
mào yì qí shì
  • trade discrimination
  1. 我们应该求同存异,增进相互之间的理解,消除贸易歧视,反对贸易制裁,加强技术交流与合作。

    We should seek common ground and reserve differences , promote mutual understanding , smooth out trade discrimination , fight against trade sanction , develop technical exchanges and cooperations .

  2. 加入WTO,是中国赢得了公平竞争的国际环境,减少了贸易歧视和摩擦;

    Entering into WTO makes china win the fairly competitive circumstance , decrease the trade friction and discrimination ;

  3. 美国对华贸易歧视政策及原因剖析

    Analysis of the United Sates ' Discriminatory Trade Policies against China

  4. 国民待遇原则是世界贸易非歧视性原则的基石,内容贯穿了WTO的整个法律体系,是WTO的核心内容之一。

    The principle of national treatment is the footstone of the non-discrimination principle in world trade , which run through the whole law system and is the key word of WTO .

  5. 每一成员应避免其认为适当的保护水平在不同的情况下存在任意或不合理的差异,如此类差异造成对国际贸易的歧视或变相限制。

    Each member shall avoid arbitrary or unjustifiable distinctions in the levels it considers to be appropriate in different situations , if such distinctions result in discrimination or a disguised restriction on international trade .

  6. WTO制定了在国际贸易中禁止歧视的根本规则,如果没有这样的法律保护,中国在过去10年的经济崛起中肯定会受到其他贸易国普遍的歧视对待。

    Without the legal shelter of fundamental WTO rules of non-discrimination in world trade , China would surely have been singled out for widespread discrimination by other trading countries during the past dozen years of its economic rise .

  7. 经济贸易中的歧视现象

    Discrimination in trade and economy

  8. 另外还分析了国际贸易中的歧视性政府采购及其存在的原因;

    Chapter Five relates government procurement with international trade and analyzes the economic effect of discriminatory government procurement .

  9. 国民待遇原则作为世界贸易组织非歧视贸易原则的基石,从关贸总协定时代起就号称是三大支柱之一。

    The principle of national treatment is the footstone of the non-discrimination principle in WTO , and it is one of the three backbones of WTO .

  10. 这一立场反映出,欧盟认为双边协议网络过于复杂,不易达成共识,也不易维系下去,还可能造成对双边协议以外的贸易伙伴的歧视。

    That stance reflected Brussels ' belief that a web of bilateral deals is complex to agree and maintain , and may discriminate against trading partners that are not party to a bilateral agreement .

  11. 在这种动态的过程中,各国为了适应经济全球化的需要,都逐步消除贸易壁垒和歧视性待遇,建立更自由的贸易环境,以促进本国的产业发展和经济持续增长。

    In such a dynamic process , in order to meet the demand of economic globalization , many countries have been concentrating on eliminating the trade barriers and discriminating treatments step by step and establishing a trade environment with more freedom to stimulate the domestic industrial development and economic growth .

  12. 在区域保障措施的实践中,除了启动条件、差别待遇、实施方式各有特色之外,区域贸易安排天然的歧视性与WTO保障措施的非选择性(非歧视性)之间的冲突是最主要的问题。

    In the practice of regional safeguards , the conflict between discrimination of regional trade arrangements and non-selection ( non-discrimination ) of WTO safeguards is the main problem , apart from there are the characteristics of launch conditions , differential treatment , implementation modalities in each regional safeguards .

  13. 国际贸易中的环境歧视问题研究

    On the Environmental Discrimination in International Trade

  14. 多边贸易体制下非歧视原则的适用与同类产品的定义问题研究

    Studies on the Legal Issues Relating to the Application of the Principle of Non-discrimination and the Definition of " Like Product " under the Multilateral Trading System

  15. 反倾销规则诞生于二十世纪初,其最初的立法本意是为了反对国际贸易中的价格歧视行为,维护自由、公平的国际贸易秩序。

    The Rules of Anti-dumping were born in the early 20th century . The initiate legislative intention of the Anti-dumping Rules is to fight against the price discrimination in the international trade field and maintain the free and fair order of international trade .

  16. 在宏观上的主要影响是:贸易禁止和贸易限制,得到歧视性和非歧视性SPS动物疫病管制措施下,我国家禽产品出口的影响程度不同的结论。

    The major impacts at the macro level are trade prohibition and trade restrictions , and we get conclusions that under discriminatory and non-discriminatory SPS measures on animal disease control , the impacts to Chinese poultry exports have different levels .

  17. 但这类措施的实施有可能限制国际贸易的自由发展,与多边贸易规则的非歧视原则产生矛盾。

    But implementing this kind of measures may constraint on free development of international trade and conflict with non-discrimination principle of multilateral trade rules .

  18. 第三部分企业出口贸易面临危机的原因,从全球贸易摩擦、歧视性因素和企业对标准风险的认识不足、防范意识不强等方面分析,阐述了危机产生的原因。

    Part Three : Reasons why Chinese export enterprises is facing crisis , which talks about global trade frictions , discriminations and the lack of consciousness of self-protection .