
  1. 寺院垄断着教育,仅有的极少数官办的僧官和俗官学校,绝大多数学生是贵族子弟。

    Monasteries monopolized education , and there were only a few government schools for training only clerical and secular officials , where most of the students were children of the nobility .

  2. 双重身份--既是父母又是法人代表他逃禅又返儒,具有儒、僧、侠、官多重身份。

    Wears two hats ? ne as parent and one as corporate executive . His conversion to dhyana and return to Confucianism had endowed him with many identities like a Confucian , monk , chivalrous person , official , etc.

  3. 他逃禅又返儒,具有儒、僧、侠、官多重身份。语言:僧伽罗语为官方语言,僧伽罗语和泰米尔语同为民族语言,通用英语。

    His conversion to dhyana and return to Confucianism had endowed him with many identities like a Confucian , monk , chivalrous person , official , etc. Language : Sinhala is the official language . Sinhala and Tamil are recognized as national language . English is widely used .

  4. 南北朝时期为中国佛教僧团及其管理的成熟时期,此时佛教僧团在规模上进一步扩大,在管理上除了依从佛制戒律外,又形成了僧官制度与中国化佛教僧制的并轨发展。

    Chinese Buddhist Sangha , with larger scale , formed a double-track management system of commandments and Sangha official .