
  1. 论公民的基本旅游权利及其法律依据

    On the Basic Tourism Rights of Citizens and its Legal Basis

  2. 吸收《旅游权利法案》规范构筑旅游法律规范体系等。

    Absorbing the original regulation of Tourism Rights Draft to establish the system of tourism laws and regulations .

  3. 依据《旅游权利法案》的精神构筑旅游基本法的核心制度,这些核心制度包括旅游监管制度、旅游经营者注册登记制度、旅游者权利保障制度、有效保护旅游资源制度、旅游投诉制度等;

    ; drafting the core system according the spirits of Tourism Rights Draft which consists of tourism supervision system , registration system of tourism operator , safeguarding system of tourists ' rights , effective protection system of tourism resource and tourism complaint-dealing system ;

  4. 中国的游客可以申请申根签证(Schengen),这种签证赋予他们在26个欧洲国家旅游的权利。

    Tourists from China can apply for a Schengen visa , which gives them the right to travel to 26 European countries .

  5. 萨达姆侯赛因政权倒台后,获得(出境)旅游的权利成为伊拉克人最向往的自由之一。

    The right to travel was one of the most enticing of the freedoms Iraqis looked forward to after the collapse of Saddam hussein 's regime .

  6. 戴夫·瓦提称,该中期济助令的期限是到诉讼主要程序开始为止。瓦提兄弟欲通过该诉讼保护自己在公司中的权益,并维护自己在该项目中参与生态旅游的权利。

    The interim relief is pending the main court case in which they are seeking to protect their interest in the company , as well as their eco-tourism rights to the project , he said .

  7. 森林旅游资源关联权利问题研究

    On the Issues of the Related Rights in the Forest Tourism Resources

  8. 鉴定书南非的一种通过部落鉴定黑人的身份,并列举有关此人的工作,旅游和定居权利的官方限制的强制性文件。

    An obligatory document in South Africa that identifies a black person by tribe and enumerates official restrictions placed on the person regarding the right to work , travel , or establish residence .

  9. 第3章主要探究了旅游保险代理人的权利、义务与责任。

    Chapter 3 mainly explores the rights , obligations and civil liability of travel insurance agents with an overview of its administrative responsibility and criminal liability .

  10. 在旅游合同中,旅游营业人的权利主要是收取旅游费用,其义务主要表现在先契约义务、告知义务、按合同约定提供旅游服务义务、瑕疵担保义务等方面。

    Tourism contract is the contract that tourism operators provide tourists with tourism service and tourists pays the tourism operators with the traveling expense .

  11. 当事人在旅游合同履行过程中常因违反旅游合同权利义务导致发生纠纷,受害最大的是旅游消费者。

    In the process of fulfill a travel contract , usually disputes will occur because of the parties violate the rights and obligations of travel contract . But the tourism is the largest victim .

  12. 旅游合同的主要条款确定了旅游合同当事人的权利和义务,是保证旅游质量的前提。

    The main terms in tour contracts ensure the rights and obligations of the tour contract party , and they are the premise , which guarantees tour quality .

  13. 这主要表现在旅游营业人(这里主要是指旅行社)和旅游者之间的权利、义务的分担以及责任承担方面。

    This is mainly manifested in travel agencies and tourists between the rights , obligations and responsibility-sharing commitments .

  14. 然后特别强调对旅游营业人的责任应进行必要的限制和免除,防止旅游者滥用权利,以便最大限度的实现法律追求公平正义之目标。

    Thirdly it is necessary to restrict and except the responsibility of tour operators so as to prevent the abuse of the right of tourists , in order to achieve the target of fairness and justice in the legal pursuit .

  15. 为了规范市场主体,保障旅游业持续健康发展,文章从旅游饭店与旅游者之间的合同出发,着重阐述了旅游饭店在旅游合同中的权利和义务。

    In order to standardize the market main body , ensure tourist industry to develop in a healthy way continuously , the article proceeds from contract between tourist hotel and tourists , have explained the right and obligation that the tourist hotel faces in the service contract .