
fǎn tōnɡ huò pénɡ zhànɡ
  • anti-inflation
  1. 反通货膨胀政策的变迁及近期政策选择

    The Changes of Anti-inflation Policy and the Choice of Recent Policy

  2. 他们1968年上台同时端出了一套强硬的反通货膨胀方案。

    They came to power in1968 with a strong anti-inflation programme .

  3. 他的反通货膨胀法案相对于那些不怎么让委员会满意的提案来说倒是一个有效的平衡。

    His no-inflation bill serves as a useful counterweight to proposals less acceptable to the Committee .

  4. 更严格的控制将有助于反通货膨胀的斗争。

    Stricter controls will help in the fight against inflation .

  5. 这带给我们20年的反通货膨胀。

    This gave us the twin decades of disinflation .

  6. 固定汇率制:并非低成本的反通货膨胀措施

    Fixed Exchange Rate System : A costly disinflation measure

  7. 推动人们从节俭转向举债的反通货膨胀力量已经消失。

    The disinflationary forces that drove the switch from thrift to leverage are over .

  8. 从德国反通货膨胀的经历中看欧洲中央银行的独立性

    The Independence of ECB Reflected from the Suffering Experiences of u nti-inflation in Germany

  9. 巴西的通货膨胀与反通货膨胀经验

    Inflation and anti - inflation in Brazil

  10. 准确地测度通货膨胀是认识一般价格水平的变化状况和制定反通货膨胀政策措施的基础。

    Understanding inflation and designing policy measures against inflation is based on precisely measuring inflation .

  11. 反通货膨胀手段的经济计量分析

    An Econometric Analysis of Anti-Inflation Means

  12. 在1980-82年期间,尽管失业率高,但是反通货膨胀的战略始终没有放弃。

    Despite high levels of unemployment , anti-inflationary strategies were maintained throughout the recession of 1980-82 .

  13. 美国向通货膨胀的长期转变扭转了二十年来的反通货膨胀政策。

    A secular shift to inflation in the US , reversing two decades of disinflationary policy .

  14. 实行反通货膨胀政策

    Slap on an anti-inflation policy

  15. 与此同时,无论是以实际还是名义价值衡量,反通货膨胀都令借贷成本更低廉。

    At the same time , disinflation makes it cheaper to borrow in both real and nominal terms .

  16. 在第二次世界大战之后的年代里,物价管制被用作反通货膨胀政策的一部分。

    In the post World War II era price controls have been used as part of anti-inflationary policy .

  17. 回顾和总结这一历史过程,对于今后科学合理的运用财政政策反通货膨胀,提高财政政策的宏观调控效果具有重要意义。

    Reviewing this historical course is great significant for anti-inflation by scientific financial policy and improving macro adjustment and control .

  18. 反通货膨胀的本意是反对货币价值下降,但他们一直把货币价格与货币价值混为一谈。

    The original idea of anti-inflation is opposing the reduction of currency value , but the school confuses currency price with currency value .

  19. 具体说来,以1997年作为分界线,之前主要是以反通货膨胀为目标,表现出抑制需求的特征;

    Concretely , the watershed was 1997 . Before that year , the policy , characterized by efforts to restrain demand , was aimed at controlling inflation .

  20. 此前因价值价格混淆而催生的将货币价格等同于货币价值的计划体制以及庞大的反通货膨胀学派,也因此寿终正寝。

    This theory has ended the enormous anti-inflation school and has ended the previous planned system on currency price equaling to currency value due to confusion of price and value .

  21. 反通货膨胀的对策主要有:严格控制货币发行量、减少巨额财政赤字、提高劳动生产力和投资效率、充分重视农业、由政府调控物价等。

    The anti-inflation measures include strictly control of currency issuing amount , the reduction of large amount of financial deficit , the increase of labor productivity and the improvement of investment efficiency , strengthening the agriculture , control of prices by goverments .

  22. 本论文研究的中心是不确定性理论在通货膨胀中的应用问题,立足于经济行为人的预期不确定性,分析现时期的通货膨胀,建立反通货膨胀目标模型,为政府控制通货膨胀提出政策建议。

    The focus of this paper is to study incertitude theory 's application in inflation research , analyze the inflation of the contemporary era based on people 's incertitude of expectation , establish anti-inflation target model , put forward policy advice for the government to restrict inflation .