
fù kuǎn qǐnɡ qiú quán
  • right to claim a payment
  1. 如果WIRTGENCHINA单个的或全部的付款请求权都被包含在一个往来帐中且抵扣余额已经确认接受,则前述规则同样应当适用。

    This shall also apply , if either individual claims for payment or all of WIRTGEN CHINA 'S claims for payment have been included in a current account , and the balance was struck and accepted .

  2. 质权人享有完整的票据权利,但其票据权利的行使受到一定限制,在条件具备时,可以行使付款请求权和追索权,也可以再背书转让。

    The pawnee has bill rights completely , but to exercise this rights is limited to some degree . If the condition has reached , the pawnee may exercise the rights of claim for payment and the right of recourse , or re-endorse the bill for transfer .

  3. 本法所称票据权利,是指持票人向票据债务人请求支付票据金额的权利,包括付款请求权和追索权。

    The right on a negotiable instrument as used in this Law means the right of a holder to demand from the person liable for the negotiable instrument payment of the sum payable by the instrument , including the right of claim for payment and the right of recourse .

  4. 应收账款是权利人因提供一定的货物、服务或者设施而获得的要求义务人付款的权利,但不包括因票据或者其他有价证券而产生的付款请求权。

    Accounts receivable is the right to get money which belongs to a person who provides certain goods , services or facilities requested , but does not include notes or other securities resulting from the right to request payment .