
  • 网络Credit market;credit information market
  1. 这样就可以促进我国征信市场能够健康快速地发展。

    This can promote the health of credit markets to rapid development .

  2. 征信是市场经济发展到一定阶段的产物,聚焦旧中国征信业发展历史,主要体现在中国征信所的兴衰。

    Credit is origined from the development of the market economy .

  3. 信用信息的市场化是信用服务行业发展的客观基础,规范公共信息、征信数据的取得和使用程序,促进企业征信公司服务的市场化发展,致力于建设一个公平竞争和有效运行的市场秩序。

    The credit information is the objective foundation of the credit service industry . With standardizing the acquisition and use procedures of the public information and the credit data , it will promote the credit service industry and lead to building a market order with fair competition and effectively running .

  4. 征信机构按其在现实生活中所起的作用可分为公共征信机构与市场化征信机构。

    Credit bureaus in real life according to their role can be divided into market-oriented public credit institutions and credit institutions .

  5. 国外征信业已经有170多年的历史,形成了完备的信用体系和征信法律制度,征信机构或完全市场化运作,充分自由竞争;

    All of this introduction provides theoretic precondition to our country 's law regulation on credit agency . Credit agency industry has a history of 170 years in foreign countries and forms perfect credit system and law system .

  6. 通过完善个人征信制度体系,以消除人们对于个人征信的疑虑,促进信息的自由流动和信息共享,实现政府对征信市场的有效监管,促使市场主体关注自身信用、避免失信行为。

    Perfecting personal credit system , in order to eliminate people ′ s doubts of personal credit registry , promote the free flow of information and information sharing , realize the effective supervision on credit market , prompting market subjects to focus on their own credit , avoid discreditable behavior .