
  1. 政府失信的危害及其治理

    Government Incredibility : its Harmfulness and Solution

  2. 客观地看待和防范地方政府失信现象便成了当务之急。

    So it is urgent to prevent the local government officials from losing their credit .

  3. 而政府失信对于整个社会的信用状况有着极其恶劣的影响,绝非其他信用主体失信的危害可以比拟。

    Failure of government credit has a very bad effect to the credit status of the whole society .

  4. 在我国,政府失信虽然只是少数和局部现象,但其不良影响不可低估。

    In China , though the government 's lack of sincerity arises unusually and partially , its consequences are serious .

  5. 针对这两种情况,政府失信的原因也就可分为主观失信和客观失信。

    In both cases , the causes of government credit failure can be divided into subjective dishonesty and objective dishonesty .

  6. 第三部分对我国现阶段的政府失信现象做了归纳;

    The third part failed in promise phenomenon to do to induce to the government of the present stage of our country ;

  7. 然而,现阶段广泛存在的政府失信现象将会造成政府失效乃至政府失败,严重影响政府在公众心目中的形象。

    However the widely existed governmental credit anomie will lead to government failure and serious influence the image of government in public .

  8. 然而政府失信现象却客观存在且危害巨大。

    However , the government 's failure to live up to the principle is a widespread phenomenon and has caused a great deal of harmfulness .

  9. 结果表明:(1)信息不对称和政府失信惩罚力度不足是供应链信用交易中失信的根源。

    The results show that : ( 1 ) information asymmetry and lack of government efforts is the root to break faith under trade credit in supply chain .

  10. 但在现有体制下,由于过程不规范、制度不完善,在不完全合约下隐含着诸如政府失信等风险。

    However , at the present system of organization , because the procedure is not standard and the system is not perfect , risks like government 's credibility are hidden in incomplete treaty .

  11. 文章在对政府失信进行现象描述和理论概括的基础上,对政府失信的后果及原因进行了分析,认为要治理政府失信,必须坚持法治、德治两手抓,德法并重,标本兼治。

    Describing the phenomena and generating its forms , the article analyzes its results and causes , and the author argues that it is necessary to persevere it in both legal and moral controlling .

  12. 政府失信行为的频繁出现,会引起民众对政府不信任的进一步加剧,以致对行政行为存在不满甚至是抵触情绪,这将直接影响政府的行政效率。

    Government actions occur frequently together , people do not trust the government to further aggravate , that of administrative act the dissatisfaction and even conflicting emotions , which will directly affect the administrative efficiency of the government .

  13. 本文详细分析了当前政府失信的制度原因,并遵从诚信政府制度建设的两个伦理维度要求,对我国诚信政府的制度建设进行了积极探索。

    After analyzing the reasons in the system of our some local government breaking their promises , this thesis is in approaching the ways in the system of credit government from two ethic rules of credit government system construction .

  14. 而后,以美国诚信建设实践及我国上海防治政府失信行为的基本做法与例证为例,总结出对我国政府诚信建设有益的经验与启示。

    Then , the practice of building the United States and the integrity of government dishonesty of Shanghai prevention practices and examples of the basic case , summed up the integrity of the building of our government rewarding experience and inspiration .

  15. 但是,我国在社会转型期,由于各种原因,县级政府失信问题不断发生,严重影响了县级政府的形象,极大地降低了县级政府的公信力。

    But , our country in the transitional period , because all sorts of reasons , the county government faithless problems continue to happen , serious impact on the county government image , greatly reduce the credibility of the county government .

  16. 企业声誉损失是政府失信惩罚机制的有效补充,所以要促进信用信息的产业化发展,形成良好的信用服务环境,降低信用搜索成本。

    Loss of reputation is an effective supplement of punishment mechanism of Government against deception . So it is necessary to promote industrialization of the development of trade credit information , create a good trade credit environment , and reduce cost of trade credit search .

  17. 对于奥斯伯恩先生来说,真正的政治风险既不会来自突然的政府政策失信,也不会来自部分的做市商和选民,尽管他们也会带来风险。

    The real political hazard for Mr Osborne is not a sudden loss of faith in his fiscal strategy , either on the part of markets or voters & though there is some risk of both .

  18. 为此,必须认真探究政府诚信缺失的根本原因,寻求治理政府失信的根本途径。

    We must probe into the key reasons for the lacking of government integrity so that we can find out the way to treat it .

  19. 导致政府公信力弱化的原因非常复杂,本文分析了导致政府失信的一个重要原因,就在于政府信息资源管理的种种弊端。

    Factors contributing to the , decline in government credibility are very complex . This paper analyzes one of the important factors : disadvantages among government information resources management practices .

  20. 政府诚信虽然重要,但在行政实践中个别地方政府仍存在失信现象。

    Despite the importance of the honesty of the government , some local governments break faith occasionally .