
è xìnɡ tōnɡ huò pénɡ zhànɡ
  • hyperinflation;runaway inflation
  1. 然后,本文重点来讨论学习的最新应用领域,如:通货膨胀持续性、恶性通货膨胀以及流动性陷阱等问题。

    Then , this paper to discuss and study the new application areas , such as : inflation persistence , hyperinflation and the liquidity trap and other problems .

  2. 很多人认为,我们正朝着魏玛式(Weimar-style)恶性通货膨胀发展。

    Many asserted that we were heading for Weimar-style hyperinflation instead .

  3. 通过计算,还表明发生的是恶性通货膨胀。

    Through the calculation , also showed that happen is hyperinflation .

  4. 理性泡沫与内生货币供给下的恶性通货膨胀:中国1945&1949

    Hyperinflation with Rational Bubbles and Endogenous Money Supply : China 1945 & 1949

  5. 但是,1923年的恶性通货膨胀使他的计划破产了。

    But in 1923 hyperinflation wiped him out .

  6. (二)金代恶性通货膨胀的分析。

    , the analysis of the vicious inflation .

  7. 经济学家认为,戈诺应该为津巴布韦的恶性通货膨胀和津巴布韦元创记录的贬值承担责任。

    Economists say Gono is responsible for hyperinflation and record-breaking devaluation of the Zimbabwe dollar .

  8. 如今的阿根廷和其在1970到1980年代的恶性通货膨胀之间还有很长的距离。

    Argentina is still a long way from a return of the hyperinflation of the1970s and1980s .

  9. 现代社会拥有结束周期性停滞和恶性通货膨胀的财政和金融手段

    Modern democracies have the fiscal and monetary tools ... to end chronic slumps and galloping inflations

  10. 这些条件帮助亚洲国家避免了恶性通货膨胀,促成了稳定且呈正值的利率,从而创造了大量机遇。

    These conditions have helped avoid hyper-inflation and stable and positive interest rates which create abundant opportunities .

  11. 恶性通货膨胀是罕见的,但已被用来研究的代价和后果,甚至温和的通货膨胀。

    Hyperinflations are rare , but have been used to study the costs and consequences of even moderate inflation .

  12. 高能源价格是最助长恶性通货膨胀,令许多家庭更糟的单一要素。

    High energy prices were the largest single element fuelling an inflationary spiral that left many families worse off .

  13. 当西班牙掠夺南美,把金银带回欧洲,就产生了恶性通货膨胀。

    When the Spanish pillaged South America and brought the gold and silverback to Europe , there was rampant inflation .

  14. 据我所知,上世纪20年代,德国在恶性通货膨胀时期,其财政结余正是完美的“零”。

    For all I know , the financial balances summed satisfactorily to zero at the height of German hyperinflation in the 1920s .

  15. 金代的恶性通货膨胀主要是由过盛的财政需求、无节制的信用泛滥以及错误的货币措施共同导致的财政型通货膨胀。

    The vicious inflation of JIN Dynasty was owed to the surplus fiscal demands and no credit and the fault of money measures .

  16. 对多数的津巴布韦人民来说,新年的到来没有带来多少欢乐,因为他们还一如既往地抗争着不断恶化的食物短缺、恶性通货膨胀与失业。

    The new year has brought little joy to most Zimbabweans , as they struggle to survive worsening food shortages , hyperinflation and joblessness .

  17. 他预计德拉克马兑其他货币将继续下跌,希腊人将继续挤兑,造成新一轮恶性通货膨胀。

    He thinks that the drachma will keep plunging against foreign currencies , and Greeks will keep bailing , causing a new crisis of hyperinflation .

  18. 津巴布韦政府今年放弃了当地货币,而支持使用硬通货,因为经过多年的恶性通货膨胀,这种货币已经毫无价值。

    The government this year abandoned the local currency , which had been left worthless after years of hyperinflation , in favor of hard currencies .

  19. 严重的经济危机以及由此带来的恶性通货膨胀、物价飞涨、社会动乱等,使广大人民遭受了无尽的痛苦。

    Severe economic crisis and the resulting hyperinflation , soaring prices , social unrest , so that the majority of the people suffered great pain .

  20. 在经历过1920年德国的恶性通货膨胀同事提醒之后,大家都急于向谷歌搜索引擎寻找当日指数的日期。

    Being reminded by a colleague of the German hyperinflation of the1920s made both of us hurry to the Google search engine for dates and indices .

  21. 第四,古代文献所见的通货膨胀一般都是严重的,或是恶性通货膨胀,其危害性是公认的,王莽时期就是一例。

    Fourth , the ancient literature are generally seen serious inflation , or hyperinflation , and its dangers are recognized , Wang Mang period is an example .

  22. 然而自汉代以来,历代封建王朝在发行和使用铜铸币时大多发生过恶性通货膨胀。

    However since Han dynasty , the ranaway inflation mostly took place in the past feudalism dynasty while publishing a copper to mint coins with the usage .

  23. 梅内姆将比索汇率固定在1美元以结束恶性通货膨胀,这一政策得到了大多数阿根廷人的支持,他也因此获得了民众的支持。

    Menem was riding popular support at a time when most Argentines enjoyed his policy that fixed the exchange rate of the peso at one US dollar to end hyperinflation .

  24. 洛塞塔:恶性通货膨胀就像是一只老虎,你仅有一颗子弹,如果你射不死它的话,它便会吃了你。

    GONZALO SANCHEZ DE LOZADA : It 's like a tiger , hyperinflation : If you don 't kill it and you only have one bullet , it 'll eat you .

  25. 中国的通货膨胀大多来自农产品,但分析师警告说大众对价格普遍上涨的预期有可能导致难以控制的恶性通货膨胀。

    Much of China 's inflation comes from agricultural products , but analysts warned public expectations of wider price rises risk creating an inflationary spiral that would be hard to contain .

  26. 尽管我国未出现恶性通货膨胀,但是高货币化所形成的大量储蓄有时候也会有追逐收益的需求,资本市场是一个的理想的目标。

    Although China is not hyperinflation , but sometimes the big amounts of savings caused by high monetization rate had a demand for chasing high benefits and the capital market is an ideal target .

  27. 在境外经营不再处于恶性通货膨胀经济中时,应当停止重述,按照停止之日的价格水平重述的财务报表进行折算。

    If an overseas business is no longer situated in the hyperinflationary economy , it shall stop the restatement , and shall translate the restated financial statements at the price of the cessation date .

  28. 然而,由于我国在增值税推行之初,为了解决当时固定资产投资过热、产业结构失衡、恶性通货膨胀等问题,选择实施的是生产型增值税。

    However , during the initial stage , in order to deal with the problems of over-done investment for fixed assets , the unbalance of industry structure and spiral of inflation , China implemented the productive-type VAT .

  29. 与希腊一样,其他4个受救国都可以通过货币贬值迅速提升竞争力,只要有可靠的措施来避免恶性通货膨胀的发生来一点点侵蚀好转的经济。

    Like Greece , the other four bail-out countries would gain from the swift improvement in competitiveness that currency devaluations would achieve , provided credible policies were pursued to ensure it was not frittered away in runaway inflation .

  30. 国民政府适时的进行管制与引导,值得肯定。但国民政府没有注意配套改革中一系列相关制度建设的完善,中央银行体系制度建设中的不完备性在战争后期采取恶性通货膨胀政策导致管制最终失败。

    But the national did not pay attention to supporting reforms in a series of related systems for development , the central bank system , the system construction of the incomplete hyper-inflation policies adopted in the late war , leading to control of the ultimate failure .