
  • 网络Anti-competitive Practices;anti-competition behavior;anticompetitive behavior;anti-competition practices;anticompetitive
  1. Yelp、微软(Microsoft)、Expedia等企业向欧盟委员会和美国联邦贸易委员会(FederalTradeCommission,简称FTC)都提出过投诉,指称谷歌涉嫌反竞争行为。

    Yelp , Microsoft , Expedia and others have complained both to Brussels and Washington 's Federal Trade Commission about Google 's alleged anti-competitive practices .

  2. 另外,文章还将指出TRIPS协定的一些重大缺陷,这些缺陷包括无法有效消除知识产权持有人的反竞争行为,以及对低知识产权能力国家的援助不足等。

    Second , the section reports on TRIPS Agreement major flaws , and focuses mainly on its lack of effectiveness in the elimination of anti-competitive practices and insufficient assistance to countries with low IP capacities .

  3. 该公司那时就提起反诉,指控oracle的反竞争行为。

    It has since countersued , accusing Oracle of anticompetitive behaviour .

  4. 一个电脑工业贸易机构称,IBM因被指认反竞争行为而接受美国司法部调查。

    IBM is being investigated by the US Department of Justice over allegations of anti-competitive behaviour , a computer industry trade body has said .

  5. Barnes&Noble讥讽微软只拥有一些不重要的专利并向提醒司法部微软以往的反竞争行为。

    The bookseller sniffed that Microsoft owned only " trivial " patents and reminded the department of the software company 's past trespasses against competition .

  6. 在贸易自由与市场准入涉及的关税和非关税壁垒问题成功纳入WTO体制后,新的、更深层次的问题又产生了,即企业阻碍贸易自由发展的反竞争行为。

    After admitting the tariff and non-tariff issues on trade freedom and market entrance into the WTO framework , the new and more deep-seated issue arises , i.e. the firm 's anti-competition act hindering the development of free trade .

  7. 自从1996年WTO第1届部长级会议宣布建立竞争与贸易工作组以来,各成员方就国际反竞争行为的危害逐渐达成了一些共识。

    Since 1996 , the first WTO Ministerial Declaration has announced the establishment of the WTO Working Group on the interaction between Trade and Competition Policy , and then the WTO members have been unanimous in the importance of addressing the international anti-competitive practices .

  8. 与此同时,欧洲钢铁工业协会已致信欧盟委员会(EC),要求对大型铁矿石供应商可能的反竞争行为展开调查。有些时候,大型矿商的定价非常相似,这让我们感到奇怪,埃德尔表示。

    In the meantime , Eurofer has written to the European Commission demanding an investigation into possible anti-competitive practices by large iron ore suppliers . We are sometimes a bit surprised at how similar the pricing of the big miners is , Mr Eder said .

  9. 它怒斥微软这家软件巨头违法,因为微软向生产使用安卓(谷歌的手机开源操作系统)移动设备的厂商收取专利使用费是反竞争行为(例如BarnesNoble的电子书阅读器Nook)。

    The software giant , it thundered , was guilty of anti-competitive behaviour in demanding royalties from makers of mobile devices ( such as the Nook , Barnes Noble 's e-reader ) that used Android , Google 's open-source mobile operating system .

  10. 与定价和反竞争行为相关的法规由国家工商行政管理局(SAIC)和国家发展改革委员(NARC)负责。它们有望很快宣布具体的实施指导方针。

    Laws relating to pricing and anti-competitive behaviour are the responsibility of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce and the National Development and Reform Commission , which are soon expected to announce detailed implementation guidelines .

  11. 它怒斥微软这家软件巨头违法,因为微软向生产使用安卓(谷歌的手机开源操作系统)移动设备的厂商收取专利使用费是“反竞争行为”(例如Barnes&Noble的电子书阅读器Nook)。

    In slide after slide , the bookseller laid into Microsoft . The software giant , it thundered , was guilty of " anti-competitive behaviour " in demanding royalties from makers of mobile devices ( such as the Nook , Barnes & Noble 's e-reader ) that used Android , Google 's open-source mobile operating system .

  12. 欧盟不是已经指控过谷歌存在反竞争行为了吗?

    Hasn 't the EU already charged Google with anti-competitive behaviour ?

  13. 经济全球化的发展使得反竞争行为也全球化了。

    The development of economic globalization makes anti-competitive actions also globalized .

  14. 香港将成立一个委员会,对反竞争行为的投诉进行调查。

    A commission would be set up to look into complaints of anti-competitive behaviour .

  15. 但反竞争行为阻碍着经济社会的进步。

    However , the presence of the anti-competitive behavior hamper the progress of economic society .

  16. 所有申请企业都准备承认其反竞争行为,以换取宽恕处罚。

    All the applicants were prepared to admit anticompetitive behaviour in return for reduced penalties .

  17. 其次,对消费者权利的保护也为商标权领域反竞争行为进行法律规制提供了理论基础。

    Secondly , the protection of consumer rights for trademark field also provides theoretical basis .

  18. 根据我国法律,没有对消费者进行事先警告而产生兼容性问题就可以认定为反竞争行为。

    According to Chinese law , incompatibility without advance warning to customers could be regarded anti-competitive .

  19. 统一执法机关,抵制行业协会的反竞争行为。

    Second , a unified law enforcement agencies , professional associations to boycott the anti-competitive behavior .

  20. 联合限制竞争行为是市场经济条件下普遍存在、危害严重的反竞争行为。

    Collaboration of restricting competition is a universal anti-competitive behavior with severe harm in market economy condition .

  21. 行业协会浓厚的行政色彩使其反竞争行为具有了部分行政垄断的性质。

    Trade associations ' strong administrative color makes their anti-competition behaviors have some property of administrative monopolization .

  22. 本部分首先分析了中国-东盟航权开放背景下注意规制反竞争行为的必要性。

    This chapter firstly explains the necessity of regulating anticompetitive conducts in the context of China-ASEAN traffic rights opening .

  23. 目前日益普遍的商标权领域反竞争行为引起了学界的关注与讨论。

    Recently , the increasingly widespread anti-competitive practice in trademark field has aroused the scholars ' concern and discussion .

  24. 行业协会的反竞争行为有多种表现,包括限制竞争行为和不正当竞争行为。

    There are many kinds of anti-competition behaviors of trade association , including limited competition behavior and unfair competition behavior .

  25. 管制者可以测算主垄断运营商的反竞争行为的社会福利效应,并据此进行公平合理的惩罚。

    The regulator can measure social welfare effects of the dominant firm 's anti-competition behavior , and punish the offender impartially .

  26. 确定这类情况的使用费额度时,可考虑纠正反竞争行为的需要。

    The need to correct anti-competitive practices may be taken into account in determining the amount of remuneration in such cases .

  27. 被发改委指控存在反竞争行为的那些外国公司最后收到的罚单金额,一般比被罚的国内企业高得多。

    Foreign firms accused of anti-competitive behaviour by the NDRC have generally been hit with much higher fines than their domestic counterparts .

  28. 这一批问题包括了例外和限制、公益灵活性、遏制反竞争行为、技术转让和公开。

    The package of issues included exception and limitation , public interest flexibilities , curbing of anti-competitive practices , transfer of technology and disclosure .

  29. 作为和解协议的一部分,摩根大通承认,前雇员在2006年前存在非法及反竞争行为,并表示对这些行为负责。

    As part of the agreement , JPMorgan acknowledged and took responsibility for illegal and anticompetitive conduct by former employees that occurred prior to 2006 .

  30. 不过,北京方面可以指令其它政府部门对此举是否构成反竞争行为展开调查,以此来推迟交易的完成时间。

    Beijing could , however , delay completion of the deal by instructing other parts of its bureaucracy to probe whether the move constitutes anti-competitive behaviour .