
  1. 本文提出引进旅游市场机制,调动政府、商家、学者和文化主体的积极性,使非物质文化遗产在现实生活中找到生存的土壤。

    This article puts forward that the system for tourism market should be introduced , and the enthusiasm of government , enterprises , scholars and cultural subjects should be activated , thus the immaterial culture legacy can be existed in realism .

  2. 旅游市场发展机制的理论研究&基于系统动力学的思考

    Theory Study on the Development Mechanism of Tourism Market

  3. 以培育特需商品旅游购物市场机制为核心确定开发的市场策略。

    Determine the development market strategy mainly with fostering the special goods shopping market mechanism .

  4. 电子商务与旅游市场运行机制研究

    E-commerce and the Tourist Market Operation

  5. 旅游市场信号传递机制构建分析

    Analysis of the Construction of Signal Transmission Mechanism of Tourism Market

  6. 第一,要确立可持续发展与利用、利益协调统一和权利义务相一致的基本原则。第二,科学界定旅游资源产权关系,积极引入旅游产业市场化机制。

    First , we should establish the basic principles of sustainable development and coordination and interests of uniformity and rights and obligations . Second , we should have a definite relation between property and tourism resources in tourism industry and introduces the market-oriented mechanism .

  7. 之后,本论文研究了旅游资源资本化的关键环节&旅游资源市场配置机制。

    In the next , the dissertation studies the key of tourism resource capitalization & tourism resource market allocation mechanism .

  8. 最后,提出旅游规划失灵的克服要在旅游规划伦理建设,旅游规划市场机制完善,政府主导力度加强,旅游规划法制地位确立,当地社会的广泛参与上下大功夫。

    Finally , the paper proposes the countermeasures against tourism planning failure by constructing tourism planning ethics , perfecting tourism planning market , strengthening government leading power , establishing legal position of tourism planning , and broadening involvement of local communities .

  9. 在旅游领域,越中双方在旅游产品开发、旅游线路组织、旅游市场营销、旅游项目建设、旅游市场管理、应急机制建设、旅游人才培训等各方面都有良好的合作。

    In the field of tourism , the both have good cooperation in tourism product development , tourism line organization , tourism project construction , tourism market management mechanism , tourism talents training and other aspects .