- 网络Trade rights;right to trade

Such right to trade shall be the right to import and export goods .
For those goods listed in Annex 2B , China shall phase out limitation on the grant of trading rights pursuant to the schedule in that Annex .
U.S. Constitution : Congress and the president share trading rights .
Moreover , the entity importing the good would need trading rights .
Seizing trade right and inland navigation rights meant restriction on economy .
Another initiative aimed at implementing the cabotage policy is the designation of25 ports as international hubs .
He proposed to unify Ireland with Britain in 1785 to gain a full control of the Irish trade .
SHEP O'NEAL : Secretary Hay asked the nations involved to agree to equal trading rights for all countries in all parts of China .
He further confirmed that any requirements for obtaining trading rights would be for customs and fiscal purposes only and would not constitute a barrier to trade .
83 . The representative of China confirmed that during the three years of transition , China would progressively liberalize the scope and availability of trading rights .
There is much friction between the states of Hub and Shady Sands , usually related to trade rights and caravan routes , while New Reno remains dominated by various criminal interests .
In line with the WTO commitments , the cancellation of non-tariff barriers , tariff concession and granting of trade right and distribution right to foreign companies are supposed to be done within five-year transitional period .
Whether these negotiations succeed will depend on whether the administration obtains trade promotion authority from Congress .
White House officials have said the Pacific trade accord cannot be completed without that authority .
Republicans , who control both Houses of Congress , said after the vote that they would seek alternative paths forward for the legislation formally known as Trade Promotion Authority .
CX Company was established in October , 1995 , a private-owned international trade enterprise with import & export and Border Trade rights approved by the former MOFTEC .
First , rejection of the trade promotion authority ( TPA ), or fast-track negotiating powers , would leave the US without a global economic strategy in a rapidly changing world .
In Sep.2004 , we got the trade acting right of CEEP , which riches our products in connector field .
US Senate passed act expanding bush 's power in trade negotiation .
China needs rights of setting prices an international trade
US House approves bill to give President more power in negotiating trade deals .
But Congress has declined to grant the Oval Office TPA power since its expiration in2007 .
It is necessary to note , however , that these services do not require monopoly trading powers .
Opponents of fast track hoped trade promotion authority without worker assistance would run into trouble in the Senate .
With a large import of barley , China is still a in weak position of pricing power in barley trade .
And 1858 in Japan was the year when Japan had to sign the Harris Treaty and accept trade on favorable condition for the U.S.
Presidents have relied on their fast-track Trade Promotion Authority ( TPA ) to negotiate pacts that Congress can ratify or reject but not amend .
Now they are encouraging opposition if trade promotion authority is linked to trade adjustment assistance , which they oppose as a waste of federal tax dollars .
Republicans did say they will link trade promotion authority with an expansion of trade adjustment assistance & aid to workers who lose their jobs because of international competition .
Republicans did say they will link trade promotion authority with an expansion of trade adjustment assistance - aid to workers who lose their jobs because of international competition .