
fù kuǎn jiāo dān
  • D/P;documents against payment;documents of receipt for payment
  1. 即期付款交单要求进口商立即付款以取得单据。

    Documents against payment at sight requires immediate payment by the importer to get hold of the documents .

  2. 我们希望你见票后,通过尼日利亚银行开出这金额,该行已经被指示付款交单。

    We have drawn on you for this amount at sight through the Bank of Nigeria , who have been instructed to hand over documents against payment of the draft .

  3. 我们希望贵方能接受付款交单的付款方式。

    We hope you will accept D / P payment terms .

  4. 好吧,我们接受付款交单,但只此一次。

    Well , we accept d / p term but only once .

  5. 如果必要的话,我们可开立付款交单汇票来补足。

    We draw a supplementary . D / P draft if necessary .

  6. 不知你们能不能接受付款交单?

    I wonder if you will accept D / P ?

  7. 本公司以付款交单,即期汇票来做生意。

    We do business on a draft at sight under D / P.

  8. 金融危机下远期付款交单的风险及其防范

    On the Risk and Prevention of Long-term against Payment under the Financial Crisis

  9. 如您能接受付款交单方式,那就帮我大忙了。

    It will help me greatly If you can accept d / p .

  10. 我们同意开立30天期的付款交单汇票。

    We agree to draw at30 days D / P.

  11. 半斤八两与凭票供应付款交单方式下提单物权凭证性质的探讨

    The real right of bill of lading under the payment of document against payment

  12. 这笔交易你们能否破例地接受付款交单?

    Could you make an exception and accept D / P for this transaction ?

  13. 以后通过经常业务往来,彼此之间有了信任,付款交单方式也许可以考虑。

    D / P may be considered once trust has been established through regular business .

  14. 将来合适的时候,我们可以考虑付款交单的方式。

    We 'll consider D / P terms at a proper time in the future .

  15. 付款交单和承兑交单是跟单托收的两种形式。

    D / P and D / A are the two forms of documentary collection .

  16. 信六:接受付款交单而不接受承兑交单

    Letter Six : Acceptance of Payment by D / P Instead of D / A

  17. 你能否为我们破例接受付款交单或者承兑交单?

    Can you make an exception in our case and accept D P or D a ?

  18. 如贵方愿接受付款交单方式,我想我们可能成交。

    I think we can put the deal through with you If you accept d / p .

  19. 我认为现在不宜接受付款交单。

    I do not think it be proper for us to accept payment by d / p .

  20. 我方歉难同意货抵目的地付款交单条款。目的港码头完税交货价

    We regret we cannot accept Cash against documents arrival of goods at destination . Ex Dock Duty Paid

  21. 我方很遗憾地说,无法通融付款交单的支付条件。

    We are sorry to say that we can 't accommodate you with D / P payment terms .

  22. 如果你们能接受付款交单或成对交单,这会对我们帮助很大。

    It would help me greatly if you would accept D / P or D / A instead .

  23. 考虑过了你方付款交单的要求,并同意你们。

    Your request for D / P payment has been considered and we agree to grant you this facility .

  24. 跟单托收根据交单条件不同,又可划分为付款交单和承兑交单。

    Further , documentary collection can be classified as delivery of documents against payment or delivery of documents against acceptance .

  25. 关于你方要求以付款交单方式支付一事,我们正在考虑,不久可告知我们的决定。

    We are considering your request for payment by D / P and will let you know our decision soon .

  26. 或许在我们有了更多的贸易往来后我们会考虑付款交单的方式。

    Perhaps we shall see whether we can agree to D / P terms after we have more business together .

  27. 根据你方要求,我们破例同意以即期付款交单的方式交货。

    In compliance with your request , we will accept delivery against D / P at sight as an exception .

  28. 考虑到是你方的首次订单,我们作为特例接受付款交单的支付方式。

    Considering that it is your first order , we can accept D / P payment terms as a special accommodation .

  29. 在此推销阶段,我们将考虑接受付款交单方式以资鼓励。

    As a special sign of encouragement , we 'll consider accepting payment by D / P at this sales-purchasing stage .

  30. 预付款和技术服务费以付款交单(D/P)的方式支付。

    The advance payment and the Technical Service fee shall be paid by Documents against Payment ( D / P ) .