
  • 网络gravity model;Trade Gravity Model;Gravity Model of Trade
  1. 基于灰色理论的贸易引力模型

    Trade Gravity Model Based on Gray System

  2. 贸易引力模型作为分析双边贸易量的工具已在国际贸易中得到广泛应用。

    The gravity model has been widely used for studying the flowing of bilateral trade .

  3. 通过采用贸易引力模型从实证角度分析验证:决定东北亚各国2003年双边贸易状况的主要因素是:贸易伙伴的经济规模(GDP)、空间距离、人口和制度安排。

    Using trade gravitation model test and analysis , the main factors which decide bilateral trade in 2003 are : trade partner 's GDP , space distance , population and system arrangement .

  4. 贸易引力模型:来自中国的实证与启示

    Trade Gravity Mode : Demonstration from China and Inspiration

  5. 贸易引力模型研究新进展及其在中国的应用

    New Development of the Gravity Model and Its Application in China ′ s Foreign Trade

  6. 基于贸易引力模型的中亚与新疆双边贸易流量研究

    Research of Trade Flow of Xinjiang and Central Asian Countries Based on the Model of Gravitations

  7. 贸易引力模型对东北亚五国的实证检验及贸易潜力分析

    Inspection on Trade Gravitating Model by Actual Confirmation to the 5 Nations in Northeast Asia and Analysis on the Trade Potential

  8. 引入贸易引力模型的理论框架,并对其进行合理改进,结合本文的研究对象和研究目的提出模型假设。

    Trade gravity model has been introduced into this thesis and has been improved according to research objective and research purpose .

  9. 随后通过建立云南省与东盟各国的贸易引力模型,分析相关因素对云南省与东盟贸易的影响程度。

    In order to study the factors will impact the trade between Yunnan and ASEAN , the article use trade gravity model .

  10. 本文使用贸易引力模型评估货币升值或贬值对中国和越南两国之间的贸易流动的影响。

    This paper applies the Gravity model of trade in assessing the impact of currency appreciation or depreciation on bilateral trade flows between China and Vietnam .

  11. 进一步,基于面板数据分析方法,构建人民币双边实际汇率变动对园艺产品分国别出口影响的贸易引力模型,以分析双边实际汇率变动在国家间园艺产品贸易的影响。

    After that , based on panel data analysis methods , we built a trade gravity model to analyze the effect the bilateral real exchange rate changed on horticultural export .

  12. 贸易引力模型由于对两国或地区之间的双边贸易进行量化,因此它为国际贸易理论在计量领域开拓了新的研究空间。

    The trade gravity model quantifies the bilateral trade flows between the two countries or regions ; therefore it opened the new research space for international trade theory in the computation field .

  13. 将传统贸易引力模型扩展到行业层面,建立了我国蔬菜出口贸易引力模型方程,并基于建立的模型对我国蔬菜出口贸易流量和流向进行了实证研究。

    By extending traditional Trade Gravity Model , this paper has formulated a formula model which is applied to the research on China 's vegetable export , particularly on its flow and direction .

  14. 因此本文创新性的将这两种模型进行组合,建立起新的基于灰色理论的贸易引力模型,利用新的模型来研究双边贸易的数量关系。

    So in this thesis , I combine these two models and establish a new trade gravity model based on gray system , and I use it in researching the quantitative relations of bilateral trade .

  15. 第四部分建立贸易引力模型,运用面板数据分析方法对云南省与东盟的双边贸易流量进行了回归分析并测定了贸易潜力。

    In the fourth one , I establish a trade gravity model to analysis the bilateral trade flows in order to measure the trade potential between Yunnan and ASEAN , using Panel Data as the econometric tool .

  16. 其次,从寻找贸易引力模型中,模拟值与实际值变量相关关系的角度入手,利用最优模型组合理论,建立了基于灰色理论的贸易引力模型。

    Secondly , starting with searching the relationships between simulant values and actual values of the Trade Gravity model , the thesis sets up the Trade Gravity model based on Gray System by using optimal combination forecasting .

  17. 目前,国内外学者不仅从理论方面对边界效应进行定性研究,也从实证方面进行定量研究,而贸易引力模型则成为研究边界效应的重要方法。

    At present , domestic and foreign scholars study the boundary effect theory qualitatively not only from theory , but also from quantitative empirical research , and trade gravity model has become an important method of boundary effects .

  18. 本文运用扩展后的贸易引力模型检验了祖国大陆和台湾地区之间的贸易流量和流向的决定,并以此为依据具体考量了内地各省市与台湾地区的贸易联系程度。

    This paper uses the expanded trade gravitation model , and test trade volume and the flow direction decision between motherland continent and Taiwan area , and analyzes concretely trade contact degree between every inland province city and Taiwan area .

  19. 然后,将基于灰色理论的贸易引力模型应用到中国双边贸易量的预测与因素分析上,通过实证检验发现新模型能够很好的预测国际贸易量。

    Thirdly , the thesis figures out the new model can forecasts the quantities of international trade very well by using the Trade Gravity model based on Gray System in the field of forecasts and factors analyzing of Chinese bilateral trades .

  20. 本文采用贸易引力模型,结合混合回归分析与横截面分析两种方法,对1992年至2004年外商对华直接投资对中国商品进出口、出口、进口的影响进行了实证分析。

    This paper analyzes the impact of China 's inward foreign direct investment ( FDI ) on China 's commodity imports and exports from 1992 to 2004 . It employs both pooled regression analysis method and the cross-section analysis method to estimate an augmented trade gravity equation .

  21. 哈萨克斯坦对外贸易的贸易引力模型实证研究

    Empirical Study of Kazakhstan 's Foreign Trade Based on Trade Gravity Model

  22. 近期主要通过双边贸易数据和引力模型方法进行研究。

    More recent studies take use of bilateral trade data and methodologies such as gravity models .

  23. 首先,就外商直接投资对国际贸易影响的引力模型的计量分析结果表明,外商直接投资的流入对从出口和进口都具有促进作用,但是外商直接投资对出口的正向作用力强于对进口的作用力。

    Results of econometric analysis show that inflow of foreign direct investment has a promoting effect on exports and imports , but the positive effect on exports is higher than that on imports .

  24. 出口产品多样化与贸易绩效&基于引力模型的分析

    On the Exported Product Variety and the Trade Performance

  25. 我国农产品标准化的贸易效应&基于引力模型的实证分析

    Trade Effects of Standardization of Agricultural Products in China : Emprical Analysis Based on Gravity Model

  26. 对中国&巴基斯坦自由贸易区贸易效应的引力模型分析

    Based on Gravity Model to Analysis on Trade of the China-Pakistan Free Trade Area

  27. 中日韩区域贸易潜力分析&基于贸易引力模型的角度

    Research on Potentialities of Inner-region Trade between China , Japan and South Korea & Based on Gravity Model

  28. 第三部分,运用对外贸易引力系数和检验出的贸易引力模型的模拟方法分析了中国对外贸易的区位选择,并将中国的151个贸易合作伙伴分了档次;

    The third part , the text uses the gravity coefficient of foreign trade and simulation method of the trade gravity model got in test to analyze the position choice of China 's foreign trade and divides 151 trading partners of China into pieces of grade ;

  29. 本文结合产业内贸易与新区域经济一体化理论,运用贸易引力模型,对两者之间的关系做计量检验,进而为我国区域经济一体化进程和产业内贸易发展提供相关的政策建议。

    This paper attempts to use the gravity model to make an empirical research on the relations between them and finally gives some pertinent policy advices about the development of China 's intra-industry and regional trade integration .

  30. 首先就测度贸易的经济成本相关模型进行了分析,即传统的引力模型、考虑运输成本的引力模型及修正的贸易经济成本引力模型。

    First , models related to measuring economic costs in trade , such as traditional gravity model , transportation-included gravity models and modified gravity model , have been analyzed .