
  • 网络government mechanism
  1. 只有建立了这种符合WTO国际通行规则的政府机制,我国才能真正建立规范的市场经济,进一步推动我国改革开放。

    Only when this kind of government mechanism , which accords with WTO 's conventional regulation , is set up , can our country really establish normative market economy , and further impel the development of reform and open-up of our country .

  2. 构建历史城镇保护的政府机制

    Constructing the Government Mechanism of the Conservation of Historic Cities and Towns

  3. 美国特许学校实际上是市场经济条件下的一种公共品生产形式,从其实践看,这种学校较好地使政府机制与市场机制进行了有效的结合。

    The school combines the government and the market effectively .

  4. 浅析政府机制在城镇住房保障中的效能

    On the role of governmental mechanism in the housing security of cities and towns

  5. 政府机制和市场机制是实现社会资源有效配置的两种最基本的制度安排。

    Government mechanism and market system are two kinds of institutional arrangements for allocating social resources effectively .

  6. 这样,市场机制和政府机制之间就有一个真空地带。

    Thus , there will be a " vacuum area " between the market and government adjustment .

  7. 在城市土地利用中,市场机制和政府机制起着相互配合、相互补充的作用。

    In urban land use , the mechanism of the market and government will play with each other , complementary role .

  8. 存款业务成为信贷危机中少数几个亮点之一,这在很大程度上要归功于政府机制。

    Thanks in large part to government programs that insure them , deposits have been a rare bright spot during the credit crunch .

  9. 本文尝试从产权、市场机制、政府机制三个角度对我国城市土地利用问题进行了分析。

    This article attempts to analysis the urban land use from the following three aspects : property rights , market mechanisms and government mechanisms .

  10. 公共财政理论是当代经济学中用以说明政府机制应该如何运作和实际如何运作的基础理论。

    Public finance theory is the basic theory of temporary economics which illustrates how the government institution should revolve and how it revolves in practice .

  11. 社会发展理论认为,政府机制、市场机制及社会机制这三大动力引擎共同推动着社会不断发展。

    Social development theory is that the Government , market mechanisms and social mechanisms for the three major engine work together to promote social development .

  12. 推进循环经济模式建设,需要正确处理政府机制与市场机制、统一推进与灵活协调两个基本关系,加强各层次循环经济主体的建设。

    To achieve the goal , two fundamental relationships must be properly dealt with and the construction of cyclic economic bodies on various levels strengthened .

  13. 在此基础上探析了区域旅游协同发展模式:以地方利益为基础,协同发展为目标,以市场交易为协同方式,以政府机制为协同保障,发挥各自的比较优势。

    They are to be based on regional interest , to aim to coordinating development , to be safeguarded by government mechanism and to exert respective comparative advantage .

  14. 今天它已经成为克服市场机制与政府机制的缺点、建设和谐社会的基本社会机制。

    This mechanism would be increasingly more adopted in the construction of a harmonious society to overcome the dilemma with which the government and market system always meet .

  15. 微观条件包括:生产成本和区位品牌。2.增长极的形成是政府机制和市场机制共同作用的结果。

    The micro conditions include production costs and regional brand . ( 2 ) Growth pole comes as the result from the combining force of government mechanism and market mechanism .

  16. 城市产业集群的生成与发展需要市场机制与政府机制的相辅相成,而产业集群规划是其健康发展的保证。

    The generation and development of urban industrial cluster need the common function of market mechanism and the government mechanism , and the programming is the guarantees of its sound development .

  17. 本文认为,在生态环境治理中,政府机制、市场机制和自主机制都不是万能的,都有着各自的优势和劣势。

    This paper argues that , in the ecological environment , the government mechanism , the market mechanism and independent mechanisms are not omnipotent , all have their own strengths and weaknesses .

  18. 论文认为:混合经济理论揭示出政府机制和市场机制都不是完美的、但它们又是不可或缺的,两者都是经济正常运行的必要组成部分。

    The paper says that mixed economy theory reveals that government and market mechanisms are not perfect , but they are indispensable , both of which are integral to get the economy running .

  19. 分析表明,项目绩效得益于投资+管理的双重保障,森林生态建设的可持续发展需要政府机制与市场机制的有机结合。

    Through the analysis , the project achievements come out from the diplex mechanism Investment + Management , and the reasonable combination of governing administration and market adjustment for forest establishment and sustainable management .

  20. 从机制建设上包括市场机制、政府机制、道德机制、生态机制四种形式,但四种机制发挥作用的层次不同。

    According to the construction of the mechanism , it includes four forms , such as market mechanism , government mechanism , moral mechanism and ecological mechanism . These four forms play different roles in different levels .

  21. 当财富的增长不能持续地给人们带来效用的满足、市场机制与政府机制在解决发展所带来的种种问题时出现了失灵,文化机制的作用与重要性开始凸现。

    When growth in wealth cannot continuously bring about utility satisfaction , and when market mechanism and government mechanism fail to solve various problems resulting from development , the role and importance of cultural mechanism begin to emerge .

  22. 本人也希望能通过此项研究,能够找出基层公务员激励中存在的共性问题,使各级有关部门在进行政府机制改革时能有所借鉴。

    Through this research , I hope to be capable of finding out common problems in the incentive mechanism of grassroots civil servants , which will be used for governments at all levels in the reformation of government mechanism .

  23. 而第三部门提供的公益捐赠却可以实现社会点对点财富的转移,从而有针对性地缩小和消除市场机制和政府机制之间的真空地带,进而更接近于社会的公平目标。

    The public donation can lead to the point-to-point transfer of wealth , so as to reduce and eliminate the " vacuum " between the market and government mechanisms , and make us closer to the goal of social equity and harmony .

  24. 公仆人、经济人和公益人假设分别作为政府机制、市场机制和志愿事业机制供给公共物品的动力,为公共物品的供给研究提供了一种分析思路。

    The hypothesis that " civil servants ", " economic persons " and " public persons " respectively act as driving forces for mechanism of government , market and voluntary provides an analysis method for the research on supply of public goods .

  25. 本文在阐述了自主创新重要意义的基础上,分别从政府机制、市场机制、企业机制和社会机制四个方面论述了自主创新的动力机制,并提出自主创新的动力机制模型。

    This paper , on the basis of the importance of independent innovation , discusses the motive mechanisms of independent innovation from four respects , governmental mechanism , market mechanism , enterprise mechanism and social mechanism , and presents a motive mechanism model of independent innovation .

  26. 第四,学费定价既是市场与政府机制共同作用的结果,也是教育成本、居民支付能力等现实因素影响的结果,从定价决策来看,还是多方博弈的结果。

    Fourthly , the tuition pricing mechanism is the result of acting of market and the government , but also the result of influence of the cost of education , the residents ability to pay , from the pricing decisions of view , it is multi-game results .

  27. 必须从医疗卫生服务产品的特殊性质出发,正确处理政府机制与市场机制在医疗卫生事业发展中的责任,转换财政支持医疗卫生事业的资金投入机制,加强政府对农村医疗卫生领域的支持力度。

    We must correctly deal with the relation between governmental mechanism and marketable mechanism in the development of medical hygiene according to character of medical hygienic products , change lease-lend mechanism to medical hygienic department in public finance , strengthen governmental support to medical hygiene in the country .

  28. 最后,根据三种模式的决策特点,对每种模式的适用性进行分析,并从收益约束条件、特许费和政府补贴机制、特许经营者选择的角度提出了我国发展BOT模式的实施策略。

    Finally , from the point views of revenue constrain conditions , royalties and government subsidy and finally the choosing franchisees , this thesis gives a strategy of promoting the implement of BOT in China according to the decision features of three different modes .

  29. 分析了电子政务对我国政府决策机制的机遇和挑战。

    Analysis of opportunities and challenges of e-government in decision-making mechanism .

  30. 最后,要规范地方政府举债机制。

    At last , the debt mechanism is to be standardized .