
  1. 胡太后在洛阳造永宁寺,内有僧房一千间,都用珠玉锦绣装饰。寺内有九层浮图(塔)。

    The mother of the Emperor Hu , ordered to establish Yongning Temple in Luoyang , which cost numerous money with more than one thousands rooms , decorated with jades and splendid silks and a pagoda of nine layers .

  2. 但今天,21年多以后,我仍然居住在京都附近的一套两居室公寓里,相比之下,以前我住的那个僧房看起来几乎算奢华了。

    But today , more than 21 years later , I still live 13 ) in the vicinity of Kyoto , in a two-room apartment that makes my old 14 ) monastic 15 ) cell look almost luxurious by comparison .