
  • 网络inflation risk;Inflating Risk
  1. 用于规避通货膨胀风险的商品指数合约定价及其应用

    Constructing the Commodity Index Contract in order to Evade the Inflation Risk

  2. 财政赤字的通货膨胀风险&理论诠释与中国的实证分析

    The Inflation Risk of Financial Deficit : Theoretic Explanation and Empirical Analysis of China

  3. 不过来自高盛的HelenQiao和YuSong表示导致通货膨胀风险上涨的并不仅仅是食品价格:中国的经济开始超越了它应有的时速限制。

    But Helen Qiao and Yu Song at Goldman Sachs argue that it is not just food prices that risk pushing up inflation : the economy is starting to exceed its speed limit .

  4. 目前我国国内CPI大幅攀升,通货膨胀风险加剧,因此这一研究还具有重要的现实意义。

    At present , CPI is rising greatly in our country and the risk of inflation sharpens . Therefore , the study will be of great practical significance .

  5. 能帮助你降低收入对抗通货膨胀风险的储蓄计划。

    A savings plan that can help buffer your earnings against inflation .

  6. 试析通货膨胀风险对投资项目资金收益的影响

    Analysis of the impact of currency risk on captial profits of investment projects

  7. 投资者经常通过购买黄金来对冲经济形势不明朗和通货膨胀风险。

    Investors often buy gold as a hedge against economic uncertainty and inflation .

  8. 委员会判断,通货膨胀风险依然存在。

    The Committee judges that some inflation risks remain .

  9. 导致折现率变动的因素主要包括利率风险和通货膨胀风险;

    The existence of discount rate risk is the result of the inflation risk and risk of interest rate mainly .

  10. 本文希望通过实证研究考察中国股票市场是否具有规避通货膨胀风险的功能。

    This paper aims to examine whether the stock market can avoid the inflation risk in China through empirical research .

  11. 由于通货膨胀风险的存在,投资项目的预期收益会发生改变,从而产生投资项目的资金风险。

    Because currency inflation risk exists , the desired profits of investment projects will be changed , and lead to capital risk of investment projects .

  12. 然后用同样的方法对中国市场数据分析了基于通货膨胀风险的资产定价模型,并以递归效用函数的资产定价模型和基本的消费资产定价模型为参照。

    Then the asset pricing model under inflation risk is tested , comparing with the asset pricing model under recursive utility function and basic consumption asset pricing .

  13. 与此同时,热钱流入和维持低利率的时间越长,潜在的通货膨胀风险也就越大。

    The longer that the torrent of hot money continues and interest rates remain too low , the bigger the risk that underlying inflation will creep up .

  14. 此模型的创新点在于,它充分考虑了需求风险、供应风险、通货膨胀风险、利率风险、汇率风险对收益率的影响以至于对价格的影响。

    The innovation of the model is that it considers sufficiently the risk of demand providing inflation interest rate and exchange rate works on income rate and price .

  15. 内部风险包括数据风险、评估方法风险、理赔政策变化风险以及管理风险等;外部风险包括通货膨胀风险和其他宏观因素风险。

    Internal risks include risk data , risk assessment , Claims policy risks and risk management ; external risks include the risk of inflation and other macroeconomic factors .

  16. 由于商品价格急剧下跌,主要消费价格似乎见了顶,通货膨胀风险得到暂时化解,特别是在强势富裕经济体系疲惫、压力重重的境况之中。

    Thanks to the sharp fall in commodity prices , headline consumer prices seem to have peaked and the immediate inflation risk has abated , particularly in weak and financially stressed rich economies .

  17. 该方案在5月份欧元区债务危机最危急的时刻启动,在德国引起了争议,德国央行行长埃克塞尔韦伯(axelweber)警告,该方案有引发通货膨胀的风险。

    Launched in May at the height of the eurozone debt crisis , the programme is controversial in Germany , where Axel Weber , Bundesbank president , warned it risks igniting inflation .

  18. 放的太多,会有被盗或遭遇通货膨胀的风险。

    Too much and you will suffer from theft or inflation .

  19. 英国和瑞典中央银行降息幅度更加大胆。欧洲央行行长特里谢说,欧洲萧条的经济现状使得低利率引发通货膨胀的风险大为降低。

    Central banks in Britain and Sweden cut interest rates even more aggressively .

  20. 为了规避经济崩溃的风险,美联储宁愿冒着通货膨胀的风险也要保住资产市场的价格。

    Thus , the Fed preferred to protect capital market from downing in spite of inflation risk .

  21. 通常,中央银行用提高利率的方法来冷却过热的经济或消除通货膨胀的风险。

    Usually , central banks raise interest rates to cool economies and head off the risk of price .

  22. 现在由于通货膨胀的风险很小,银行还是采用宽松银根的政策。

    For now , the bank is following a policy of easy money because there is little risk of inflation .

  23. 欧洲央行行长特里谢说,欧洲萧条的经济现状使得低利率引发通货膨胀的风险大为降低。

    ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet says Europe 's anemic economic performance has greatly reduced any risk that lower interest rates will kindle inflation .

  24. 马来西亚的中央银行将基准利率保持在3.5%,但是如果有更高的通货膨胀的风险的话,还会采取措施的。

    Malaysia 's central bank kept its benchmark interest rate at3.5 % , but said it would act if the risks of higher inflation grew .

  25. 假设这样做基本没什么通货膨胀的风险,中央银行需被强制采取措施以达到政府的海外救助款项所设定的一个限度。

    Provided it saw little inflation risk from doing so , the central bank would be mandated to match the government 's overseas aid payments up to a certain limit .

  26. 在利用净现值进行投资决策分析时要考虑货币的时间价值,而货币的时间价值是在没有通货膨胀和风险条件下的社会平均资金利润率。

    In the analysis of investment policy by NPV , one important factor is the time value of currency , which is the average social fund profit margin without considering inflation and risks ;

  27. 同时为了应对通货膨胀的风险,央行推行紧缩的货币政策使商业银行的贷款大幅度减少,许多企业由于资金周转问题逐步陷入困境。

    And in response to the risk of inflation , the central bank carry out tighten monetary policy to make a substantial reduction in commercial bank loans that cause many cash flow problems in trouble of companies step by step .

  28. 但是从长期来看,只有通过调整经济结构,转变增长方式,同时实行适当的财政与货币政策,才能最大程度地降低通货膨胀的风险,保证经济又好又快的发展。

    However , in the long run , only through adjusting economic structure , transiting increase mode , and with proper fiscal and finance policies , can we reduce the inflation risk to the lowest extent , and ensure a sound and rapid economic growth .

  29. 从今年5月份开始,由于M1增速加快,M1/M2开始上扬,通货膨胀加剧的风险可能会增加,经济增长从过快转向过热的几率将会大幅度增加。

    From the beginning of May in this yar , due to the speed of growth of Ml becomes faster , M1 / M2 begins to rise . The risk of acceleration of inflation will increase . The probability of rapid economic growth changing to overheated economy will substantially increase .

  30. 日本央行发表声明,称国内需求将持续走软,经济增长衰退的趋势和通货膨胀加剧的风险都将持续存在。

    The BoJ stated domestic demand could soften further and both downside risks to growth and upside risk to inflation remain intact .