
ɡuó jì mào yì jié suàn
  • international trade settlement
  1. 国际贸易结算是国际贸易活动的重要组成部分。

    International trade settlement is an important part of international trade .

  2. 外贸企业国际贸易结算的风险及防范

    Risks and their prevention in international trade settlement of import and export enterprises

  3. 中国加入WTO后,外资银行与国有独资商业银行竞争的重点仍是以国际贸易结算业务为核心的外汇业务,而非人民币业务。

    Third , after China joining WTO , the competition between state-owned banks and foreign-owned banks will still focus on foreign exchange business whose kernel is foreign trade settlement , not on RMB business .

  4. 作为国际贸易结算的主要手段,UCP已经被国际贸易界首肯,但是,在中美贸易中却未必如此。

    As the most important method of the payment in the international trade , the UCP has always been established .

  5. 我国银行业如何应对国际贸易结算方式多元化

    How China 's Banking Deals with the Diversification of International Settlement Ways

  6. 我国商业银行国际贸易结算模式研究

    Research on the International Trade Settlement Pattern of Our Country 's Business Banks

  7. 论我国国际贸易结算中企业的信用管理

    Discussing about Credit Management of Enterprise in Our Country 's International Trade Settlement

  8. 国际贸易结算中网络银行的风险及其控制研究

    Research on Internet Bank 's Risk and Its Risk-Protection in Settlement of International Trade

  9. 随着世界贸易持续、快速地发展,国际贸易结算显得越来越重要。

    As the world trade continued and rapid development , international trade settlement becomes increasingly important .

  10. 论文最后还对国际贸易结算环节的国家性风险、信用风险、单据风险等其他风险形式及其防范进行了探讨。

    Beside these , paper also studies the national risk credit risk and documents risk and preventions .

  11. 商业银行与国际贸易结算存在着长期互利的双赢关系。

    In the long terms , business bank and international trade settlement are beneficial to each other .

  12. 在案例分析的基础上对不同国际贸易结算方式下的风险表现形式和防范进行了详细分析。

    On the base of case analysis , collaborates the risk performance and prevention in the different settlement methods .

  13. 因此,继激烈的存款竞争和客户竞争之后,国际贸易结算业务领域成为新一轮银行服务竞争的焦点。

    So it has become a new competitive area for business banks now , after deposit competition and client competition .

  14. 信用证是国际贸易结算的主要工具,在国际商业的交往中作用突出。

    Letter of credit is a key payment tool in the international trade business , it plays a prominent role .

  15. 信用证除了具备良好的国际贸易结算功能外,同时也具有很强的融资功能。

    Letters of credit is not only a good payment instrument in international trade , but also a strong finance tool .

  16. 汇丰集团预计,在未来五年内人民币将成为三大国际贸易结算货币之一。

    The yuan will become one of the three major global settlement currencies in five years , the HSBC Group estimated .

  17. 在国际贸易结算中,银行占有提单享有的只是担保权益,而不取得货物的所有权。

    The bank possessing the bills only own the security interests while not procure the ownership in the goods in the international accounting .

  18. 而国际贸易结算作为国际贸易流程中的重要一环,其重要性已经被越来越多的企业所重视。

    International trade settlement , which play very important role in the international trade process , is much accounted of more and more enterprises .

  19. 如何防范国际贸易结算中的风险成为一个亟待探讨的问题。

    How to be on guard the risk of international square accounts will be discussed and some helpful viewpoints are put forward in this article .

  20. 本文从国际贸易结算的一般运作入手,探讨了其与信用管理的关系。

    The paper starts with the common operation in international trade settlement , from which I discuss the relationship between the international trade settlement and credit management .

  21. 第二部分讨论了信用证的独立原则并用博弈论分析了信用证在国际贸易结算中被广泛采用的原因。

    The second discusses the independence principle , and analyzes the reasons that a letter of credit is accepted in international trade settlement universally with game theory .

  22. 在国际贸易结算领域,信用证占据了非常重要的地位,被誉为国际贸易的生命线。

    Occupying an important place in the field of the international settlement , letter of credit is titled with " the life blood of international commerce " .

  23. 本文主要从国际贸易结算货币选择理论、最优货币区理论、国际贸易结算理论和人民币跨境贸易结算等相关理论出发,整理了人民币跨境贸易结算实施的相关背景和目前取得的成果及带来的影响。

    This paper started from the Monetary Competition Theory . Optimal Currency Area Theory , international trade settlement theory and relevant study on RMB cross border trade settlement .

  24. 信用证作为一种以银行信用为基础的国际贸易结算方式,为远隔重洋的进出口商提供了交易的保障。

    The letter of credit , as a way of the international settlement on the bases of banking credit , offers the trading guarantee for businessmen from different countries .

  25. 其内容结构如下:第一章绪论部分,简单介绍了国际贸易结算的概念及其产生发展的历史进程、银行与国际贸易结算的互利关系、我国商业银行开展国际贸易结算业务的历史与现状。

    Chapter one gives an introduction to some basic knowledge such as the concept and history of international trade settlement , the relationship between business bank and international trade settlement .

  26. 在此基础上,通过运用成本分析和博弈分析解释说明了加强信用管理在我国企业选择国际贸易结算方式中的作用。

    Based on it , I explain that strengthening the credit management will do their work in choosing the international trade settlement mode for our enterprises by cost and game theory analysis .

  27. 并提出实现人民币国际化路径的两个突破口,即推行人民币国际贸易结算和利用香港市场推进人民币的区域国际化。

    There are two breakthroughs for the goal achievement , that is , the implementation of international trade settlement by RMB , and the using of the market in Hong Kong for RMB regionalization .

  28. 随着贸易全球化的推进及我国对外贸易工作的不断深化,信用证结算方式已经成为国际贸易结算中使用最为广泛和最为重要的一种结算方式。

    With the globalization of trade and deepening of China 's foreign trade , letter of credit has been one of the most important settlement tools which is widely used in international trade settlement .

  29. 论文根据风险管理的相关理论和风险管理的基本知识,提出了国际贸易结算风险的概念和风险管理的意义,并对各种国际贸易结算方式的流程和优缺点进行了阐述。

    The paper uses the risk management theory to bring forward the concept of the international trade settlement risk and the meaning of risk management , and summarize the strength and weakness of different settlement methods .

  30. 并就其二者的关系,介绍了当前国际贸易结算的主流趋势,其中重点论述了国际贸易结算组合机制所体现的出口信用管理的理念。

    Then , I introduce the mainstream in the current international trade settlement , among which I focus on discoursing upon the combination mechanism of the international trade settlement which embodies the ideas of export credit management .