
  • 网络great-uncle
  1. 展览的首席建筑师保罗·肯姆博(PaulKember)可以满足伯奇的愿望,复制出《2001太空漫游》(2001:ASpaceOdyssey)的一个场景,因为保罗的叔叔和叔祖父就曾在这部影片的片场工作过。

    The lead architect on the project , Paul Kember , could fulfill Mr. Birch 's desire to replicate a set from " 2001 : A Space Odyssey " because his uncle and great-uncle had worked on the sets for the original film .

  2. “圣女厄休拉”原本属于我们的叔祖父所有。

    Saint Ursula belonged to our great-uncle .

  3. 一位叔祖父是第一个为孟加拉行政会议长官做事的孟加拉人。

    A great-uncle was the first Bengali to serve in the governor of Bengal 's executive council .

  4. 我有幸与昆汀王子的叔祖父一同效力于您父亲的七铁卫中。

    I had the honor of serving with Prince Quentyn 's great-uncle in your father 's seven .

  5. 1945年8月9日,我的叔祖父正在太平洋上出海捕鱼,因为远离日本长崎,侥幸躲过了美国人那天投下的那颗原子弹造成的直接伤害。

    On Aug. 9 , 1945 , my great-uncle was out fishing in the Pacific , far enough away from Nagasaki , Japan , that he missed the immediate impact of the atomic bomb dropped by the Americans that day .