- 名international trade settlement

International trade settlement is an important part of international trade .
Risks and their prevention in international trade settlement of import and export enterprises
Third , after China joining WTO , the competition between state-owned banks and foreign-owned banks will still focus on foreign exchange business whose kernel is foreign trade settlement , not on RMB business .
As the most important method of the payment in the international trade , the UCP has always been established .
How China 's Banking Deals with the Diversification of International Settlement Ways
Research on the International Trade Settlement Pattern of Our Country 's Business Banks
Discussing about Credit Management of Enterprise in Our Country 's International Trade Settlement
Research on Internet Bank 's Risk and Its Risk-Protection in Settlement of International Trade
As the world trade continued and rapid development , international trade settlement becomes increasingly important .
Beside these , paper also studies the national risk credit risk and documents risk and preventions .
In the long terms , business bank and international trade settlement are beneficial to each other .
On the base of case analysis , collaborates the risk performance and prevention in the different settlement methods .
So it has become a new competitive area for business banks now , after deposit competition and client competition .
Letter of credit is a key payment tool in the international trade business , it plays a prominent role .
Letters of credit is not only a good payment instrument in international trade , but also a strong finance tool .
The yuan will become one of the three major global settlement currencies in five years , the HSBC Group estimated .
The bank possessing the bills only own the security interests while not procure the ownership in the goods in the international accounting .
International trade settlement , which play very important role in the international trade process , is much accounted of more and more enterprises .
How to be on guard the risk of international square accounts will be discussed and some helpful viewpoints are put forward in this article .
The paper starts with the common operation in international trade settlement , from which I discuss the relationship between the international trade settlement and credit management .
The second discusses the independence principle , and analyzes the reasons that a letter of credit is accepted in international trade settlement universally with game theory .
Occupying an important place in the field of the international settlement , letter of credit is titled with " the life blood of international commerce " .
This paper started from the Monetary Competition Theory . Optimal Currency Area Theory , international trade settlement theory and relevant study on RMB cross border trade settlement .
The letter of credit , as a way of the international settlement on the bases of banking credit , offers the trading guarantee for businessmen from different countries .
Chapter one gives an introduction to some basic knowledge such as the concept and history of international trade settlement , the relationship between business bank and international trade settlement .
Based on it , I explain that strengthening the credit management will do their work in choosing the international trade settlement mode for our enterprises by cost and game theory analysis .
There are two breakthroughs for the goal achievement , that is , the implementation of international trade settlement by RMB , and the using of the market in Hong Kong for RMB regionalization .
With the globalization of trade and deepening of China 's foreign trade , letter of credit has been one of the most important settlement tools which is widely used in international trade settlement .
The paper uses the risk management theory to bring forward the concept of the international trade settlement risk and the meaning of risk management , and summarize the strength and weakness of different settlement methods .
Then , I introduce the mainstream in the current international trade settlement , among which I focus on discoursing upon the combination mechanism of the international trade settlement which embodies the ideas of export credit management .