
fù kuǎn rén
  • payer;drawee
  1. 论票据付款人的法律地位与法律责任

    On Drawee 's Legal Status and Legal Liabilities under Negotiable Instrument

  2. 发票人与付款人同属一人;

    Where drawer and drawee are the same person ;

  3. “你方由本人指定以Martin公司为付款人的三张汇票,已由史密斯公司承兑”

    " Your three drafts on Martin Co. , to my order , have been accepted by Smith Co. "

  4. 本部分详细介绍使用WebSphereBusinessServicesFabric中的医疗付款人内容包的资产开发索赔状态CBS所涉及到的步骤。

    This section details the steps involved in developing a claim status CBS using the assets of the Healthcare Payor Content Pack from WebSphere Business Services Fabric .

  5. 我要诚实的说,单一付款人系统在某些国家里的确是有效的。

    There are countries where a single-payer system may be working .

  6. 电子商业汇票的付款人为承兑人。

    The payer of an ECD shall be the acceptor .

  7. 为医疗保健企业提供付款人处理。

    IBM healthcare payor pack for WebSphere business services fabric .

  8. 付款人不信任收款人。

    The payer didn 't believe in the payee .

  9. 恳请付款人于付款前直接向有关银行查询。

    Please check with individual bank directly before payment .

  10. 这是事实,即使你已经欠费的付款人之前。

    This is true even if you 've been a delinquent payer before .

  11. 将医疗付款人流程映射到业务服务。

    Mapping Healthcare Payor processes to business services .

  12. 一张支票的出票人和付款人必须是两个不同的单位。

    The drawer and drawee of a cheque must be distinct ( different ) parties .

  13. 开立信用证时不应以信用证申请人作为汇票付款人。

    Credit should not be issued available by Draft ( s ) on the Applicant .

  14. 汇票必须载明付款人姓名(名称)或以其他方法相当确实表明之。

    The drawee must be named or otherwise indicated in a bill with reasonable certainty .

  15. 支票是以银行为付款人的即期汇票。

    A cheque is a bill of exchang drawn on a bank payable on demand .

  16. 但是,承兑人或者付款人仍应当对持票人承担责任。

    However , the acceptor or the payer shall still remain liable to the bearer .

  17. 用将钱款从付款人帐户转移到另一帐户的方法兑现支票的银行。

    Bank which clear cheque by transfer money from the payer 's account to another account .

  18. 写出银行支票或汇票指示付款人支付其他人的人。

    The person who writes a check or draft instructing the drawee to pay someone else .

  19. 每家银行还必须对其他行为付款人的支票(票据)收取款项。

    And every bank must collect payment for checks deposited with it but drawn on other banks .

  20. 受益人的远期汇票需要在即期议付,并转寄给付款人银行。

    Beneficiarys time draft shall be negotiated on at sight basis and should be forwarded drawee bank .

  21. 付款人将支付支票上确定的金额的银行。

    Drawee The bank that is going to pay the amount of money specified on the check .

  22. 在付款人已接受索赔以待裁定后,发起对索赔状态的查询。

    Initiate inquiries into the claim status after the claim has been accepted by the payor for adjudication .

  23. 只有在全部货款已收妥的情况下,才能将金融单据发放给付款人。

    The financial document will be released to the drawee only when full payment thereof has been received .

  24. 凡汇票由付款人或承兑人,或由其代表人付款后,即告解除。

    A bill is discharged by payment in due course by or on behalf of the drawee or acceptor .

  25. 汇款单涉及三方:汇款人(付款人)、收款人、受票人。

    There are three parties to a money order : the remitter ( payer ), the payee and the drawee .

  26. 不得书明付款人将用付款以外之方法履行承诺。

    It must not express that the drawee will perform his promise by any other means than the payment of money .

  27. 承兑汇票乃指付款人同意发票人之付款指示。

    The acceptance of a bill is the signification by the drawee of his assent to the order of the drawer .

  28. 第四十四条付款人承兑汇票后,应当承担到期付款的责任。

    Article 44 When the payer has accepted the bill , he shall bear the liability of paying it at maturity .

  29. 手签的、按装船货物全额开具的以进口商为付款人的远期汇票一式两份,必须附有相关单据。

    Your manually signed additional drafts in duplicate drawn on importers at usance for full invoice value of shipment must ACCOPMANY documents .

  30. 但是,付款人以恶意或者有重大过失付款的除外。

    However , the exception is in cases when the payment is made by the payer through malice or with gross negligence .