
  • 网络no financial compensation;non-financial compensation
  1. 选择一个有内在报酬而非经济报酬的职业。

    Choose a career for the intrinsic rewards , not the financial ones .

  2. 非经济报酬是指除经济收入以外,员工从工作过程中获得的精神满足和心理效用。

    Non-economic reward refers to the spiritual satisfaction and psychological utility from the process of work in addition to economic income .

  3. 非经济报酬将很好地迎合知识型员工情感和心理更高层次的需要,能够提高其工作满意度和忠诚度。

    The Non-economic reward can well meet the employees ' higher level of needs from emotion and psychology and improve their work satisfaction and loyalty .