
zhènɡ cè xìnɡ yín hánɡ
  • Policy banks;bank solely devoted to making low-interest loans for state projects
  1. 中国国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)是中国最重要的政策性银行。

    China Development Bank is the core policy bank in China .

  2. 第三,以规模效率、范围效率和X效率三种测度银行效率水平的方法对政策性银行和14家商业银行的经营效率进行实证分析。

    Analyzing the operating efficiency of domestic policy banks and 14 commercial banks though scale efficiency method , scope efficiency method and X-efficiency method . 4 .

  3. 第四,以净值收益率ROE分析方法对国内政策性银行的经营效率进行实证分析。

    Using ROE to analyze the operating efficiency of policy banks empirically .

  4. 官方通讯社新华社旗下的《经济参考报》(EconomicInformationDaily)报道称,首批发债规模为3000亿元人民币(合480亿美元),将很快由政策性银行发行。今年春季,这些银行获得注资。

    A first batch of Rmb300bn ( $ 48bn ) out of a planned Rmb1tn will be issued soon by policy banks that were recapitalised this spring , the Economic Information Daily , a newspaper run by the official Xinhua news agency , said .

  5. 特别是建立政策性银行全资子公司SPV的设想和基于实物期权的信用增级方式的设计。

    It especially visualizes setting up a wholly-owned subsidiary of policy bank and designs credit enhancement based on real options .

  6. 2008年,国务院决定推进K银行商业化改革,标志着K银行改革发展进入了新阶段,我国政策性银行改革取得重大进展。

    In 2008 , the State Council decided to promote the reform of K-Bank commercial marks k banking reform has entered a new stage of development , reform of the policy banks in China made significant progress .

  7. 中国的政策性银行面临着加入WTO后的新环境,应把握住发展的机遇,从中国银行业整体发展考虑,积极探索改革,为整个国民经济的健康稳定发展做出应有贡献。

    Facing the new environments after the accession to WTO , policy banks in China should grasp the opportunity of development , explore and reform actively , and pitch in for the steady development of the national economy .

  8. 然而,中国一些财大气粗的政策性银行,比如中国国家开发银行(CDB)和中国进出口银行(ChinaExport-ImportBank),为在越南新建发电站提供了巨额优惠贷款。

    However , with deep pockets , Chinese policy banks such as China Development Bank and China Export - Import Bank have offered billions of dollars of concessional loans for new power stations in Vietnam .

  9. 第五部分提出了我国政策性银行调控法律制度立法设想的具体内容,并分析了WTO对我国政策性银行发展的影响和对策,以期完善我国政策性银行法律制度。

    Chapter five makes a legislative suggestion to our policy bank law . At the same time , the writer analyzes the influence and solution from WTO and wishes that all efforts will fill in the legislative gaps on our policy bank law .

  10. 今年上半年,这些贷款的大部分是通过政策性银行国家开发银行(CDB)发放的。

    Many of these loans in the first half flowed through China Development Bank , a non-commercial lender dedicated to financing projects in support of government policy .

  11. 作为农业政策性银行,积极引入和借鉴IRB法,对于农发行加强信贷管理、有效防范风险、提高经营管理水平等,同样具有非常重要的现实意义。

    The introduction of IRB Approach is of great practical significance for agricultural development banks to intensify credit management-to protect risks effectively-and to improve managerial and administrative expertise .

  12. 随着国家支持三农力度的不断加大,以及金融体制改革的不断深入,作为沈阳地区唯一一家农业政策性银行,SY银行面临着机遇与挑战并存、希望与困难同在的关键考验。

    With the intensely support of the " three rural ", as well as the constant deepening reform of the financial system , SY bank is facing with both opportunities and challenges , hope and difficulties , as an only agricultural policy bank in the area of ShenYang .

  13. 新巴塞尔协议下政策性银行的内部评级法研究

    The IRB Approach of Policy Bank under the New Basle Accord

  14. 中国政策性银行发展的回顾与展望

    A Retrospect and Forecast of China 's Development in Policy Bank

  15. 中国农业政策性银行运行机制研究

    Study on the Operating Mechanism of Agricultural Policy Bank of China

  16. 我国政策性银行改革与发展设想

    The Assumption of Development and Reform of Policy Banks in China

  17. 构造农村金融体系及农业政策性银行战略定位的思考

    To Rebuild the Rural Financial System and the Agriculture Policy Bank

  18. 农业政策性银行风险及监测

    On Monitoring & Measuring the Risks of the Agricultural Policy-related Banks

  19. 新农村建设中农业政策性银行财务管理问题研究

    Agricultural Policy Bank Financial Management Studies in the New Countryside Construction

  20. 其他商业银行和政策性银行也要深化改革。

    Other commercial and policy banks must also deepen their reform .

  21. 德日韩政策性银行考察

    Investigation of the Policy Banks of Germany , Japan and Korea

  22. 要解决这一系列的问题、保障政策性银行功能的实现,就应该进行立法。

    To solve these problems , we should carry out legislation .

  23. 我国政策性银行的经营风险及其防范研究

    On the Operational Risks of China 's Policy - based Banks

  24. 当前宏观经济背景下政策性银行的功能探析:基于国际比较的视角

    An Analysis on Function of Policy Banks in Current Macro-economic Environment

  25. 需求管理在政策性银行软件项目开发的应用研究

    The Research of Requirements Managements Used in Policy Bank Software Project Development

  26. 我国政策性银行未来发展前景探讨

    Discussion on Future Development Prospect of China 's Policy Banks

  27. 国外政策性银行法产生、发展浅探

    Making and Development of Laws of Policy - Banks in Foreign Countries

  28. 对我国农业政策性银行发展的若干思考

    Reflection on the Development of Bank of Our Agricultural Policy

  29. 对银行而言,建议由政策性银行进行国家助学贷款业务;

    Thirdly the national loan should be operated by national policy bank .

  30. 政策性银行的改革与发展:日本的经验

    Reform and Development of Policy Banks : Japan 's Experiences