
  1. 东晋南朝时代,侨州郡县普遍设置乃至成为一种制度。

    Emigrant state and county were widely set in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasty .

  2. 虽然如此,东晋南朝设立侨州郡县、实施侨置制度,起码在当时仍然是利大于弊。

    But the advantage of setting of emigrant state and county in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasty was bigger than shortcoming .

  3. 第三章是对十六国北朝侨州郡县的分析,主要有设置类型,地域选择,掌控方式,胡汉、主客关系,与东晋南朝侨州郡县的比较研究,侨州郡县的意义。

    The third chapter is the Sixteen Kingdoms of Northern Emigrant County , mainly to set type , region selection , control method , Hu and Han , subject-object relationship .

  4. 本章对这一时期的侨州郡县,分时期进行了讨论,对与其相关的移民及叛乱活动也有相当程度的介绍。

    This chapter Emigrant State and County during this period , sub-period are discussed , on the Immigration and associated with the insurgency but also a considerable degree of introduction .

  5. 侨州郡县是魏晋南北朝史研究中极其重要的一个问题,前人对此早有关注,并且有丰厚的成果问世。

    Emigrant History of Wei 、 Jin 、 Southern and Northern Dynasties is an extremely important issue , our predecessors in this field has long been concerned about , and have huge results come out .

  6. 第二章主要讨论了北朝时期的侨州郡县,这一时期的侨州郡县,要比十六国时期更为普遍和正规。

    The second chapter discusses the Emigrant State and County Northern Dynasties to the Northern Wei period beginning on the gun in the overseas home , than the History of the more common and normal .

  7. 十六国北朝侨州郡县与侨流人口研究引论属于、关于县、郡的或由县、郡支持或管理。

    An Introducing Study on Qiao Zhou Jun Xian ( Emigrant State and Share County ) and Population of Emigrants in Sixteen Countries and Northern Dynasty of or relating to or maintained or administered by a county .

  8. 但稍显遗憾的是,他们的关注点主要集中在东晋南朝,少数学者虽然已经涉及十六国北朝侨州郡县的问题,但他们的研究都不够系统。

    Unfortunately , however slightly , their concerns focused on the Eastern Jin Dynasty , although a small number of scholars have been involved in the Sixteen Kingdoms Northern Emigrant County , but they are not systematic research .

  9. 在第一章中,笔者对十六国北朝侨州郡县的产生时间进行了考证,指出侨州郡县产生的条件,并且对十六国时期各政权的各种侨州郡县逐一进行了分析介绍。

    In the first chapter , the author of Northern Emigrant Sixteen States have time for the County of research , pointed out that the conditions generated Emigrant County . And the regime of the History of the gun , the various overseas home were analyzed one by one introduced .