
  1. 恶意欠薪行为入罪之合理性探讨

    Discussion on the Law Criminalizing of " Malicious Back Pay "

  2. 然而,对于恶意欠薪的规制手段,或许还有可供选择的其他刑法方法。

    However , there might still be other alternative criminal methods to penalize .

  3. 对企业恶意欠薪行为规定的加倍赔偿制度需要进一步完善。

    The system of double compensation for the payment in arrears should be improved .

  4. 第四部分是关于改进和完善恶意欠薪刑法规制,预防并减少欠薪行为的相关建议。

    The fourth part is about the improvement of malicious Wages crime law and applicable recommendations .

  5. 而我国现有的行政法律法规以及民事法律都不能对恶意欠薪行为进行充分而有效的规制。

    But our current civil laws are not sufficiently effective for the governance to malicious wages phenomenon .

  6. 可以说,恶意欠薪行为已经成为当前危害社会主义和谐社会建设的重要问题之一。

    Wages can be malicious behavior has become a harmonious society against one of the important issues .

  7. 从国外立法情况来看,恶意欠薪行为被纳入犯罪的立法例并不少见。

    Judging from the foreign legislation , malicious acts were included wage legislation of a crime are not uncommon .

  8. 恶意欠薪行为之所以应当被规制为犯罪,其根本原因就在于该行为具有严重的社会危害性。

    Malicious acts of the reason why wages should be regulated as a crime , simply because its a serious social harm .

  9. 自20世纪90年代以来,尤其是在城市基建领域,恶意欠薪的情况更为严峻,引起了社会各界的高度关注。

    Since 1990 , especially in the field of urban infrastructure , malicious wage even more severe , causing great concern in the community .

  10. 正是在此基础上,相关部门和专家、学者纷纷提议应将恶意欠薪纳入到刑法规制的视野。

    It is on this basis , the experts and national authorities to promote malicious wage should be incorporated into the Criminal Law of the vision .

  11. 诚然,恶意欠薪入刑不仅是民意的呼唤,也是完善现行法律的现实要求。

    Indeed , criminal penalty for malicious arrears of wage is not only the voice of the masses , but also a practical requirement of the perfection of law .

  12. 恶意欠薪行为产生的主观原因是企业忽视劳动者的劳动报酬权和收益分配权,忽视对劳动者权益的保护。

    The subjective reasons the malicious Wages behavior enterprises ignore the remuneration to the workers rights and income distribution rights , ignoring the protection of the rights and interests of laborers .

  13. 在此背景下,该部分通过比较古今中外刑事立法,从而推导当前我国私法领域对恶意欠薪行为的立法局限性,探讨了《劳动法》、《民法》等部门法救济方式自身不足的现实。

    In this context , by comparing ancient and modern criminal legislation , to derive the legislative limitations of private law on the behavior of malicious Wages , explore the " Labor Law " Civil department law remedies inadequate reality .

  14. 鉴于恶意欠薪行为与诈骗罪、侵占罪之间存在者本质的不同,有必要单独设置恶意欠薪罪,具体来说,其既可以由自然人构成,也可以由单位构成。

    In view of wage behavior and malicious fraud , embezzlement were substantial differences between , it is necessary to set a separate crime of malicious wages , specifically , its either by natural form , can also form by the unit .

  15. 在恶意欠薪罪的配刑上,应当主要以财产性和自由刑为刑种,这不仅是符合恶意欠薪罪的行为特征,也是罪刑均衡的必然要求。

    With the crime of malicious punishment on wages should be primarily of property and freedom of punishment for the criminal kind , not only is consistent with the behavioral characteristics of a malicious crime wages , balance of crime is an inevitable requirement .

  16. 实践中恶意欠薪发生的领域不断扩大,从早期的基建领域扩大到普通的服务行业,备受恶意欠薪伤害的人群也在日益增加,由恶意欠薪行为所引发的暴力冲突频频发生。

    Wages occurred malicious practice has been expanding , from the early expansion of infrastructure in the field to the general service sector , much of the crowd malicious injury wages are increasing , because the malicious behavior of wages caused by frequent violence .

  17. 在我国目前的劳动法、民法等无力应对恶意欠薪行为时,将其纳入刑法规制的范围,既是贯彻宽严相济刑事政策的需要,也是符合构建和谐社会的宗旨。

    In the present labor laws , civil laws can not cope with malicious wages act , be included in the scope of Criminal Law , Tempering Justice with Mercy is a criminal Policy needs , but also consistent with the purpose of building a harmonious society .