
  • 网络Foreign Corrupt Practices Act;FCPA;Foreign and Corrupt Practices Act
  1. 例如去年,美国联邦调查局(fbi)组成了一个4人小组,专门调查涉及《反海外腐败法》的案件。

    Last year , for example , the Federal Bureau of investigation created a four-person team dedicated specifically to FCPA cases .

  2. 《反海外腐败法》案件正是有力的证明工具。

    FCPA cases are powerful demonstration tools .

  3. 本周,德国西门子公司由于触犯反海外腐败法(ForeignCorruptPracticesAct,简称FCPA)在华盛顿被送上法庭。

    This week , the German engineering company Siemens pleaded guilty in Washington to violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act .

  4. 美国司法部正在调查GSK案,这是它根据《反海外腐败法》(ForeignCorruptPracticesAct)对制药企业展开的调查的一部分。

    The DoJ is looking at the case as part of a broad probe into drugmakers under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act .

  5. 根据美国《反海外腐败法》(foreigncorruptpracticesact),制药公司不得以盈利为目的,向外国政府官员提供有价值的物品。

    Under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act , the US anti-bribery law , companies may not offer items of value to foreign government officials for profit .

  6. 知情人士称,在美国调查人员调查摩根大通或该公司雇员是否违反美国《反海外腐败法》(ForeignCorruptPracticesAct)的过程中,现年48岁的方方逐渐成为一个关键人物。

    The 48-year-old Mr. Fang has emerged as a key figure for investigators as they examine whether the bank or any of its employees violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act , said people familiar with the investigation .

  7. 另一个例子是,高通向中国官员提供了价值9.5万美元的豪华奥运招待礼包,尽管该公司后来因担心违反美国《反海外腐败法》(ForeignCorruptPracticesAct)撤回了这些邀请。

    In another example , Qualcomm offered officials a deluxe Olympics hospitality package with a value of $ 95000 , although the company later rescinded these invitations due to concerns about violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act .

  8. 美国政府撤回了对16名被指向外国官员行贿的高管提起的公诉,该国加大《反海外腐败法》(foreigncorruptpracticesact,fcpa)执行力度的努力遭遇挫折。

    The US government has dropped a case brought against 16 executives accused of bribing overseas officials , in a setback for its efforts to step up enforcement of the foreign bribery act .

  9. 美国司法部(doj)和证券交易委员会(sec)昨天联合发布了一份120页的报告,澄清哪些类型的支付将被《反海外腐败法》(foreigncorruptpracticesact)视为非法。

    The US Department of justice and the securities and exchange commissionissued a joint 120-page report yesterday , clarifying what kind of payments would be considered illegal under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act .

  10. 新兴市场国有企业将面临美国的更严格审查。监管者和公司高管表示,美国司法部和美国证交会(SEC)正加强执行《反海外腐败法》(ForeignCorruptPracticesAct)。

    State-owned companies in emerging markets are facing greater scrutiny in the US as the Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission step up enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act , regulators and executives say .

  11. 不幸的是,辉瑞的这些行为违反了美国专门用来定罪海外行贿的《反海外腐败法》(FCPA)。

    Unfortunately for Pfizer , such acts violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ( FCPA ) , an American law that criminalises bribery abroad .

  12. 1977年,美国飞机制造商洛克希德公司(lockheed)被曝出向日本政客提供了不当钱款,《反海外腐败法》由此出台。

    For most of the years since 1977 , when the FCPA was introduced following disclosures of improper payments made to Japanese politicians by Lockheed , the US aircraft maker , the law was no big deal .

  13. 高通总法律顾问唐•罗森堡(DonRosenberg)表示:“我们仍致力于道德操守和遵守一切法律法规,并将继续留意合规(指遵守《反海外腐败法》)问题。”

    Don Rosenberg , Qualcomm general counsel , said : " We remain committed to ethical conduct and compliance with all laws and regulations , and will continue to be vigilant about [ Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ] compliance . "

  14. 《反海外腐败法》的第二部分旨在要求企业精确记录账目,这部分条款是否适用于此案?

    What about the other part of the FCPA & the provisions requiring accurate books and record-keeping ?

  15. 另外,他表示,有150家公司是针对可能违反《反海外腐败法》的公开调查的对象。

    In addition , Mr Whisler said 150 companies are the object of open investigations into potential FCPA violations .

  16. 去年,在一场有关《反海外腐败法》的国会听证会上,各方就代付出租车费的合适性展开了激烈辩论。

    At one congressional hearing on the law last year , the appropriateness of taxi fare payments was hotly debated .

  17. 美国公司或自然人违反了《反海外腐败法》,将受到严厉的民事、行政甚至刑事制裁。

    American companies or natural persons violating the FCPA will be subject to severe penal , civil or administrative sanctions .

  18. 全球性大公司的董事会成员被指控违反《反海外腐败法》,这还是第一次。

    That was the first time a board member of a large global corporation was charged with a FCPA violation .

  19. 上个月,高通披露,该公司在一月份得知美国司法部怀疑其涉嫌违反《反海外腐败法》,目前正在调查。

    Last month , Qualcomm disclosed that it learned in January that the Department of justice was investigating the company for a FCPA violation .

  20. 格林在洛杉矶的审判目前已进入第二周,这是《反海外腐败法》实施后首个涉及娱乐业的案件。

    The Greens ' trial in Los Angeles , which is entering its second week , is the first under the FCPA to involve the entertainment industry .

  21. 跨国商业贿赂法律的形成与发展史在某种意义上可以说是美国《反海外腐败法》及其国际化的历史。

    The history of the formation and development of transnational commercial bribery law , in a sense , is the formation and its internationalization of the FCPA .

  22. 官员称,最近3年,《反海外腐败法》的案卷数量达到过去20年总量的3倍。

    The number of FCPA cases brought in the past three years is three times greater than the total in the previous 20 years , officials say .

  23. 在美国更严格执行《反海外腐败法》之际,西方企业正向新兴市场扩张,在新兴市场,官员们的薪资往往较低,而赠送礼物是文化的一部分。

    The more rigorous enforcement comes as western companies expand into emerging markets , where officials are often poorly paid and gift giving is part of the culture .

  24. 美国俄亥俄州北区地方法院的检察官史蒂文·德代巴切表示,迪堡公司此种行为持续了五年多的时间,这已违反了《反海外腐败法》。

    US attorney Steven M. Dettelbach of the northern district of Ohio , says it 's actions carried out over a five-year period , violated the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act .

  25. 由于外国子公司在跨国商业贿赂中所起的重要作用,跨国公司母公司对子公司的作为或不作为承担《反海外腐败法》下相应的法律责任。

    As foreign subsidiaries of transnational companies have played an important role in the overseas bribery , its parent company will be responsible for the activity or omission of the subsidiaries under FCPA .

  26. 分别介绍了美国《反海外腐败法》、各个全球或区域国际公约、国际软法文件以及一些国家打击跨国腐败行为的法律。

    It introduced some anti-corruption laws such as American Foreign Corrupt Practices Act , global or regional conventions , international soft laws , and some regulations against transnational corruption activities in some counties .

  27. 据熟悉调查的知情人士说,要证实企业违反了《反海外腐败法》,调查人员必须找到确凿的证据,证明招聘某位员工与企业获得一项新合同或者新收入存在关联。

    To prove an FCPA violation , investigators must find clear evidence linking the recruitment of an employee to winning a new contract or generating increased revenue , according to people familiar with the probes .

  28. 我们应当借鉴《反海外腐败法》的成功经验,完善相关的贿赂条款、加强公司内部的治理责任,借助多样化制裁方法,科学有效地治理商业贿赂。

    We should make reference to the successful experience of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act , improve the relative regulations against bribery , strengthen the internal-control responsibility of the corporations , and adopt multiform sanction methods to strike down commercial bribery in a scientific and effective way .

  29. 作为史赛克公司的员工,无论您是哪国公民,也无论您在哪个国家工作,您都必须遵守《反海外腐败行为法》的规定。

    Regardless of your citizenship or the country in which you work , as a Stryker employee , you are subject to the FCPA .

  30. 据BBC报道,如果最近的指控属实,那么,这家公司可能已经违反了英国《反贿赂法》(UKBriberyAct)和美国《反海外腐败法》(USForeignCorruptPracticesAct)。

    If the latest allegations prove true , the company may have violated the UK Bribery Act and the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act , according to the BBC .