
  1. 关于反垄断法域外效力的几点思考

    Reflections on Extraterritorial Effect of Antimonopoly Law

  2. 主要总结笔者对于反垄断法域外效力的总体看法。

    The author summed up the overall view on the law extraterritorial effect of anti-monopoly .

  3. 反垄断法域外效力的理论和实践均起源于美国。

    Both the theories and the practices on the exterritorial effect of anti-monopoly law originated from the America .

  4. 而欧洲法院倾向于采用履行地原则和单一经济实体原则,对后果原则虽不明确否认,但对其适用持谨慎的态度,不愿公开将后果原则作为欧盟反垄断法域外效力的法律基础。

    However , the EU courts prefer the performing place doctrine and the single entity doctrine and are chary of the effect doctrine although they never deny it explicitly .

  5. WTO与反垄断法的域外效力&兼谈我国现状及对策

    WTO and Anti - Monopolization

  6. 反垄断法的域外效力与适用刍议

    Discussion on Application outside the Country in the Antimonopoly Law

  7. 论保险代位权的效力反垄断法的域外效力与适用刍议

    ON the Enforcement of Insurance Subrogation Discussion on Application outside the Country in the Antimonopoly Law

  8. 所谓反垄断法的域外效力,是指作为国内法的反垄断法适用于该国主权范围之外的情况。

    When it comes to the exterritorial effect of antimonopoly law , it means that a native anti-monopoly law can be effective beyond the territory .

  9. 而随着经济全球化和一体化的发展,在经济组织滥用市场优势地位限制竞争的情况下,各国为了维护本国利益,纷纷突破传统的管辖范围,主张本国反垄断法的域外效力。

    But with the development of the economic globalization and integration , many economy organizations are abusing the market advantage position to limit competition . Countries are breaking the traditional rule and claiming the application outside the country in order to protect benefit .