
  • 网络Trade capital movement
  1. 国际短期资本流动按性质的不同可以分为贸易资本流动、银行资本流动、安全性资本流动和投机性资本流动。

    International short-term capital flow can be divided into trade capital flow , bank capital flow , security capital flow and speculative capital flow .

  2. WTO框架下的金融服务贸易与资本流动和金融稳定

    Take in Finacial Service and Capital Circulation and Financial

  3. 通过对国际贸易、资本流动的分析发现我国出口增速与进口增速受汇率及FDI的影响很大。

    Through the analysis in the international trade and capital flows , I found that the influences on imports and export growth from exchange rate and FDI are great .

  4. 随着贸易和资本流动全球化,一国经济和汇率受到外部因素的高度影响,如何协调内外均衡成为各国面临的共同挑战。

    With trade and capital flow globality , internal-external economic equilibrium becomes monetary authorities common challenge .

  5. 如此,一场贸易与资本流动的巨大动荡即可避免。

    In this way , a major disruption in trade and capital flows can be avoided .

  6. 在过去30年间,两国都开放了国际贸易和资本流动。

    Both have opened up to international trade and capital flows in the past three decades .

  7. 今天,这意味着气候变化是比进一步开放世界贸易或者资本流动更优先的事项。

    Today this means climate change is a higher priority than further opening of world trade or capital flows .

  8. 我们现在所经历的,其实是现代史上第二轮贸易和资本流动的大规模全球化。

    What we are experiencing is actually the second great globalisation of trade and capital flows in modern times .

  9. 全球化带来的这种荒谬结果对发达国家非常重要,因为它对全球治理、贸易以及资本流动具有重要影响。

    This paradoxical outcome of globalisation matters for the developed world because of its impact on global governance , trade and capital flows .

  10. 到目前为止,印度在贸易、资本流动、能源消费和碳排放方面一直以稳定、温和的速度增长。

    Thus far her growth in trade , capital flows , energy consumption and emissions has been at a steady , moderate pace .

  11. 人们对全球经济中贸易和资本流动的关注,通常集中在美国外部赤字的规模以及为其融资方面。

    The attention paid to trade and capital flows in the global economy normally focuses on size and scale and the financing of America 's external deficit .

  12. 开放型经济迅速发展,商品和服务贸易、资本流动规模显著扩大。国家外汇储备大幅度增加。

    The open economy has developed swiftly . Trade in commodities and services and capital flow have grown markedly . China ′ s foreign exchange reserves have risen considerably .

  13. 经济全球化使各国之间的经联系更加紧密,也使得贸易和资本流动对一国的宏观经济影响日益重大。

    The globalization has strengthened the economic ties between countries all over the world . As a result , international trade and capital flow have greater impact on domestic economies .

  14. 由于在联盟内部实行区内贸易和资本流动,因此即便大央行的货币政策出错,对于它所服务的成员国来说,造成的影响也较小。

    Owing to the implementation of intra-regional trade and capital flows inside the union , even a wrong monetary policy of the central bank will have little influence on its leaguers .

  15. 若执意追求这些目标,将造成一个僵局,进而出现愈演愈烈的争议和增大压力的企图,这有可能殃及国际贸易和资本流动的其它层面。

    If pursued , this approach will produce a stand-off , followed by growing controversy and attempts to increase pressure , which could spill over into other aspects of international trade and capital flows .

  16. 汇率变动对进出口贸易、资本流动、国际贸易关系、经济增长速度、就业水平等都存在影响。

    This paper analyzes the effects of the fluctuations of exchange rate on the trade of import and export , capital flow , the international trade relationship , speed of economic growth , employment rate , etc.

  17. 然而,随着亚洲经济进一步增长,以及有越来越多的证据表明,(可能在结构上仍处于高位的)能源价格已对中东造成影响,新的贸易和资本流动模式正在形成。

    But new trade and capital movements are beginning to take shape following further economic development in Asia and growing evidence of the con-sequences of ( perhaps structurally high ) energy prices for the Middle East .

  18. 而产业合作既是三大产业的联合,也是贸易、资本流动、投资和技术的全方位的合作,还是政府、企业和各种中介组织的合作。

    And industrial cooperation is not only the unions of three major industries but its overall cooperation of technology among trade , capital circulation , investment and the government cooperation with various kinds of intermediaries of enterprise as well .

  19. 此外,全球经济复苏必须伴之以更长期的贸易和资本流动再平衡,使经常账户盈余和赤字由基本面因素(而非人为限制)决定,从而降低金融和经济不稳定的风险。

    Further , the recovery of the global economy must be accompanied by a longer-term rebalancing of trade and capital flows so that current account surpluses and deficits are determined by fundamentals rather than artificial constraints , thereby reducing the risk of financial and economic instability .

  20. 我国加入WTO以后会计作为国际通用的商业语言,在促进国际贸易、国际资本流动和国际经济交流等方面的作用将更加突出,加快会计国际化的步伐显得日益紧迫;

    After entering the WTO , Accounting , as a common business language , is playing increasingly important role in international trade . capital exchange and international economic communication .

  21. 总结出FDI对国际收支结构的影响机制,主要是通过贸易流动和资本流动渠道影响国际收支平衡表中经常项目和资本与金融项目。

    Then the author concluded that FDI affected the current account and the capital and financial account of balance of payments statement mainly by trade flow and capital flow .

  22. 理想的汇率制度能够促进国际贸易和国际资本流动。

    A perfect exchange rate regime can promote international trade and the flow of capital .

  23. 在开放经济条件下,经济增长的影响因素扩充到国际间的贸易往来和资本流动,国债政策对经济增长的影响也扩充到其对国际间贸易和资本领域的作用上。

    In a open country , the factors affecting economic growth include international business and oversea capital flow .

  24. 随着开放程度的加深,对外贸易和国际资本流动对我国经济的影响日益增大。

    Wi th the further opening-up , international trade and capital flow are playing an increasing important role .

  25. 贸易流动和资本流动正越来越被各方视为经济战争中可能的武器。

    Trade flows and capital flows are increasingly being looked at by all sides as possible weapons in an economic war .

  26. 依据经济全球化的内容、特征以及非洲的现实处境,选择含经济增长、国际贸易、国际资本流动、人力资源、信息化水平5项因素的15个指标,构建了非洲国家类型划分的指标体系。

    Based on African reality and main contents of economic globalization , an indicator system are built up to classifying African countries .

  27. 使收支平衡,确保贸易和资本的流动有助于本国的发展目标。

    To bring balance of payments into equilibrium and insure that the flow of trade and capital contributes to their development goals .

  28. 它们影响着各个行业,同样也影响着各个国家。贸易往来和资本流动使其影响渗透到世界各个角落。

    They affect industries and countries alike , and linkages through trade and capital flows ensure that their impact is felt around the world .

  29. 开放贸易及资本的流动、放松对国内产业和金融管制不仅促进了同时标志着全球化。

    The freeing of trade and capital flows and the deregulation of domestic industry and finance have both spurred globalisation and come to symbolise it .

  30. 国际贸易、国际资本流动、跨国公司及世界性经济组织是经济全球化下一国产业结构开放及互动的主要作用机制。

    The world trade , the flowing of international capital , the multinational corporation and the international economic organizations are the new forming and changing mechanism for the industrial structure .