
  • 网络Antitrust;monopoly;Anti-monopoly;anti-trust;anti trust
  1. 陪审团裁决全国橄榄球联盟触犯了反垄断法。

    The jury found that the NFL had violated antitrust laws .

  2. 数据的这种性质使得过去的反垄断措施不再那么有用。

    This nature of data makes the antitrust measures of the past less useful .

  3. 经济全球化进程的加快要求我国健全经济法制,尽快制定反垄断法,对竞争领域的有关问题做出规定。

    The acceleration of economic globalization requires the formulation of the anti-monopoly law and regulations of competition .

  4. 首先,反垄断当局需要从工业时代进入21世纪。

    The first is that antitrust authorities need to move form the industrial age into the 21st century .

  5. 在信息时代重启反垄断并非易事,但如果政府不想让数据被少数几家巨头垄断,就必须尽快采取行动。

    Restarting antitrust for the information age will not be easy But if govemments don 't wants a data oconomy by a few giants , they must act soon .

  6. 违反有关反垄断的法律、行政法规的规定实施垄断行为

    Activity that concern monopolization and behave against anti-monopolization law and regulations .

  7. 因此,对于建立在哈佛学派SCP模型基础上的传统反垄断法必须进行创新。

    So , must carry on innovation to the traditional antimonopoly law based oa school SCP model of Harvard .

  8. 在ICT产业,保护技术创新就是在保护竞争,通过技术创新带动其他反垄断政策目标的实现,并有效地平抑知识产权法和反垄断法之间的冲突。

    In the ICT industry , protection of technological innovation is to protect competition . Technological innovation can make other antitrust policy objectives come true . It can also effectively stabilize the conflict between intellectual property law and antitrust law . 4 .

  9. 美国芯片制造商高通(Qualcomm)周一同意支付创纪录的9.75亿美元罚款,以了结中国政府提出的有关该公司违反中国反垄断法的指控,从而结束了长达两年的专利争端,并帮助高通股价在盘后交易中上涨3%。

    Qualcomm on Monday agreed to pay a record $ 975m fine to settle allegations by Chinese authorities that it violated the country 's anti-monopoly law , ending a two-year patents fight and helping send its shares up 3 per cent in after-market trading .

  10. 国际反垄断政策协调的可行途径比较分析

    An Analysis of the Competing Ways Towards International Antitrust Policy Coordination

  11. 规制效率、反垄断法与行政垄断行业改革

    Regulation Efficiency , Anti-Monopoly Law and Reform of Administrative Monopoly Industries

  12. 市场经济条件下的垄断与反垄断问题研究

    Study oon the Monopoly and Anti-monopoly under the Market Economy Conditions

  13. 论外资并购的反垄断法规制

    On the Regulation of Anti-trust Law in Foreign Funds ' Incorporation

  14. 论市场中介组织的《反垄断法》规制

    On the Market Intermediary Organizations " Anti-monopoly Law " Regulation

  15. 对知识产权滥用实行反垄断规制;

    Regulation of anti-monopoly of the abuse of intellectual property ;

  16. 独占交易的经济分析与反垄断政策

    The Economic Analysis of Exclusive Dealing and Its Antitrust Policy

  17. 第四章比较了中日韩三国反垄断法的具体条文。

    The forth chapter compare specifically the antitrust laws of three countries .

  18. 从制度层面上说,美、欧和加拿大等国也将竞争法等同于反垄断法。

    America , Canada and European think competition law as anti-monopolization law .

  19. 论对自然垄断行业的反垄断规制

    On the Anti - Monopoly Regulation to Natural Monopolized Industry

  20. 美国反垄断立法的普通法基础

    On Common Law Basis of Antimonopoly Law Legislation of America

  21. 公用企业的政府管制和反垄断问题

    On Government Regulation & Anti - monopoly of Public Enterprises

  22. 加快制定有中国特色的反垄断法

    On Drawing up an Law of Anti-monopoly with Chinese Characteristics

  23. 反垄断法的终极目的及其司法保障

    The Ultimate Aim of Antitrust Law and its Judicial Protection

  24. 论反垄断法实施体制运作的推动力量

    The Impetus to the Operation of an Anti-monopoly Implementing Regime

  25. 行业协会反垄断法规制的法律思考

    Legal Thinking About Anti-Monopoly Rules And Regulations Of Trade Association

  26. 论政策的灵活性&关于并购的反垄断控制

    On flexibility of policies-about anti-trust control on M & A

  27. 论反垄断法制裁手段及其范围

    On sanctions and their scope of anti - monopoly law

  28. 外资并购的反垄断规制研究

    Anti - trust System of Foreign Capital M & A

  29. 这些经济学研究促进了反垄断法不断调整和改善。

    These economic studies promote the anti-monopoly law to constantly adjust and improve .

  30. 谷歌否认自己违反了反垄断规则。

    Google denies that it is breaching antitrust rules .