
  • 网络political participation
  1. 弱势群体有表达其生存权、就业权、政治参与权、受教育权等基本权利的自由。

    Vulnerable groups to express their rights , employment rights , the right to political participation , education and other basic rights of freedom .

  2. 互联网普及率在不断提高,网络社会已经逐步形成,传统的公民政治参与权在网络环境下得到了进一步发展。

    The improving penetration of Internet has gradually formed the Internet society . The traditional civil rights of political participation have been further developed in the Internet environment .

  3. 文章的第四部分,针对前述问题,提出了网络环境下的公民政治参与权的保障目标和措施。

    The fourth Part of the article , for the above problems , gives the objectives and safeguard measures in the exercise of the laws and rules about the rights .

  4. 但是,由于网络的特性存在,网络环境下的公民政治参与权呈现出自己的、新的特点,研究它成了一个前沿课题。

    However , due to existing the characteristics of the Internet , the civil rights of political participation in the Internet environment showed their own , new features . It has become a leading subject of study .

  5. 但在争取政治参与权的过程中却屡遭挫折,仅在国家权力空白处有限伸展了自身的权力,其主体活动主要维持在公益活动范围内。

    But when fighting for the political rights , they suffered setbacks many times , and only obtained the rights in the fields where the power of state could not reach , their behaviors were also limited in the range of public welfare .

  6. 同时她也将支持联合国妇女署有关年轻女性战略支柱的相关工作,包括经济赋权、抵制妇女暴力、政治参与权、和平及安全等方面。

    According to Nyamayaro , Watson is particularly excited about working with HeForShe , and will also support the work of young women across UN Women 's strategic pillars , including economic empowerment , ending violence against women , political participation , and peace and security .

  7. 公民通过网络政治参与行使话语权捍卫自我合法权益和影响政府决策活动。

    Through network of political participation , citizen practice their right to defend their legal rights and influence government decision-making .

  8. 林肯的立场有了进一步发展,他不仅认为黑人不应为奴,他们还应当受到平等的公民待遇,享有完整的政治选举权和参与权

    Lincoln had totally grown to where he said not only should blacks not be slaves , they should be treated as equal citizens with full enfranchisement , right to vote and right to participate .

  9. 公民权或公民的公权利,主要是参与国家政治的权利,是公民的政治参与权和政治防卫权。

    Civil right or civil public right which mainly means the right of participating in national political , are the government control and political defense right .

  10. 农民政治不公平主要表现为:政治选举权的不公平;政治参与权的不公平;

    The political disadvantages to farmers are mainly in the following aspects : political suffrage , the right of political attendance and the right of political expression .