
  1. 随着WTO的建立和国际贸易全球化,其在一国经济领域中的重要性更为不容忽视。

    With the establishment of WTO ( World Trade Organization ) and the globalization of international trade , the importance of anti-dumping measurement for national economy is growing rapidly .

  2. 而且随着贸易全球化的深入,世界各国间纷纷希望建立自由贸易区,世界经济进入了FTA时代。韩中两国也分别与许多国家达成了关税同盟协议。

    Along with the trade globalization the world economy has entered into the FTA era , and many countries around the world hope to establish a free trade zone , Korea and China have also reached customs union relations .

  3. 这一增速与贸易全球化息息相关。

    This growth is closely related to the globalization of trade .

  4. 此外,贸易全球化的影响也不容忽视。

    And the influence of trade globalism cannot be neglected either .

  5. 贸易全球化,竞争全球化使得市场竞争日益激烈。

    Trade globalization , competition globalization makes the market competition fierce .

  6. 论贸易全球化的政治经济学

    On the Political Economics of Trade Globalization

  7. 随着贸易全球化的发展,世界花卉生产和消费格局也发生了显著变化。

    With the rapid development of the worldwide flower production , the consumption is increasing steadily .

  8. 随着经济全球化、贸易全球化的发展,环境问题的全球化引起人们的普遍关注。

    With the development of global economy and trade liberalization , environment globalization has been noticed universally .

  9. 伴随着世界经济的发展,贸易全球化已经成为了不可逆转的趋势。

    With the development of the world economy , the globalization of trade has become an irreversible trend .

  10. 贸易全球化;

    Globalization of trade ;

  11. 随着贸易全球化的快速发展,国际竞争日趋激烈,国家间的贸易摩擦日益加剧。

    With the rapid development of globalization of trade and international competition intensifies between countries , increasing trade friction .

  12. 继贸易全球化、生产全球化之后,研究开发全球化已经成为经济一体化的重要趋势。

    The globalization of research and development has become an important trend after the globalization of trade and production .

  13. 如前所述,食品贸易全球化加剧了发生涉及污染食品的国际事件的风险。

    As mentioned , the globalization of the food trade increases the risk of international incidents involving contaminated food .

  14. 在国际经济迅猛发展的今天,贸易全球化和经济一体化已经成为发展趋势。

    The rapid development in the international economy today , the globalization of trade and economic integration has become a trend .

  15. 无水港是贸易全球化的产物,也是区域经济合作的重要体现。

    Dry Port is not only the produce of economic globalization , but also the important embodiment of regional economic cooperation .

  16. 在全球经济一体化、生产国际化、贸易全球化的今天,国际、国内市场竞争日趋激烈。

    In global economic integration , producing internationalization , trade globalization today , the international , domestic market competition is becoming fiercer .

  17. 随着世界贸易全球化与自由化的日益发展,专利产品平行进口问题越来越普遍。

    Along with the world trade liberalization of globalization and the development of parallel imports , patented product problem more and more common .

  18. 随贸易全球化和交通工具愈趋方便,海关人员必须担当重要的角色,

    Globalisation of trade and convenience of travel means customs officers have to play a key role in stopping the smuggling of endangered fauna

  19. 在贸易全球化、信息便捷化的当下,高速发展的科技造就了今天的互联网时代。

    The rapid development of the science and technology has contributed to today ' sinternet era in the globalization of trade and information convenient .

  20. 在经济贸易全球化和市场经济飞速发展的时代背景下,现金流越来越受到了人们的关注,并且提出了现金为王的观点。

    With the development of the trade globalization and the rapid development of the market economy , cash flow has been paid more attention .

  21. 当今世界的发展应该是可持续发展,在这个前提下,环境保护和贸易全球化是两个同样重要,又相互影响相互制约的方面。

    On the premise of sustainable development , environmental protection and trade globalization are two equally important aspects , but mutual influence and restriction ones .

  22. 随着世界贸易全球化的加深,发达国家越来越多的利用绿色壁垒充当保护贸易的新工具。

    With the deep development of economic globalization , developed countries have been using more and more green barriers as new tools of trade protection .

  23. 在当今贸易全球化的大背景下自由贸易理论是主调,贸易保护理论也存在现实的市场。

    Under the globalization , the theory of free trade is the main stream while the theory of trade protection is existing in the meantime .

  24. 随着互联网的发展和贸易全球化的推进,互联网成为影响营销发展的一股新力量。

    With the development of the Internet and the globalization of trade , the Internet has become a new force which affected the development of marketing .

  25. 商标作为企业的一种无形资产,在知识经济国际化和贸易全球化的今天,发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Trademark as a kind of intangible assets , in the knowledge economy and international trade globalization of today , is playing an increasingly important role .

  26. 在世界经济和贸易全球化的大趋势下,竞争日益激烈,产品同质化越来越明显,客户需求变得个性化和多样化。

    In the trend of world economy and trade globalization , product homogeneity becomes more and more obvious , customer demand is increasingly diverse and personalized .

  27. 随着经济贸易全球化发展,我国畜牧养殖业将面对激烈的国际市场竞争。

    With the development of international economy and trade , the stock and culture industry in our country will face the ardent competition of international market .

  28. 随着世界经济一体化、贸易全球化的日益发展,世界各国的国际经济、贸易等活动日益繁荣。

    With the development of global economic integration and trade globalization , the activities of international economy and trade all over the world are becoming prosperous increasingly .

  29. 20世纪80年代进入了经济全球化的时代,经济全球化包括贸易全球化、金融全球化、技术全球化、劳动力全球化等等。

    The ear of globalization of economy , which includes globalization of trade , of finance , of technology , and of manpower etc. , came in 1980s .

  30. 贸易全球化是以利润和市场为导向的经济的必然发展趋势,根源在于生产和市场矛盾,基本的规律是国际价值规律。

    Trade globalization is an inevitable trend of profit-and market-oriented economy . It originates from the contradiction between production and market and its basic law is the international value law .