
  • 网络gains from trade;trade gains
  1. 他对转让问题和贸易收益的论述既严谨又具有权威性。

    His treatment of the transfer problem and of the gains from trade are both rigorous and classic .

  2. 这是经济学教科书上众所周知的用来解释贸易收益的大概计算方法。

    That is a sketch of the familiar calculations offered in economics textbooks to explain the gains from trade .

  3. 发展中国家贸易收益研究

    The Study on the Trade Gains of Development Countries

  4. 要获得更大的贸易收益,中国必须积极主动融入到区域经济一体化进程。

    To achieve even greater gains from trade , China must take the initiative to merge itself into regional economic integration process .

  5. 通过比较分析,转移价格可以给跨国公司带来两种收益,即贸易收益和投资收益。

    Through the comparative analysis , this paper indicates that transfer pricing brings two kinds of incomes to Transnational Corporation , including trade income and investment income .

  6. 两年前,这种做法非常普遍,当时公司将投机资本的涌入掩饰成贸易收益,中国报告称对港出口剧增。

    The practice was rampant two years ago , when China 's reported exports to Hong Kong surged when companies disguised speculative capital inflows as the proceeds from trade .

  7. 本文认为要促进我国对外直接投资的健康快速发展,必须进行比较利益的动态转换,因而在对外投资中要遵循比较优势原则以期增加国际贸易收益。

    To promote the fast development well of China 's FDI and increase international trade return , there must have a dynamic transformation of comparative interest , so we must follow the comparative advantage principles in foreign investment .

  8. 分工可以提高劳动生产率、资源产出率,增加产品的种类,提高产品的质量,也可以带来规模效益和贸易收益,促进技术进步,从而成为经济内生增长的不竭之源。

    Regional division can increase labor or resource productivity , increase the number of products , improve farm products quality and bring income from the production scale or trade of farm products , promote technology progress . So that , it is the origin of the internal economic growth .

  9. 定量分析了内部贸易的收益与约束。

    Benefits and constraint of Intra-Firm Trade was studied by quantitative analysis .

  10. 签约后的工作是确保图书版权贸易获得收益的重要因素。

    The period work after signing a contract is the important attribute to guarantees the income of the books copyright trade .

  11. 这些都给国际贸易带来收益和风险的不确定性,从而对外汇市场的避险功能和效率提出了更高的要求。因此,关于外汇市场间的相关性研究对国际贸易具有十分重要的意义。

    These bring the uncertainty of income and risk of international trade and more cost of foreign trade , which means that higher requirements of risk management and efficiency from foreign market are necessary .

  12. 最后本文分析了进行农产品产业内贸易的静态收益和动态收益。

    We analyze the static income and dynamic income of IIT of agricultural products .

  13. 报告认为,进入工业国市场的成本会降低,从而通过贸易带来巨大收益。

    The report says the cost of reaching industrial country markets will fall , generating large gains from trade .

  14. 电子商务在国际贸易方面的收益在新时期产生了新的内容,主要体现在直接和间接收益两个方面。

    The income of electronic commerce in the field of international trade produces new content in new time , including direct and indirect profits .

  15. 中国与东盟的产业同构性和出口竞争性,影响了双方贸易合作的收益。

    The benefits from traditional Inter-Industry trade cooperation is limited because the similarities of industrial structure and the competitiveness of products between the ASEAN and China .

  16. 这份报告是ASH组织委托的,由财政部的前高级经济顾问保罗·约翰逊撰写的,是对烟草制品非法贸易公约的成本收益分析。

    The report , commissioned by ASH and produced by Paul Johnson , a former senior economic advisor to the Treasury , is a cost benefit analysis of the protocol on the illicit trade in tobacco products .

  17. 论中国与海湾合作委员会建立自由贸易区的预期收益及前景分析

    The Benefits and Prospects of GCC-China Free Trade Area

  18. 贸易开放带来的收益问题一直广受经济学者的关注和研究。

    Trade liberalization benefits of the economic problems have been well received by scholars of concern and research .

  19. 德国通过纾困资金和区域内转移付出了,但它也通过贸易和货币渠道收益了。

    Germany pays out via bail-outs and intra-regional transfers ; but it also receives benefits via trade and monetary channels .

  20. 报告还说,对于发展中国家来说这种收益是很高的,可以与全球商品贸易改革的潜在收益相媲美。

    And it says the gains would then be high for developing countries – so much so that they would rival the potential gains from global reform of merchandise trade .

  21. 首先,以外汇风险管理理论为基础,阐述外汇风险概念、类型及外汇风险管理原则和方法,并明确提出当前人民币升值会给对外贸易企业带来直接收益影响。

    Elaborates the concept and type of foreign exchange risk , the principles and methods foreign exchange risk management , and points clearly that the current appreciation of the RMB will give foreign trade enterprises direct impact .

  22. 静态分析的结果说明,经济规模差异较大造成的成本超过了贸易紧密带来的收益,从而两岸不具备货币合作向高阶段进行的条件。

    The results of static analysis show that the costs from the differences in economic scales exceed the benefits coming from the close trade relations . Therefore , the foundation to higher stages of monetary cooperation does not exist .

  23. 作为任务贸易,外包能产生“贸易收益”。

    Offshoring as task trade can generate " gains from trade " .

  24. 如果贸易依存度高,贸易的收益较高,则贸易对双边关系产生正面效应。

    If mutual reliance on foreign trade is high , it may produce positive effects on bilateral relations .

  25. 而其中货物贸易连年保持顺差,服务贸易和收益项目却均为逆差。

    The goods trade remains surplus , the service trade and income accounts both remain deficit .

  26. 所以,为了协调经济发展与环境保护的关系,浙江省必须实施一系列以实现可持续发展为目标的绿色贸易措施,使自己在享受国际贸易带来的收益的同时消除其对生态环境的不利影响。

    Therefore , in order to coordinate the economic development with environment , a series of " green " trade measures must be adopted for sustainable growth without imposing harm on the environment .

  27. 在国计学国际贸易模型一章,建立起了国计学贸易收益比较的诸模型。

    In the " International Trade Model " chapter , the comparative trade .

  28. 事实上,斯托尔珀&萨缪尔森定理认为在贸易自由化之前占多数的劳动力应该是贸易自由化后收益最多的。

    In effect , the theory says that whatever sort of labor is most abundant in the economy before liberalizing is the one that prospers most as a result of trade .

  29. 实证研究结果表明,比较优势和收益递增两个因素都较好地解释了广东的出口贸易增长情况,其分析结果也显示,在广东的对外贸易中,收益递增是推动出口增长的主要原因。

    The findings indicate that increasing returns is the major reason between two factors promoting Guangdong export trade .

  30. 因此,除追求静态的贸易创造外,应通过大力发展产业内贸易,推动中间产品专业化和区域性生产网络的建立,着力发挥基于规模经济和集聚效应的贸易合作动态收益。

    So we should expand Intra-Industry trade and set up a new Sino-ASEAN trade cooperation pattern which is based on semifinished product specialization and scale economy .