    Based on a comprehensive risk management theory and management theory to construct a " the government risk management mechanism in tourism framework ", embodied in an interrelated and mutually complementary a systematic , comprehensive , integrated risk management system .

  18. 为进一步建立和健全我国的政府危机管理机制,针对我国目前危机管理中存在的问题,当前必须努力做好转变政府职能、完善危机法律、公开公共信息以及加强社会组织建设四方面的工作。

    In dealing with the current problems in the administration on crisis , we should make efforts to do the following work well : transforming government functions , improving the crisis law , making the public information known to the public and strengthening the organizational construction of the society .

  19. 论政府社会管理的机制和原则

    On the mechanism and principle of social administration of the government

  20. 建筑节能政府管理与市场机制互动研究

    A Interactive Research of Construction Conserves Energy Government Management and Market Mechanism

  21. 突发性公共危机政府管理及其应急机制建立研究

    The Government Management for Public Emergency and the Related Study For its Mechanism

  22. 非政府组织志愿者管理机制完善途径探索

    The Perfecting Ways of the NGO Volunteers Management Mechanism

  23. 政府应急管理预警机制建设创新研究

    Innovation of Early Warning Mechanism for Government Emergency Management

  24. 文化政府行政监督管理机制和社会监督管理机制共同构成比较完整的监督管理体系,它们之间是相辅相成的。

    The supervising mechanisms of government and society are complementary to each other , they form a more integrated supervising system together .

  25. 在介绍煤改气项目内容和实施范围的基础上,评估分析了煤改气项目的组织领导、配套政策、政府管理与运行机制、投资和取得的成效。

    Based on introduction of the project contents and scopes , the article evaluated and analyzed the project organization and leadership , necessary policy , governmental management and operation , investment and results .

  26. 本文分析了我国公共管理方面存在的三个方面的问题:管理角色的缺位与越位,政府公共危机管理机制的不完善和众多外部配套环境不利于政府公共危机管理职能的发挥。

    This paper analyses the existing public management of three problems : the absence of the management role with offside , the government public crisis management mechanism imperfect and many external supporting environment against the government public crisis management functions play .

  27. 美国政府高层公务员选拔管理机制考察

    Investingation on the Selection Mechanism of Governmental High-Ranking Public Servants in America

  28. 论文主体由三部分构成:第一部分,介绍政府公共危机信息管理机制的一般理论。

    The first part introduces the general theory of public crisis information system .

  29. 建立和完善政府危机管理的预防机制

    Establish and Perfect the Governmental Precautionary System of Crises

  30. 县级政府管理中的激励机制研究

    A Study of Motivation Mechanism in County-level Governments