
  1. 由于猖獗的国际洗钱活动,各国都认识到了反洗钱国际合作的重要性。

    Because of rampant international money laundering , countries recognized the importance of international cooperation against money-laundering .

  2. 2007年,国际金融行动特别工作组接纳我国成为其正式成员,标志着我国和国际社会开始开展更为紧密的反洗钱国际合作。

    In 2007 , international financial action task force accept our country becomes a full member , China marked the international society and start closer anti-money laundering international cooperation .

  3. 第二部分分析和研究了反洗钱的国际合作机制。

    The second part of analysis and study the mechanisms of international cooperation in anti-money-laundering .

  4. 这是国际社会特别重视反洗钱活动国际合作的重要出发点,也是本文研究的重要的推动力。

    This is not only the reason why the international society pays much attention to the international cooperation in anti-money laundering , but also the impetus for this paper .

  5. 在反洗钱的国际司法合作方面,从行政合作、警务合作、刑事司法协助和引渡制度四点阐述国家间司法合作的成果。

    In the part of international judicial cooperation , the achievement of judicial cooperation are introduced from the four aspects of cross-border cooperation , government cooperation , police cooperation , judicial assistance in criminal and extradition system .

  6. 反洗钱机制中的国际合作

    International Cooperation in Anti money - laundering Mechanism

  7. 第三章考察了国际社会关于反洗钱的立法和实践。本章从反洗钱国际公约、跨国反洗钱示范法、反洗钱国际组织以及合作方式四个角度对反洗钱国际合作工作进行了介绍。

    The third chapter observed the international legislation and practice of the work of anti-money laundering . It introduced the international cooperation in fighting against money laundering from the angles of international convention , model law , and institution and cooperation forms .