
  1. 软件版权许可的非法垄断结构剖析

    Analysis on the Structure of Anti-monopoly in Software Copyright License

  2. 在理论上,垄断分为合法垄断和非法垄断、独家垄断和协议垄断等。

    Monopolize theoretically can be divided into legal , illegal , sole and agreement monopoly .

  3. 各地法庭最终都裁定,微软非法垄断个人电脑操作系统。

    Various tribunals ultimately found that Microsoft illegally monopolized the major market for PC operating systems .

  4. 法官在其他方面做出了有利于苹果的判决,并驳回了对苹果公司非法垄断的指控。

    The judge ruled for Apple on other points and rejected claims that it 's running an illegal monopoly .

  5. 版权法制度历来重视版权人的非法垄断行为给人类社会带来的不利影响。

    The Copyright Law has long since showed special interests in the negative impacts of the illegal monopoly of copyrighters on the human society .

  6. 第一节详细分析论述了反垄断法通过禁止各种非法垄断行为,为中小企业营造公平竞争的环境。

    This part of the first quarter , analyzed and discussed in detail antimonopoly law through various kinds of illegal monopoly , ban for small and medium-sized enterprises to create a fair competitive environment .

  7. 行政垄断是一种非法垄断,对这种非法垄断必须通过法律手段予以控制,为此,必须建立一个以反垄断法为核心的法律控制体系,这是本文的基本命题。

    The administrative monopoly is a kind of illegal monopoly , which should be controlled by legal means . So the basic proposition of this paper is to establish a legal restraint system with anti-monopoly law as its core .

  8. 第三章从对美国、德国等发达国家的反垄断立法和理论入手,详细分析了外资并购构成非法垄断的实体审查标准,并结合我国最新颁布的反垄断法的有关规定进行分析评价。

    The third chapter begins with the introduction of legislation and theories of such developed countries as America and Germany , and then elaborates on the substantial criteria for examining illegal monopoly , and evaluates the related new regulations in China .

  9. 因此,必须利用《反垄断法》对其进行严格的法律认定,追究非法行政垄断主体的法律责任,为社会主义市场经济的发展保驾护航。

    Therefore , we must use anti-monopoly law to verify them and cause the body of illegal administrative monopoly bear the legal responsibility for the purpose of development of socialistic market economy convoy escort .

  10. 反非法行政性垄断之对策研究

    A Study on the Countermeasure to Illegal Administrative Monopoly

  11. 要注意把握界限,不能将政府及其有关部门对经济活动的合法调控和干预与非法的行政垄断行为相混淆。

    To pay attention to the difference between the legal regulation of economic activity by government and illegal interference with the administration monopolistic behavior .

  12. 非法行政性垄断包括地区垄断、行业垄断、强制联合限制竞争行为和行政强制交易行为;合法行政性垄断包括国家垄断、自然垄断、国家指定专营、特种行业垄断。

    The legal monopolies include state monopoly , natural monopoly , state-designated monopoly and special-industry monopoly , while the illegal monopolies embrace regional monopoly , industrial monopoly , prevention of competition by compulsory alliance , and administratively-mandatory business deals .