
  • 网络government credit system
  1. 论我国政府信用体系的建设

    The Discussion about Government Credit System Construction of Our Country

  2. 构筑政府信用体系推进法治政府建设

    Establishing Government Credit System and Promoting Law Construction

  3. 首先阐述政府信用体系建设中自我责任的完善。

    First , the paper described the self-responsibility in the credit system of government .

  4. 论政府信用体系的建立

    Discussion of the Establishment of Government Credit System

  5. 社会信用体系的建设是一个包括政府信用体系、企业信用体系和个人信用体系共同建设的系统工程。

    Social credit system is a system-engineering project including government credit system , business credit system and individual credit system .

  6. 社会信用体系作为公共管理领域的一个重要课题,包涵了政府信用体系、企业信用体系和个人信用体系,而加强社会信用建设的关键就是建立健全个人信用体系。

    As an important subject , in the field of public administration , social credit system consists of government credit system , enterprise credit system and personal credit system . And the key to reinforce the social credit system is to establish personal credit system .

  7. 当前,我国企业信用状况不容乐观,应从完善政府信用体系和个人信用制度、明确企业产权入手,建立企业信用信息系统,加强信用中介机构管理,制定和完善信用法律法规,构建企业信用体系。

    Combined with the current situation of enterprises ' credit in our country , this paper proposes some suggestions to construct credit system , such as perfecting public credit and individual credit , strengthening management to medium organization , constructing credit information system , perfecting the law .

  8. 文章最后指出要想解决我国中小企业融资困难,必须大力发展中小金融机构,积极开展金融创新,开放民间借贷市场,建立政府信用体系以为中小企业融资提供信用担保等政策建议。

    In the end , the main countermeasures for solving SMEs financing problem in China are to develop the small and medium-sized financial sectors , do the financial innovation actively , open-up the private financial market , establish SMEs credit guarantee system by the governments , and etc.

  9. 第二部分,地方政府信用评价体系的构建。

    In part two , it focuses on the construction of the evaluation system of local government credit .

  10. 政府在信用体系建设中的重要作用是不言而喻的。

    It is self-evident that the government officials play an important part under the reestablishment of credit system .

  11. 政府推进社会信用体系建设的对策取向

    The Government Advances the Social Credit System Construction the Countermeasure Orientation

  12. 对构建地方政府信用风险评价体系的探讨

    An Inquiry into Constructing Local Governmental Credit Risk Evaluating System

  13. 论政府在社会信用体系建设中的作用

    Role of Government to Play in Constructing Social Credit System

  14. 政府在社会信用体系建构中的责任研究

    The Government Responsibility in Constructing the Social Credit System

  15. 1应当充分发挥政府在信用担保体系建立过程中的特殊作用。

    The government should play an important role in setting up credit bail-out system .

  16. 第四部分介绍政府在社会信用体系建设中责任的落实。

    The fourth part is the government responsibility in the construction of social credit system implementation .

  17. 当前我国市场失信惩戒机制和信息传递机制的不完善也在客观上要求政府在社会信用体系建设中发挥作用。

    In particular at present the punishment mechanism to inflict on someone breaking faith and information transmission system are both rather imperfect in China .

  18. 其次是政府在社会信用体系建设中他我责任的落实,具体介绍企业信用体系建设中政府责任的落实和个人信用体系建设中政府责任的落实。

    Followed by the government of his responsibility to implement the construction of social credit system . Specifically on the Government in the enterprise credit system in personal responsibility and government responsibility in the credit system .

  19. 企业信用体系建设的关键问题是政府如何在信用体系中发挥作用,也就是说,如何有效运用政府职能完善企业信用体系建设。

    The key question of the construction of enterprise credit system is how the government to play a role in the credit system . That is to say , how to utilize government functions effectively to improve the construction of enterprise credit system .

  20. 当政府选择构建信用体系时,能否实现共赢的博弈均衡取决于信用体系的惩罚力度,即对违约农户惩罚的概率和惩罚的力度。

    When the government chooses to build a credit system , the chances of gaining a win-win game equilibrium depend on the enforcement of punishment from the credit system . That is , the probability of being punished and the extent of punishment for farmers ' breach of contracts .

  21. 三阳光政府领导的社会信用体系建设必将取得成功。

    " Sunshine Government " will succeed in the social credit system construction .

  22. 信誉高于一切,政府信用在社会信用体系中起着关键的作用。

    Credit is of the uttermost importance and plays a key role in the social credit system .

  23. 政府信用是整个信用体系的重心,建立公众对政府的信任是建立社会、企业、银行和个人信用等的前提条件。

    The foundation of government 's credit-worthiness is the cornerstone of the setting-up of the whole social credit system .

  24. 同时,政府诚信在社会信用体系中起着重要的基础性作用,是整个社会信用体系的基石。

    Meanwhile , the government credibility in the social credit system plays an important role in the foundation is the cornerstone of the social credit system .

  25. 中国政府计划建立社会信用体系,通过公民的数据轨迹来分析他们的行为,并据此授予他们分数(现在这一计划被推迟了)。这类计划是此类过程合乎逻辑的终点。

    The Chinese government 's plan , now delayed , to set up a social credit system , awarding points to citizens based on analysis of their behaviour through their data trails , is the logical endpoint of such a process .

  26. 政府信用是社会信用体系的重要组成部分,建设和提升良好的政府信用既是保障社会稳定和促进经济发展的必要条件,也是入世对我国政府的基本要求。

    Government credit is an important part of social credit system . Maintaining and raising good government credit are essential conditions of ensuring society 's stabilization and promoting the development of economy as well as a fundamental requirement adapting to be a member of WTO .

  27. 本文从分析我国信用体系建设的现状入手,从制度、操作、价值心理三个层面,分析政府在建立社会信用体系中的职能。

    Starting from the analysis of the present situation of our country 's credit system construction , the thesis analyses the function of government in the course of establishing our country 's credit system construction from the following three aspects : system , operation and value psychology .

  28. 政府信用的建立是整个社会信用体系建立的基石,推进诚信社会建设,首要任务是深化完善政府信用建设,构筑政府信用体系。

    The government credit is the foundation of the whole social credit system . Push forward social developments in trustworthiness , the initial mission is a deep turning perfect government credit developments , the builds the government credit system .

  29. 第二部分,在界定政府信用含义的基础上,进一步对政府信用体系的构成作了阐述,并探讨了政府信用体系在整个社会信用体系中的核心地位与作用;

    The second part has elaborated the formation of government credit system on the basis of government credit 's meaning , and has discussed government credit system 's role and the key position in entire social credit system ;

  30. 想要规范供应商在政府采购中的信用,必须完善供应商政府采购信用评价体系,并且通过相应的激励与惩罚机制保障信用建设评价作用的发挥。

    To standardize the supplier credit in the government procurement , the evaluation system of the government procurement of supplier credit must be improved . The appropriate incentive and penalty mechanism should also be used to secure the effect of the construction of credit .