
qiáo juàn
  • dependents of overseas Chinese;relatives of nationals living abroad
侨眷 [qiáo juàn]
  • [dependents of overseas Chinese] 华侨在国内的眷属

侨眷[qiáo juàn]
  1. 山东省归侨侨眷和华侨在鲁合法权益保护研究

    Study on Legitimate Rights and Interests Protection of Overseas Chinese , Returned Overseas Chinese and Their Relatives in Shandong Province

  2. 为了兼顾华侨与侨眷利益,相关部门谨慎探索可行途径,维护新生政权的稳定。

    The government carefully explored the possible way to benefit the overseas Chinese'and their spouses'interests , in order to stabilize the new regime .

  3. 用人单位及归侨、侨眷职工应当依法参加当地的社会保险,缴纳社会保险费用。

    The employers and the returned overseas Chinese employed shall participate in local social insurance in accordance with law and pay the insurance premium .

  4. 侨眷是指华侨、归侨在国内的眷属。

    " Family members of overseas of Chinese " denote the family members , residing in the country , of overseas Chinese and returned overseas Chinese .

  5. 归侨、侨眷与境外亲友的往来和通讯受法律保护。

    Contacts and communications between returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese and their relatives and friends outside the country shall be protected by law .

  6. 国家保障归侨、侨眷出境探亲的权利。

    The state shall safeguard the right of returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese to leave the country for the purpose of visiting their relatives .

  7. 在整个救济归国难侨的过程中,粤、闽、滇、桂等省在中央的指导与支持下,对于归国难侨、侨生以及国内的侨眷采取了积极的救济措施。

    Guided by the central government , Guangdong , Fujian , Yunnan and Guangxi provinces took active measures to relieve these returned refugees , students and their family dependents .

  8. 为了照顾侨胞、侨眷的利益,国家规定了合理的外汇牌价。

    In order to show consideration for the interests of our compatriots residing abroad and for the relatives of overseas Chinese , the State has set reasonable foreign exchange quotations .

  9. 这一时期,侨汇既是国内近千万侨眷主要或次要的生活来源,也是国外广大华侨与祖国联系的一个重要桥梁,又是国家社会主义建设中所需外汇资金的主要来源。

    For close to ten million recipients it was the main source , or one of the main sources , of livelihood , and it formed an important link between overseas Chinese and their motherland .

  10. 侨汇是侨眷的合法收入,国家保护侨汇政策不仅是国家当前的政策,而且是国家的长远政策。

    Overseas remittances are the lawful incomes of the relatives of overseas Chinese ; the policy for protecting overseas remittances is a State policy not only for the present , but also for a long period to come .

  11. 落实党的侨务政策,支持海外侨胞、归侨侨眷关心和参与祖国现代化建设与和平统一大业。

    We should continue to implement the Party 's policy on overseas Chinese affairs and support overseas Chinese , returned overseas Chinese and their families in endorsing and participating in China 's modernization endeavors and its great cause of peaceful reunification .

  12. 第五十条中华人民共和国保护华侨的正当的权利和利益,保护归侨和侨眷的合法的权利和利益。

    Article 50 The People 's Republic of China protects the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese nationals residing abroad and protects the lawful rights and interests of returned overseas Chinese and of the family members of Chinese nationals residing abroad .

  13. 新中国成立初期,保护华侨侨眷利益的侨务政策与《婚姻法》规定的男女平等和婚姻自由原则发生冲突。

    In the initial stage of the ( People 's ) Republic , the policy of safeguarding overseas ( Chinese 's ) interests conflicted with the marriage law , which established the doctrines of marriage freedom and equality of men and women .

  14. 维护海外侨胞、归侨侨眷的合法权益,支持他们传承中华文化,参与祖国现代化建设和促进和平统一大业。

    We will safeguard the lawful rights and interests of overseas Chinese and returned overseas Chinese and their relatives , and support them in passing on Chinese culture , participating in the motherland 's modernization , and promoting the great cause of peaceful reunification .

  15. 在新的历史条件下,如何发挥华侨农场自身的优势,加速华侨农场的社会化转型,解决华侨农场及广大归难侨、侨眷的发展问题,已成为社会和学界思考的问题。

    Under the new historical conditions , how to put the farms ' advantages into best use , speeding up the socialization transformation of the farms , solving the problems of overseas Chinese returnees and their spouse became the issues of the society and the intellectual circle .