
  • 网络Trade rights;right to trade
  1. 此种贸易权应为进口或出口货物的权利。

    Such right to trade shall be the right to import and export goods .

  2. 对于附件2B所列货物,中国应根据该附件中所列时间表逐步取消在给予贸易权方面的限制。

    For those goods listed in Annex 2B , China shall phase out limitation on the grant of trading rights pursuant to the schedule in that Annex .

  3. 美国宪法规定:国会与总统分享贸易权。

    U.S. Constitution : Congress and the president share trading rights .

  4. 此外,进口该货物的实体需有贸易权。

    Moreover , the entity importing the good would need trading rights .

  5. 经济方面主要是指沿岸贸易权与内河航行权的攫夺;

    Seizing trade right and inland navigation rights meant restriction on economy .

  6. 针对实施沿海贸易权政策的另一项举措便是指定了25个港口作为国际枢纽港。

    Another initiative aimed at implementing the cabotage policy is the designation of25 ports as international hubs .

  7. 小皮特为了全面控制爱尔兰的贸易权,于1785年提出英爱通商主张。

    He proposed to unify Ireland with Britain in 1785 to gain a full control of the Irish trade .

  8. 海伊国务卿要求所涉及的国家都同意,在中国任何区域的任何国家有平等的贸易权。

    SHEP O'NEAL : Secretary Hay asked the nations involved to agree to equal trading rights for all countries in all parts of China .

  9. 他进一步确认,获得贸易权的任何要求仅为海关和财政目的,将不构成贸易壁垒。

    He further confirmed that any requirements for obtaining trading rights would be for customs and fiscal purposes only and would not constitute a barrier to trade .

  10. 83.中国代表确认,在3年过渡期内,中国将逐步放开贸易权的范围和可获性。

    83 . The representative of China confirmed that during the three years of transition , China would progressively liberalize the scope and availability of trading rights .

  11. 哈伯和沙城之间的摩擦尤其严重,经常是因为贸易权和商队路线的原因。当然新里诺还是处在数个犯罪集团利益范围的控制中。

    There is much friction between the states of Hub and Shady Sands , usually related to trade rights and caravan routes , while New Reno remains dominated by various criminal interests .

  12. 根据入世承诺,在未来五年内,中国石化业将取消非关税壁垒,减让关税,以及给予外国公司贸易权和分销权。

    In line with the WTO commitments , the cancellation of non-tariff barriers , tariff concession and granting of trade right and distribution right to foreign companies are supposed to be done within five-year transitional period .

  13. 这些谈判能否取得成功,将取决于奥巴马政府是否会从国会获得贸易促进权(TPA)。

    Whether these negotiations succeed will depend on whether the administration obtains trade promotion authority from Congress .

  14. 白宫官员曾表示,如果没有贸易促进权,TPP将无法完成。

    White House officials have said the Pacific trade accord cannot be completed without that authority .

  15. 控制着参众两院的共和党人在投票结束后表示,他们会寻求替代路径,推进这个正式名称为贸易促进权(TPA)的法案。

    Republicans , who control both Houses of Congress , said after the vote that they would seek alternative paths forward for the legislation formally known as Trade Promotion Authority .

  16. CX公司成立于一九九五年十月,是经外经贸部批准有自主外贸进出口经营权和边境小额贸易经营权的民营股份制企业。

    CX Company was established in October , 1995 , a private-owned international trade enterprise with import & export and Border Trade rights approved by the former MOFTEC .

  17. 首先,否决贸易促进权法案(TPA,又称快速道(fast-track)谈判授权)将令美国在这个快速变化的世界丧失一项全球经济战略。

    First , rejection of the trade promotion authority ( TPA ), or fast-track negotiating powers , would leave the US without a global economic strategy in a rapidly changing world .

  18. 2004年9月,我们取得了英国CEEP的贸易代理权,使公司在连接器领域的产品进一步得到完善。

    In Sep.2004 , we got the trade acting right of CEEP , which riches our products in connector field .

  19. 美参院通过法案扩大布希贸易谈判权。

    US Senate passed act expanding bush 's power in trade negotiation .

  20. 中国需要国际贸易定价权

    China needs rights of setting prices an international trade

  21. 美众议院批准扩大总统贸易谈判权法案。

    US House approves bill to give President more power in negotiating trade deals .

  22. 但是自2007年授权期满后,国会就一直拒绝给总统以贸易促进权。

    But Congress has declined to grant the Oval Office TPA power since its expiration in2007 .

  23. 但须注意的是,这些服务不需要贸易垄断权。

    It is necessary to note , however , that these services do not require monopoly trading powers .

  24. 快速通道的反对者希望剥离了劳工援助法案的贸易促进权会在参议院遇到麻烦。

    Opponents of fast track hoped trade promotion authority without worker assistance would run into trouble in the Senate .

  25. 我国大麦进口量大,但在大麦贸易定价权方面处于弱势地位。

    With a large import of barley , China is still a in weak position of pricing power in barley trade .

  26. 日本在1858年,被迫签订安政条约,以及承认美日贸易优先权。

    And 1858 in Japan was the year when Japan had to sign the Harris Treaty and accept trade on favorable condition for the U.S.

  27. 美国总统一直以来倚仗他们的“快车道/贸易促进权”来和国会就贸易协定展开斡旋,国会要么批准,要么否决,但不能修改贸易协定。

    Presidents have relied on their fast-track Trade Promotion Authority ( TPA ) to negotiate pacts that Congress can ratify or reject but not amend .

  28. 如果将贸易促进权与贸易调整援助计划捆绑在一起,他们会鼓动大家反对,他们反对该援助计划,称这是在浪费纳税人的钱。

    Now they are encouraging opposition if trade promotion authority is linked to trade adjustment assistance , which they oppose as a waste of federal tax dollars .

  29. 共和党人的确表示过他们将把贸易促进权与扩大贸易调整协助为由于国际竞争而失业的工人提供援助联系起来。

    Republicans did say they will link trade promotion authority with an expansion of trade adjustment assistance & aid to workers who lose their jobs because of international competition .

  30. 共和党人的确表示过他们将把贸易促进权与扩大贸易调整协助——为由于国际竞争而失业的工人提供援助——联系起来。

    Republicans did say they will link trade promotion authority with an expansion of trade adjustment assistance - aid to workers who lose their jobs because of international competition .