
  1. 自然垄断的规制改革与反垄断法适用除外的科学构建

    Reform Natural Monopolied Occupation & Build System of Exemption from Application of Anti-monopoly Law

  2. 反垄断法适用除外制度的原理探微

    The Discussion on The Theory of The System of Exemption From The Anti-monopoly Law

  3. 在程序上,要建立反垄断法适用除外或豁免的审批制度。

    In procedure , China should establish the examination and approval system for antitrust exemption .

  4. 反垄断法适用除外制度作为反垄断法的一项基本制度,在各国反垄断立法中都有规定。

    The exemption system is one of the basic systems of anti - monopoly law .

  5. 本文是对反垄断法适用除外制度的一次系统论述。

    The thesis makes a systematic study of the system of exemption from the Anti-monopoly law .

  6. 做到实体法律体系和程序法制度的相互配合,以期建立一套适应我国经济发展的反垄断法适用除外制度。

    Do entity legal system and procedural law system of mutual cooperation , aiming to establish a set of adapt to the economic development of China antitrust law suitable exception system .

  7. 本部分分别从经济学与法学两个角度去分析科技进步卡特尔的合理性,是什么样的原因使科技进步卡特尔为反垄断法适用除外制度所规定。

    This section , respectively , both from the perspective of economics and law to analyze the rationality of science and technology cartels is what makes science and technology system of cartels , exemption required by applicable antitrust laws .

  8. 知识产权是法律赋予的合法垄断权,一般是作为反垄断法的适用除外存在的。

    Intellectual Property right is a legitimate monopoly .

  9. 第三,参考有关国家的相关经验,结合国情,建立我国保险业的反垄断法的适用除外制度。

    Thirdly , establish the system of exception of application of the antimonopoly law in the insurance industry of China by making reference to related experience of some countries , together with the present situation of China .

  10. 第一部分结合电信业的实际,通过对自然垄断学说的分析,得出电信业不应作为反垄断法适用的除外领域的结论。

    Part I analyzes the theory of so-called natural monopoly according to the realities of telecom industry , and comes to a conclusion that there is no reason for this field to stay beyond the regulating of antimonopoly law .

  11. 但是知识产权由于自身独占和排他性特征,是作为反垄断法的适用除外而存在的,是合法的垄断权,所以专利联营也并不当然违反反垄断法。

    However , since the intellectual property exists outside the scope of application of the anti-monopoly law and ranks among the legal monopoly rights because of its monopolization , exclusiveness and other characteristics , the patent pool certainly does not violate the anti-monopoly law .

  12. 如果是合法行使权利的行为,就属于反垄断法的适用除外;如果是权利滥用行为,则应进一步分析该行为是否违反反垄断法,决定是否给予反垄断法豁免。

    If it is the legitimate exercise of rights , it is not subject to antimonopoly law , except from the appliance of antimonopoly regulation . If it is the abuse of rights , it should be analyzed whether the behavior is in violation of antimonopoly law .

  13. 传统理论认为电信业属于典型的自然垄断行业,因此政府对电信行业严格管制,反垄断法对其适用除外。

    According to conventional economics theories , the telecom industry was believed to be a typical industry of natural monopoly . Most of the Countries in the world run their telecom industry in form of monopoly and rigid control , except being suitable of antimonopoly law .

  14. 论反垄断法的保险业适用除外制度

    Study on Insurance Industry Exemption of Antitrust Law

  15. 国外的《反垄断法》都有适用除外制度,即基于社会整体利益,在某些特定行业或领域中允许垄断组织和垄断行为存在,中国的立法也不能例外。

    Chinese scholars often regard legal monopoly , exception and exemption as synonyms and refer to them as a monopolistic conduct which is not banned by the anti-monopoly act .

  16. 纵观世界各国反垄断法实践,反垄断法适用除外制度的程序控制模式主要有事先核准与事后审查结合模式以及事后审查主导模式两种。

    Review world each country anti-monopoly law practice , anti-monopoly suitable exception system of procedure control pattern mainly have prior approval and later review combined with pattern and afterwards review the dominant model two kinds .

  17. 我国反垄断法应该采取行为主义的垄断规制模式,这种模式决定了我国反垄断法适用除外制度的立法内容只能有特殊卡特尔和非滥用性政府干预行为,但法律模式却应当是多样的。

    Antimonopoly law of our country should adopt the structure mode of behaviorism . This mode determine that the content of the system of exceptional application of antimonopoly law only includes special carter and in-abusive interference behavior of government , but the legislative form must be various .

  18. 因此在对待专利权制度与反垄断法制度二者的关系上,行使专利权的行为一般被视为反垄断法的适用除外情形。

    So when handling the relationship between the patent system and the antitrust regime , generally , the exercise of patent rights is except for the application of the Antitrust Law .