- overseas remittance;immigrant remittance;remittance by Chinese nationals residing abroad

[overseas remittance] 侨胞从国外汇到国内的钱款
Remittances from Abroad and Economic Development in Migrants ' Mother Countries
Due to the impact of the financial crisis , there is a significant decline of both emigration and the oversea remittance . But the domestic situation of the Egyptian society remains unchanged .
For close to ten million recipients it was the main source , or one of the main sources , of livelihood , and it formed an important link between overseas Chinese and their motherland .
Overseas remittances are the lawful incomes of the relatives of overseas Chinese ; the policy for protecting overseas remittances is a State policy not only for the present , but also for a long period to come .
She is not being born here , but migrates the national of a particular country residing abroad of this nation . Any case of embezzlement of overseas remittances shall be dealt with in light of the seriousness of the case ;