
  • 网络trade foreign exchange;Trade Exchange;Foreign Exchange of Trade
  1. 关于当前我国对外贸易外汇风险管理的思考

    Consideration on China Foreign Exchange Risk Management in Foreign Trade

  2. 对俄边境贸易外汇管理中的难点及对策

    The Difficulty and Countermeasure to Foreign Exchange Control Of the Frontier Trade for Russia

  3. 通过本文的论述,最终为读者完整地呈现一个基于非贸易外汇业务的信息化系统。

    Ultimately , the author will fully present a non-trade foreign exchange business information system for the reader through the exposition of this paper .

  4. 当我开始对贸易外汇和我的第一次大的损失和利润,我开始注意非常重要的事情时,对整个交易过程。

    When I started to trade Forex and made my first big losses and profits I began to notice when very important thing about the whole trading process .

  5. 加入WTO后我国对外贸易的外汇风险防范

    Precaution of Our Nation Foreign Exchange Risk in International Trade After China Entry into WTO

  6. FDI、出口贸易与外汇储备增长基于19972009年月度数据的计量检验

    FDI , Export Foreign and Exchange Reserve & Test with the time series data from 1997 to 2009

  7. 发达的对外贸易导致外汇占款过多推动通货膨胀。

    Foreign trade led to excessive foreign exchange and causes inflation .

  8. 汇率制度改革后人民币有效汇率测算及对国际贸易、外汇储备的影响分析

    Measurement of EER of RMB and its Effect on International Trade and Forex

  9. 中国如何回应,将为2010年的全球贸易和外汇市场定下基调。

    How China responds will set the tone for global trade and foreign exchange markets for 2010 .

  10. 当它们的通胀借由贸易和外汇市场传回西方国家时,后者将遭受滞胀之苦。

    As their inflation transmits back to the west through trade and currency market , the West will suffer stagflation .

  11. 最后,同贸易有关的外汇措施是WTO行使管辖权的基础。

    Finally , the foreign exchange measures with trade related to the exercise of jurisdiction is the base of WTO .

  12. 亚洲四国汇率风险与贸易&远期外汇市场的作用

    Exchange Rate Risk and Trade in Asian Four Countries & The Role of Forward Markets

  13. 许多看似与贸易有关的外汇交易,其实都是纯粹的金融套利。

    Much of what appears to be trade-related currency transactions is in fact simple financial arbitrage .

  14. 而人民币汇率政策方面的争端恰恰是属于同贸易有关的外汇措施的。

    And the RMB exchange rate policy dispute is belongs to the foreign exchange measures with trade related .

  15. 此外,中国拥有世界上最大的贸易顺差和外汇储备。

    China has also amassed the world 's largest trade surplus and world 's largest foreign exchange reserves .

  16. 人民币升值能否改变贸易顺差与外汇储备增长的趋势

    Analysis on Whether RMB Appreciation Can Change Growth Trend of Trade Surplus and Foreign Exchange Reserves in China

  17. 在贸易平衡、外汇储备等方面台湾对祖国大陆更加依赖;

    As to the balance of trade and the foreign exchange reserve , Taiwan depends on the mainland much more .

  18. 《办法》适用于边境省(区)办理与边境贸易相关的外汇业务。

    The Measures are applicable to the foreign trade operations related to border trade in the border provinces ( autonomous regions ) .

  19. 2005年到2009年,加工贸易企业的外汇环境和市场环境剧烈变化,极大降低了其抗击外汇风险的能力。

    From 2005 to 2009 , the great change of RMB exchange rate and market environment weakened ability of resisting exchange rate risk .

  20. 从三个方面来考察人民币国际化的进展状况,即从人民币在国际贸易、全球外汇市场和各国外汇储备的使用状况来考察当前人民币国际化的现状。

    We examine the progress of RMB internationalization by three aspects which include international trade , global foreign exchange market and foreign exchange reserves .

  21. 当前中国愈演愈烈的通胀风暴,并非由贸易顺差或外汇储备增加等国际因素造成,他表示。

    China 's gathering inflationary storm today is not powered by international factors , like trade surpluses or increased foreign reserves , he says .

  22. 出口退税受一国经济体制、贸易策略、外汇政策、财税制度等诸多因素的影响。

    Export Tax Rebate is influenced by many factors , such as economic system , trade strategy , foreign exchange policy , public finance policy and tax system of one country .

  23. 近几年,尽管贸易顺差、外汇储备有所减少,但是人民币升值的预期并未减弱,国际上要求人民币升值的呼声不断。

    In recent years , despite the trade surplus and foreign exchange reserves decreased , the expectations of RMB appreciation has not diminished and the voice to revalue our currency continue .

  24. 从全球视角来看,理想的结果是,盈余国家能够刺激国内需求,并采取一种不那么容易积累贸易盈余和外汇储备的汇率机制。

    From a global perspective the desirable outcome is for the surplus countries to stimulate domestic demand and adopt exchange rate regimes that are less conducive to piling up trade surpluses and reserves .

  25. 外贸经营体制改革的核心是扩大我国的进出口贸易,增加外汇收入,提升我国的国际贸易地位。

    The core of the foreign trade management organizational reform is expansion of the import-export trade in China , increasing the foreign exchange earnings , promoting our country 's status in the international trade .

  26. 目前,中国国际收支状况比较好,去年外商直接投资增长了15%,贸易顺差,外汇储备不断增长。

    China 's current balance of international payments remains sound . Last year , foreign direct investment in China increased by 15 percent , and the country registered trade surplus and growing foreign exchange reserves .

  27. 为了增强采取行动的政治意愿,应该假定保持方案中所描述贸易顺差和外汇储备范围及模式的国家,正在造成应予以纠正的贸易扭曲。

    In order to strengthen political will for action , the presumption should be that a country that sustains the scope and pattern of trade surplus and reserves described in the guidelines is achieving a distortion of trade that should be remedied .

  28. 2001年8月开始,中国巨大的贸易顺差和外汇储备引起国际社会的广泛关注和争议,人民币升值压力随之增大,国际贸易摩擦由此激增。

    Since August , 2001 , the enormous trade surplus and foreign exchange reserve of China cause disputes from international community and became the most important reason to bring the upward revaluation pressure of RMB , and furthermore to cause political extortions and trade frictions .

  29. 特别提款权的额外分配将使得各国不必形成贸易顺差就能建立外汇储备。

    Additional allocations of special drawing rights would enable countries to build reserves without running trade surpluses .

  30. 好多制度不利于发展对外贸易,对增加外汇收入不利。

    Too many regulations are not conducive to the development of foreign trade or an increase in foreign earning .