
fù fèi diàn shì
  • pay TV;pay-as-you-see television
付费电视[fù fèi diàn shì]
  1. 当时韦恩斯坦对好莱坞杂志《综艺》(Variety)夸口说,这部剧将成为付费电视史上斥资最高的剧集之一。

    At the time , Mr. Weinstein boasted to the Hollywood publication Variety that the program would be one of the most expensive shows ever done for pay TV .

  2. 当时韦恩斯坦对好莱坞杂志《综艺》(Variety)夸口说,这部剧将成为“付费电视史上斥资最高的剧集之一。”

    At the time , Mr. Weinstein boasted to the Hollywood publication Variety that the program would be " one of the most expensive shows ever done for pay TV . "

  3. 开播于1991年的付费电视频道premiere实况转播两大顶级足球联赛的赛事。

    Premiere , a subscription channel which began in 1991 , shows live football covering the top two divisions

  4. 那场比赛在付费电视节目中播出。

    The match appeared on pay-per-view television .

  5. 该公司已在比利时、西班牙和德国设立了合资付费电视频道。

    The company has set up joint-venture pay-TV channels in Belgium , Spain , and Germany .

  6. 在英国的付费电视市场,VirginMedia已开始卷入一场与天空电视台(Sky)之间代价高昂且异常激烈的战斗。

    Virgin Media has become embroiled in an expensive and acrimonious battle with Sky in the UK pay-TV market .

  7. 整个亚太地区有3.3亿户付费电视用户,MPA预测,到2015年,这一数字将攀升至4.37亿户。

    Across the Asia-Pacific region there are 330m homes with pay-TV , which MPA forecasts will climb to 437m by 2015 .

  8. 但付费电视之所以成功,是因为它大举增加了所提供的内容,从好莱坞(Hollywood)电影到体育赛事直播。

    But pay-television took off because it offered a dramatic expansion of the content on offer , from Hollywood films to live sports .

  9. 电讯盈科(PCCW)最大的两位股东李泽楷和中国联通(ChinaUnicom)已提出将该电信和付费电视公司私有化,交易金额20亿美元。

    Richard Li and China Unicom , PCCW 's two largest shareholders , have offered to take the telecoms and pay television company private in a $ 2bn deal .

  10. 研究显示大部分的孩子都会上网,玩电脑游戏,使用iphone或者ipad,或者看Sky付费电视。

    The study showed a large proportion can log on to the internet , play on computer games , use an iPhone or iPad and work satellite television services like Sky Plus .

  11. MPA表示,这10家运营商的平均估值,可能会在1年内从8倍的预期市盈率升至近11倍几乎是全球付费电视运营商估值水平的两倍。

    MPA said that the average valuation of the 10 could rise within a year from eight times forward earnings to almost 11-times or nearly double that of pay-TV operators around the world .

  12. 但在今天,没有哪家付费电视服务公司或电视台提供4K,不管是按需提供的4K还是4K电视频道。

    But today , no U.S. pay-TV service or broadcaster offers 4K , either on demand or as a TV channel .

  13. 当以制作高品质电视剧闻名的美国付费电视频道HBO推出的新剧《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones)首集开播时,马丁一夜之间在全球成名。

    Overnight , he became globally famous when HBO , the American pay-TV channel renowned for making high-quality drama , put out the first episode of its new series Game of Thrones .

  14. mediaset若想跟sky直接竞争,而不是仅仅阻挠其发展,则可能不得不承受付费电视业务亏损。

    If mediaset wants to compete directly with sky , rather than merely stymie its growth , it will probably have to accept losses in pay-TV .

  15. Mu等人提出了一个可撤销用户的付费电视方案,但其方案是私钥方案,并且没有提供多服务的功能,同时也不能抵抗共谋攻击。

    Mu et al . proposed a pay-TV scheme with user revocation , but it is a private-key scheme , also it does not provide multiple-service capability and meantime can not resist collusion attack .

  16. 香港集团公司九龙仓(wharf)曾考虑全盘收购付费电视经营商有线宽频通讯有限公司(i-cablecommunications),但本月宣布将不再推进该笔交易。

    Wharf , the Hong Kong conglomerate , contemplated an offer to buy out pay-TV operation i-CABLE Communications , but announced this month that it would not go ahead .

  17. 这种新型电视有可能让用户更容易地从网络获取整部电影资源以及享受大屏幕的观赏效果。这引起了苹果公司与BskyB一类的付费电视公司之间的激烈竞争。

    The new television is likely to make it easy to access whole films from the internet and watch them on the big screen , introducing powerful competition to pay TV firms such as BskyB .

  18. 阿里巴巴的新服务名为TmallBoxOffice(以下简称TBO)。该集团表示,TBO将与美国流媒体服务Netflix和美国付费电视网HBO类似。目前,Netflix尚未拿到在华运营的牌照。

    Alibaba 's new offering is called Tmall Box Office , a service the group said would be similar to Netflix , the US streaming service that has yet to receive a license to operate in China , and HBO , the pay-television network .

  19. 了解谈判情况的高管们担心,苹果可能推出的电视服务会损害付费电视行业有利的经济状况。目前,MTV等基础电视网络向有线电视运营商等分销商按用户数量收取费用,并通过销售广告获利。

    Executives close to the discussions fear Apple 's possible TV service could undermine the lucrative economics of the pay television industry , where basic networks such as MTV collect a fee per subscriber from distributors such as cable operators as well as selling advertising .

  20. 一种付费电视系统及其寻址的实现

    A pay TV system and the implementation of its addressing function

  21. 中国数字付费电视营销策略研究

    A Study on the Marketing Strategies of China Digital Pay TV

  22. 数字付费电视的媒介环境及其定价策略

    The Media Environment of Price-setting and Its Strategy of Digtal Pay-TV

  23. 运用需求理论和信息论分析付费电视的发展

    Discussion on Development of Pay Television with Requirement and Information Theory

  24. 我国数字付费电视发展困境及其策略探析

    On the Dilemma and Strategy in the Development of Pay-digital-television in China

  25. 对于网飞来说,更大的威胁来自付费电视提供商。

    Pay TV providers pose the larger threat to Netflix .

  26. 它所依赖的付费电视系统已经出现问题。

    The pay-TV ecosystem on which it depends is ailing .

  27. TD-951型可寻址加解扰付费电视系统

    Addressable scrambling / descrambling pay TV system TD 951

  28. 付费电视的出现使这些问题可以得到根本性的解决。

    Now pay TV can resolve these puzzles thoroughly .

  29. 中国数字付费电视发展探析

    Study on Pay - digital - television in China

  30. 它还提供宽带和付费电视服务,并有一个数字音乐流媒体网站。

    It also offers broadband , pay-TV services and a digital music streaming site .