- 网络Anti-competitive Practices;anti-competition behavior;anticompetitive behavior;anti-competition practices;anticompetitive

Yelp , Microsoft , Expedia and others have complained both to Brussels and Washington 's Federal Trade Commission about Google 's alleged anti-competitive practices .
Second , the section reports on TRIPS Agreement major flaws , and focuses mainly on its lack of effectiveness in the elimination of anti-competitive practices and insufficient assistance to countries with low IP capacities .
It has since countersued , accusing Oracle of anticompetitive behaviour .
IBM is being investigated by the US Department of Justice over allegations of anti-competitive behaviour , a computer industry trade body has said .
The bookseller sniffed that Microsoft owned only " trivial " patents and reminded the department of the software company 's past trespasses against competition .
After admitting the tariff and non-tariff issues on trade freedom and market entrance into the WTO framework , the new and more deep-seated issue arises , i.e. the firm 's anti-competition act hindering the development of free trade .
Since 1996 , the first WTO Ministerial Declaration has announced the establishment of the WTO Working Group on the interaction between Trade and Competition Policy , and then the WTO members have been unanimous in the importance of addressing the international anti-competitive practices .
In the meantime , Eurofer has written to the European Commission demanding an investigation into possible anti-competitive practices by large iron ore suppliers . We are sometimes a bit surprised at how similar the pricing of the big miners is , Mr Eder said .
The software giant , it thundered , was guilty of anti-competitive behaviour in demanding royalties from makers of mobile devices ( such as the Nook , Barnes Noble 's e-reader ) that used Android , Google 's open-source mobile operating system .
Laws relating to pricing and anti-competitive behaviour are the responsibility of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce and the National Development and Reform Commission , which are soon expected to announce detailed implementation guidelines .
In slide after slide , the bookseller laid into Microsoft . The software giant , it thundered , was guilty of " anti-competitive behaviour " in demanding royalties from makers of mobile devices ( such as the Nook , Barnes & Noble 's e-reader ) that used Android , Google 's open-source mobile operating system .
Hasn 't the EU already charged Google with anti-competitive behaviour ?
The development of economic globalization makes anti-competitive actions also globalized .
A commission would be set up to look into complaints of anti-competitive behaviour .
However , the presence of the anti-competitive behavior hamper the progress of economic society .
All the applicants were prepared to admit anticompetitive behaviour in return for reduced penalties .
Secondly , the protection of consumer rights for trademark field also provides theoretical basis .
According to Chinese law , incompatibility without advance warning to customers could be regarded anti-competitive .
Second , a unified law enforcement agencies , professional associations to boycott the anti-competitive behavior .
Collaboration of restricting competition is a universal anti-competitive behavior with severe harm in market economy condition .
Trade associations ' strong administrative color makes their anti-competition behaviors have some property of administrative monopolization .
This chapter firstly explains the necessity of regulating anticompetitive conducts in the context of China-ASEAN traffic rights opening .
Recently , the increasingly widespread anti-competitive practice in trademark field has aroused the scholars ' concern and discussion .
There are many kinds of anti-competition behaviors of trade association , including limited competition behavior and unfair competition behavior .
The regulator can measure social welfare effects of the dominant firm 's anti-competition behavior , and punish the offender impartially .
The need to correct anti-competitive practices may be taken into account in determining the amount of remuneration in such cases .
Foreign firms accused of anti-competitive behaviour by the NDRC have generally been hit with much higher fines than their domestic counterparts .
The package of issues included exception and limitation , public interest flexibilities , curbing of anti-competitive practices , transfer of technology and disclosure .
As part of the agreement , JPMorgan acknowledged and took responsibility for illegal and anticompetitive conduct by former employees that occurred prior to 2006 .
Beijing could , however , delay completion of the deal by instructing other parts of its bureaucracy to probe whether the move constitutes anti-competitive behaviour .