
  • 网络exceptio doli
  1. 民事诉讼中恶意抗辩行为之分析

    Analysis On The Malicious Counterargument In Civil Litigations

  2. 论民法上的注意义务民事诉讼中恶意抗辩行为之分析

    On Duty Of Care In Civil Law Analysis On The Malicious Counterargument In Civil Litigations

  3. 在我国,留置权是一种法定担保物权,属于典型的保全型担保物权。留置权制度起源于罗马法恶意抗辩及欺诈抗辩之拒绝给付权。

    Lien is regarded as a form of statutory real right for security and a typical form of preserving real right for security .

  4. 留置权最早起源于罗马法上的恶意抗辩,最终形成了债权留置权和物权留置权两种不同的留置权制度,我国将留置权界定为物权留置权。

    Lien originating in malicious plea of the Roman law , eventually developed into the creditor right lien and the real right lien two different lien systems . The lien defined in China as real right lien .